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What would Pakistan's response be if Israel was to attack iran?

Pakistan has never helped Iran. They are more loyal to Israel.

If we were truly against Iran we would've directly supported Saddam's war in the 1980s. We didn't and instead we supported Iran.

Israel are strong enemy for Iran and in Middle east no chanches for Arab states in Israels homeland.

400 bombs in nuclear arsenal for Israel is writen youtube military videos. More than China and Pakistan.

China have 300 bombs in nuclear arsenal.

France and Britain my enemies in western world have 200 bombs in arsenal.

N.Korea have 10 bombs only.

:usflag: :pakistan: :pakistan:
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You dont help human that is your forte Pakistan helps their friends but if their friends prefer india then we refer them to india now quit being ignorant of the facts

Helping a friend....Come on...help can be done in several ways...not just to go on war...This mindset of being on war forced you to be fighting useless war which was not entirely Pakistan war since 1980...And still then people are jusmping the gun from your sides if Iran is attacked which side of the war you take it..Of course..i am not discussing about taking sides in non military way...My point is on the military way, why Pakistan need to take sides...Any way leave it...its your country choice..
Helping a friend....Come on...help can be done in several ways...not just to go on war...
Topic is about war so why would I talk about helping friend in other areas?

This mindset of being on war forced you to be fighting useless war which was not entirely Pakistan war since 1980..
SO you telling me we have no border with Iran nor india...Dude any shit crossing your borders or theirs finds itself at our borders sooo we think in advance before anything falls into our borders we should know how to react!

And still then people are jusmping the gun from your sides if Iran is attacked which side of the war you take it..
Whose jumping? Reality is we would ask them to address india now isnt that what you should be doing after all you guys are buds ..

Of course..i am not discussing about taking sides in non military way...My point is on the military way, why Pakistan need to take sides...Any way leave it...its your country choice..
Why should we take sides? My post says we wont...We will ask them to seek india...

Damn man you cant even understand what you quoted? :o:
Just routine life , while we will grab some Nachos and chilled coke infront of TV watching live hellfire missiles

Ahh thats so cruel man .

You're gonna watch your brother die out here all alone ? please bro . please .

as the leader of muslim nations you've gotta do sth . after God our only hope is you guys .

i'm so sorry you feel that way . when american brothers were bombing the SHYTE outta your country we didn't just watch ! we were saddened too .

so please . be sad .

don't eat nachos . it makes you bloat
That has changed for now and the recent postures of our Government has proved that.

India abstains from UNHRC vote against Israel - The Hindu
Israel Thanks India for Abstaining on UNHRC Vote
Thats what I have mentioned. post kargil india has strengthened relations with Israel on the matters of defence and tackling terror. From having no diplomatic ties, the relations seem quite improved with Israel. But I dont see Indo Israel relations at the cost of Iran. Iran is 80 million vs 8 million israelis. Geo-politically Iran is key to India's access to central asia. While India is smart in not taking sides, Iran can serve greater indian interests than Israel.
Thats what I have mentioned. post kargil india has strengthened relations with Israel on the matters of defence and tackling terror. From having no diplomatic ties, the relations seem quite improved with Israel. But I dont see Indo Israel relations at the cost of Iran. Iran is 80 million vs 8 million israelis. Geo-politically Iran is key to India's access to central asia. While India is smart in not taking sides, Iran can serve greater indian interests than Israel.
Yes I've seen that and agree with you on that, but going by the present scenario, India under BJP rule will choose to keep mum in case of human right violations by Israel as they did recently. You may want to call it staying neutral but I believe we can still stay neutral while pointing out what is wrong.
First of all, Israel is never going to attack Iran.
And if Iran selects any trouble for herself then only mullah's slaves will go and rest wont give a $hit
chill out only . We are not responsible for any countries security but FO will issue some statements only . Thats all .
The same response we had when Israel bombed Iraqi nuclear facilities, or the same response Iran will have if someone attacks our nuclear facilities.

I've heard pakistan has huge shale reserves? Watch out Uncle Sam might have some democracy coming...
Democracy never comes to countries with nuclear weapons like North Korea, Russia and China.
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