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What would escalate war with Iran?

It is just a propaganda and idea to increase sales of weapons. No such incident shall happen, world's economy would be destroyed. End of story. No one needs to flex any muscles.

Exactly. This Iranian threat that is being mentioned in the Western media, has paved a way to sell huge arms contracts to various Arab countries. And besides that, the talks of war are just an instrument to pressure Iran to give up its nuclear program.
That is true. Costal batteries are a big threat to US vassels.. However what will Iran do against the LCS Independence which specialises at warfare in shallow waters like the Persian Gulf?
Yea, I don't know how Iran will survive the first phase of the war which will be take out all nuclear facilities and military bases.

Exactly. This Iranian threat that is being mentioned in the Western media, has paved a way to sell huge arms contracts to various Arab countries. And besides that, the talks of war are just an instrument to pressure Iran to give up its nuclear program.

How are you sure about this?

Because they are waiting doesn't mean they will not strike.
Because they are waiting doesn't mean they will not strike.

I'm not juste. Its just what I think is happening. The US can't afford a new large regional war. Not economically, nor military. And besides that, Russia and China are opposing such action.
I'm not juste. Its just what I think is happening. The US can't afford a new large regional war. Not economically, nor military. And besides that, Russia and China are opposing such action.
We don't know that. Economy will only temporary damaged in case of Iran war. U.S will probably first use air force to set back Iran 4 years in nuclear development. We are not sure if they will invade or not. It is up to Iranians what is going to happen.

But the key is that this war won't last very long, they will make sure of that, so nobody needs to worry.
We don't know that. Economy will only temporary damaged in case of Iran war. U.S will probably first use air force to set back Iran 4 years. We are not sure if they will invade or not. It is up to Iranians what is going to happen.

Set back Iran in which way? If Iran starts a total war, it would ruin US economy.
Set back Iran in which way?
Development of nuclear bombs. They will totally destroy their facilities. It will set them back 4 years I read.

After that they can look whether to invade or not.

If Iran starts a total war, it would ruin US economy.
No it won't. It will affect it but not ruin.
That pretty much debunk the argument that the US is 'trigger happy', ain't it? The decision to go to war is political but what I explained is technical. Regardless of when to go to war, when the US does it, no one else can come even half way close to what we can deliver on target. Your generals, despite their bluster for public consumption, knows better than to believe their own blather. The Iranian Air Force will be grounded. The Iranian Navy will be sunk. And the Iranian Army will be pounded into submission.

Man , Iran is not a super power but is certainly a super defender that has been prepared for such war in the last 4 decades . Unlike your generals that are proud of occupying Iraq or Afghanistan . Iranian generals have the experience of 8 year war with the whole world not just Iraq and fortunately they had open eye on your troops during your wars in the region and know how to do their job .

I don't say Iran can defeat the US but attacking Iran will be costly enough that bring your power in danger and remind your people Vietnam .

All these stuffs is just 1 side of the war . You should notice your holly ally (Israel) and it's citizens too . While they couldn't defend themselves against Hezbollah's unguided rockets they'll be in a tough time while Iran throwing whatever it has on them .

I myself don't like war cos I have some friends whose fathers were killed during Iran-Iraq war and know how painful it is .

Hope no war happen but if we are forced we do our duty for our people , country and belief like what our fathers did .
Let me share my Opinion

a) US war with Iran:- US will finish Iran army within a month in major combat operations just they did to Iraq in 2003, But If they choose to occupy Iran they have to face more casualties, Iran will wage asymmetric warfare against the US.

b) Israel war with Iran:- Israel very well knows its capabilities, So only airstrikes and missiles will be used. But Israel can carry out a war with airstrikes and missile strikes. But its impact has to be considered.

I think its just between Iran and the US .

Israel isn't counted , They'd better play with Hezbollah .
Exactly. This Iranian threat that is being mentioned in the Western media, has paved a way to sell huge arms contracts to various Arab countries. And besides that, the talks of war are just an instrument to pressure Iran to give up its nuclear program.

well , they already sell more than 320 billion dollars weapon to them .... in last week Britian sign a negation with Oman and agreed to sell 12 trainer jet to them with price of 2.5 billion dollar .....

I don't think an invasion will happen, they will probably strike and destroy nuclear facilities of Iran. They already know where they are. Based on how Iran responds they might invade Iran or maybe not. The main thing they will first try is, to stop Nuclear program of Iran to buy time for further action.


I found this in a newspaper, I don't know if it is correct. One thing is sure, Iran is surrounded, I don't know what kind of defense they are talking about. Iran will not be able to stop the bombing, nor an invasion.
Do you seriously think Iran will last long after the first shot has been fired?

The reason allies don't attack is not that they know they cannot finish Iranian army, no, it is because they need pretext and clear signs Iran is producing nukes so that they can justify an attack. U.S has said, when we see clear signs that they are making nukes, they have 2 months to destroy the facilities, which will set Iran back 4 years. After that they might chose to invade and occupy or not. That is a subject of debate.
which facility , Fordoo ?
well even uncle SAM can't touch that unless they use nukes.

by the way how come they didn't need such concrete signs to attack Iraq
which facility , Fordoo ?
See picture above for key facilities.

well even uncle SAM can't touch that unless they use nukes.
What do you mean? That doesn't make sense. Sorry.

by the way how come they didn't need such concrete signs to attack Iraq
They did have concrete signs (satellite pictures) but later it turned out the evidence was fake
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