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What would Pakistan's response be if Israel was to attack iran?

I don't think Pakistan will just be a silent observer. Israel in past has threatened to attack Pakistan's nuclear facilities and Israel attacking Iran would seriously jeopardize the security environment, which would have repercussions extending up to Pakistan.

Than why do wait for Israel to attack Iran? Go outright and destroy Israel.
Pakistan's response would be to make sure that the Israelis don't get any funny ideas about taking liberties further East.

I've heard pakistan has huge shale reserves? Watch out Uncle Sam might have some democracy coming...
what would India do? cuz Iran is more closer to India
India would take a principled stand.
India does not take sides in a bilateral matter between two nations.
India does not appreciate any attack or aggression on a sovereign nation.
India will work towards establishing peace in the neighbouring region.
Thanks guys but the distance between Israel and Pakistan is too much . more than 3000 km .:crazy_pilot: And Iran doesn't expect any part to fight for us. It's just about national interests . However I know that Pakistan is our friend and you guys have good heart but every country should be able to defend independently . Anyway with the nuclear deal such thing not gonna happen anytime soon .:meeting:
Pakistan should establish Independent foreign policy, stay out of any or all conflicts, that directly or indirectly has nothing to do with her.
Pakistan surely will host refugees from Iran.
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Thanks guys but the distance between Israel and Pakistan is too much . more than 3000 km .:crazy_pilot: And Iran doesn't expect any part to fight for us. It's just about national interests . However I know that Pakistan is our friend and you guys have good heart but every country should be able to defend independently . Anyway with the nuclear deal such thing not gonna happen anytime soon .:meeting:

Israel would not dare attack Iran or Pakistan. But if they did Pakistan would assist Iran in every way they can that's for sure.
Thanks guys but the distance between Israel and Pakistan is too much . more than 3000 km .:crazy_pilot: And Iran doesn't expect any part to fight for us. It's just about national interests . However I know that Pakistan is our friend and you guys have good heart but every country should be able to defend independently . Anyway with the nuclear deal such thing not gonna happen anytime soon .:meeting:
In my opinion Pakistan will provide behind the scenes help, armory, and provided needs, we won't stay idle, that is a for sure.
Quite stupid responses from some Pakistani members. I don't think Israel will be attacking Iran, too risky. If they do so, we won't stay idle, we will help in anyway we can.
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Israel would not dare attack Iran or Pakistan. But if they did Pakistan would assist Iran in every way they can that's for sure.
Thanks bro . Pakistan and Iran were always good friends .
From Wikipedia :
The Indian government believed that Iran had blatantly favored Pakistan.[1] After the suspension of United States military aid to Pakistan, Iran was reported to have purchased ninety Sabre jet fighter planes from West Germany, and to have sent them on to Pakistan.[1]

Iran–Pakistan relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In my opinion Pakistan will provide behind the scenes help, armory, and provided needs, we won't stay idol, that is a for sure.
I don't think Israel will be attacking Iran, too risky. If they do so, we won't stay idol, we will help in anyway we can.
Agreed bro .

Hope to see the pipeline project completed as soon as possible
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In my opinion Pakistan will provide behind the scenes help, armory, and provided needs, we won't stay idol, that is a for sure.
Quite stupid responses from some Pakistani members. I don't think Israel will be attacking Iran, too risky. If they do so, we won't stay idol, we will help in anyway we can.

Perhaps you mean 'idle'

I believe your remarks stand tall among the stupid remarks.
Kindly, tell us who will fund armory and aid to Iran Revolution Guards?
I don't mind hosting Iranian refugees, because after Israeli attack Iranian revolution guards, may no longer exist and Iran would surely become humanitarian calamity.
Perhaps you mean 'idle'
yes, will edit.
Kindly, tell us who will fund armory and aid to Iran Revolution Guards?
Even in a hypothetical scenario Israel wouldn't attack Iran, and for what reason. Even in future it does happen i think Pakistan will provide Iran with whatever help it can.
I don't mind hosting Iranian refugees, because after Israeli attack Iranian revolution guards, may no longer exist and Iran would surely become humanitarian calamity.
Is possible. Let's hope we don't get to see such days.
Even in future it does happen i think Pakistan will provide Iran with whatever help it can.

Iran is a non aligned state, no chance of any military funding or support.
I also doubt that Pakistan have economy to extend any sort of military support to any country, on its own expenses.
Bravado aside, but realistically speaking support to Iranians will be limited to temporary humanitarian relief, as in case of Afghans, where partial relief came form US aid, which will not work in case of Iran refuges as US is 'shaitan bazurg' for them.
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