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What would Pakistan's response be if Israel was to attack iran?

Israel would not dare attack Iran or Pakistan. But if they did Pakistan would assist Iran in every way they can that's for sure.
As far I know, Israel persuaded India a lot to attack Pakistan in 80's but India didn't gathered courage to confront General Zia ul Haque Shaheed.
This also reflects that technically Israel need a launch pad in one of neighboring states of Iran, without that no military adventure is possible, other than nuking Tehran, for which Iran has forged protection deal with US aka 'shaitan bazurg'.
Did China was fighting with your side when Pakistan faught war with you?
Did any Muslim nation was fighting your war when you are loosing BD??? Again, this is not only applicable for Isreal Iran war, but in general, why the Pakistan people in this foroum are so prone to jump into someone elses war...????Sounds crazy...
You dont help human that is your forte Pakistan helps their friends but if their friends prefer india then we refer them to india now quit being ignorant of the facts
Thanks guys but the distance between Israel and Pakistan is too much . more than 3000 km .:crazy_pilot: And Iran doesn't expect any part to fight for us. It's just about national interests . However I know that Pakistan is our friend and you guys have good heart but every country should be able to defend independently . Anyway with the nuclear deal such thing not gonna happen anytime soon .:meeting:

.آئی ایگری ود یو
Israel doesn't dare to invade Gaza from ground or begin a war against Hezbollah! let alone begin war against 80 million Iran!!!

57% of Pakistanis love Iran. 1-2 million of them live in Iran I've met some of them.
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India would take a principled stand.
India does not take sides in a bilateral matter between two nations.
India does not appreciate any attack or aggression on a sovereign nation.
India will work towards establishing peace in the neighbouring region.
You mean India will totally and outrageously be POLITICAL in its stance!
When two people fight you dont join the fight. India wont do that but would act pragmatically. India would not generally support Israel. From national interests perspective Iran is way too important for India plus India stands against Israel on the issue of Palestine, the reason why India did not have any relations with Israel for decades and Indian PMs still avoid visiting that country. Recognizing Israel was a need of changing global scenario and the kargil war in late 90s brought Israel closer to India and ever since the defence cooperation between the two nations have been growing. Israel suffer from existential threat and they are scared of only Iran and to some extent pakistan's nukes. They even tried India's help to destroy pakistan's nuclear installations but India does not approve such actions.

Iran is a nation with a mind of her own. They have directly confronted the world's most powerful country, the USA. They have the biggest and strongest navy in the entire region. They dont think twice before firing inside another country that is supposedly a nuclear power. They have a military to take on any country in their vicinity. They have survived US led sanctions. They have developed their own nuclear and space technology. My reason of mentioning all these is that they dont need any support from anyone. India may not give them defence support (they dont need either) but will not hesitate from providing logistics, humanitarian and moral support to Iran in case of any eventuality. India will resist any pressure that will stop her from doing so.

Coming to Israel, India may abstain from condemning Israel in the UN, depending on the level of embarrassment it creates for India. India may continue with defence and technical cooperation as it will be in the interest of both the nations. This is as per my understanding what India will do. However, I am surprized at pakistani posters here that they are not clearly coming out in favour of Iran. since they have no relations with Israel and consider zionists as their enemy, they dont have any other option but to support Iran. But strange.... what is holding you guys?
Iran is a friendly neighbour and brother Islamic country,
however, in the absence of some sort of defence pact, I don't think Pakistan would do much.

We can however support them at the UN and all international forums as much as we can.

Any such attack if at all undertaken, will mean that Pakistan will also be under extreme threat from our east side, which obviously has support from Israel.
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