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A Bhakt caught his wife in an affair and decided to kill her and himself. He put a gun to his head, looked at his wife and said : “Don't laugh, you bitch...you are next!”

It's really sad to see the way some of the senior and knowledgeable Indian members whom I really like have been regularly derailing every single Bangladesh related thread. Really unfortunate.

Sadly I haven't seen any of them in India vs China thread where Indian cities like Mumbai or Delhi was getting compared with Shanghai or other Chinese cities. I wonder why?

I don't mind criticism. But if every single thread gets derailed by nonsensical rant, it becomes tedious and boring.

No, not crying. Just stating that I expect better from u guys. In such a positive thread like this we r talking about all sorts of unrelated stupid things and throwing mud at each other.

Then again, perhaps this is the norm of this forum. After all i see every single thread about India to get flooded with piss drinking, rape and open defection related posts. U r just keeping up with the trend. Carry on my friend :-)

You seem like a nice kid neptune, I hope you stay with us on this forum...BD subforum surely needs nice people like you to balance the rotten bitter ones and those that are rotten and bitter back to them in response.

I was also very nice there at one point if you can believe it (I can even post you examples from back then) when I first got here, but same set of people there have shown their true colours time and time again and sewering their own topics from the start in all kinds of disgusting ways....they are not even giving a small chance for some genuine discussion to try take place. You can see for yourself yet again in the start of the thread you are posting this in:


Post number 2 itself, though the topic title has "India" in it so it was inevitable.

With this level of acrimony now, it will be tough to bring BD subforum back to how it was when I first got here, it was a lot lot better and people were much more forgiving and friendly on all sides. But lot of those good BD members were driven away from here by these same BD group think troublemakers still here causing this BS.

But people like you hopefully can help.... I advise you not to take my combat with the self declared BD guard/watch/posse over there too seriously....I like BD ppl in RL overall...it is pity they are not represented well over here. Maybe I expect if I bludgeon them enough, they will go away and the smarter nicer BD ppl can take their place....but so far mixed results only....but nice to see you have popped in all randomly out of the blue hehe just like Stitch, it gives me some hope. :D

@Joe Shearer @Gibbs
You seem like a nice kid neptune, I hope you stay with us on this forum...BD subforum surely needs nice people like you to balance the rotten bitter ones and those that are rotten and bitter back to them in response.

I was also very nice there at one point if you can believe it (I can even post you examples from back then) when I first got here, but same set of people there have shown their true colours time and time again and sewering their own topics from the start in all kinds of disgusting ways....they are not even giving a small chance for some genuine discussion to try take place. You can see for yourself yet again in the start of the thread you are posting this in:


Post number 2 itself, though the topic title has "India" in it so it was inevitable.

With this level of acrimony now, it will be tough to bring BD subforum back to how it was when I first got here, it was a lot lot better and people were much more forgiving and friendly on all sides. But lot of those good BD members were driven away from here by these same BD group think troublemakers still here causing this BS.

But people like you hopefully can help.... I advise you not to take my combat with the self declared BD guard/watch/posse over there too seriously....I like BD ppl in RL overall...it is pity they are not represented well over here. Maybe I expect if I bludgeon them enough, they will go away and the smarter nicer BD ppl can take their place....but so far mixed results only....but nice to see you have popped in all randomly out of the blue hehe just like Stitch, it gives me some hope. :D

@Joe Shearer @Gibbs

I wonder if Neptune even guesses who you are; maybe the skulls draped around your neck will give you away. Or the buffalo that carries you around from thread to thread.

Now may I leave unharmed? Please?
I wonder if Neptune even guesses who you are; maybe the skulls draped around your neck will give you away. Or the buffalo that carries you around from thread to thread.

Now may I leave unharmed? Please?

Well he seems to like a lot of what I have to say when I am in gentler pacified mode hehe. Your imagery made me chuckle though. I just want more diverse crowd there in the forum, the new promising ones must be nurtured and encouraged. The great destroyers in our cultural Pantheon are never truly destruction only, there is creation as well...one cannot exist without the other right?

Of course you shall be unharmed Joe (and to tag me if you feel like thats the case with whoever), you attempted nothing nasty to me ever (one of very few that I disagree with on various things that I can say that about), I have only enjoyed our interaction and learned much from it.... you have your foibles and I have mine, and we both recognise to let those be. I wish I could have a good face to face talk with lot of these folks here that now are across some bitter divide, internet is not a great place for these kind of conversations, the cues and red flags are mostly ignored and missed when people reach a foul mood....unlike what we have grown accustomed as a emotional perceptive species over millenia outside of this.
Bengali language should be banned on PDF.
No one understands that script and who knows what the hell they are on about in their mausli saawal lingo

Why do u get upset so easily? Its not good for health u know. :enjoy:

Furthermore, its a beautiful language. Give it a try, u'll fall in love with it :P
Fallout. Is there more
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