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What would escalate war with Iran?

When Saddam invaded Iran, it were arabs. Coming war Arabs won't inade, it will be the Americans , Israeli, etc, the Arabs will probably do the dirty job. Iran might be good in this or that but face it they won't last long after the first shot. When allies get air superiority, it will all be over. Resistance after that will be sucidal for Iranians.

Yes it was Arab Jobs that Gave him Weapons of Mass destruction to be used against our soldiers an Civilians , It was Arabs who in UNSC claim that Iran used chemical weapons itself against it's people and soldiers. also it ws arabs who gave saddam the latest models of Air to Air and Air to ship missiles and it was Arabs who thought saddam and his force how to increase the range of its scud so he can use them against Tehran's people and it was Arabs who gave him the latest satellite imagery of our forces and their position and it was Arabs who gave saddam Tanks and Armored Helicopter that we had problem penetrating also it was Arabs that build those triangular fortification around Basra that we could not penetrate .
yeah it was all Arab works .

and it was in the hope that he can reach Tehran in 3 day , what a disappointment that he needed 40 day to capture a small tourist city that only protected by a bunch of local citizens that were armed with hunting rifles , the city that had no clean water or food reserve and that gave Iranian people time to mobilize and defend the country

Many Iranian Members believe that the US carriers can be sunk by Nasir CM and reversed engineered AshM. Meanwhile China has struggled with the mathimatical equations of hitting a Carrier battlegroup with DF-21D missile. To hit a carrier while moving at march 10+ is like monavering within the space of an entire nation's territory.

indeed it's a very hard task but don't forget , you want to hit them 3000km away and we want to hit them just 300km away
By sweat and blood of our own people.

you need a little more than sweat and blood , and whats this talk about Iran making The Bomb , do you have any information that the rest of the world are not aware of.

Would you want a middle-east armed to the teeth with nukes? I wouldn't want that, neither does the rest of the world. Iran shouldn't be allowed to have nukes because they will use that to threaten other country's. Even without nukes, Iran is threating a lot of countries. Just imagine them with couple of nukes. This will cause even bigger problems, Iran will continue its support of terrorist organisations and other unheavenly things. That is why I say it is worth it and I support an strike which will set their nuclear problem 4 years back. In the mean time we will have a lot of time to prepare an offensive after softening them up with air strikes. Azeri in Iran also don't want Iran to have nukes. This is not matter of power, conquest or anything. This is about peace in the middle-east. And peace in the middle-east can't be with Iran having a nuke. Everybody knows this and is working towards stopping it at all cost.

again some baseless claims , Iran is among the loudest who promote middle-east without Nuke .then guess who are the people that are against it.
lol ... some people looking at war like an old Stragic video games ... if you produce more troops you win !!!
about comparing IRan and Iraq Army ...

If I remember correctly , we annihilated Iraq Army for two times and we have a broken army that couldn't even use his weapons ... our yearly budget was less than 7 billion dollars .... we couldn't even make a bolt in country .....

If Arab and western and Soviet didn't fed Iraq Army ( for God sake , both Soviet and West take aside their problem and helping Saddam ) ... then we would be in Baghdad in 2-3 years of war .....

don't compare this previous Iranian army with current army who have his indigenous weapon industrial ....

another point :

Iraqi Air force and Anti air system hasn't enough quality , they relied to Soviet and in 1991 there wasn't soviet technician to help them !!!

and Iraq army hadn't any moral to fight back against USA and his allies .... so they really don't fight as well !! and their tactic has no use against a superior classic army as well !!!
about comparing IRan and Iraq Army ...

If I remember correctly , we annihilated Iraq Army for two times and we have a broken army that couldn't even use his weapons ... our yearly budget was less than 7 billion dollars .... we couldn't even make a bolt in country .....

If Arab and western and Soviet didn't fed Iraq Army ( for God sake , both Soviet and West take aside their problem and helping Saddam ) ... then we would be in Baghdad in 2-3 years of war .....

don't compare this previous Iranian army with current army who have his indigenous weapon industrial ....

another point :

Iraqi Air force and Anti air system hasn't enough quality , they relied to Soviet and in 1991 there wasn't soviet technician to help them !!!

and Iraq army hadn't any moral to fight back against USA and his allies .... so they really don't fight as well !! and their tactic has no use against a superior classic army as well !!!

No offence but could Iran fight off the 101 Airbone division? No it can't! Why? Because the US rifleman is a monster in it's self. Your Air defence is less dense than Syria before the conflict but look at what they are now! How will Iran shoot down an F-22 conducting an APM ( Areial Patrol Mission )? Using S-200 copies? You freind Russia back stabbed you by giving the S-300 source code to the isrealis in exchange for UAV technology. Iraq in the Gulf war had the 5th Largest Army and an large network of SAMs plus 4th Generation Fightrrs like F-1, Mig-25, Mig-29 etc. Yet they were shoot down because they had C&C taken out by Allied Airstrikes from CM, MRLS systems, radar jamming etc.
Ḥashshāshīn;3746172 said:
Against who? If US attacks, Iran will last about a month. If Israel attacks, it could stretch to about 4-5 months

You say, if the US attacks, but the US has not had the guts to attack since the days when the US puppet in Iran was overthrown and you know why? It's because those who run the US are not morons like you, they simply don't want to start something they cannot finish.
You say, if the US attacks, but the US has not had the guts to attack since the days when the US puppet in Iran was overthrown and you know why? It's because those who run the US are not morons like you, they simply don't want to start something they cannot finish.
Do you seriously think Iran will last long after the first shot has been fired?

The reason allies don't attack is not that they know they cannot finish Iranian army, no, it is because they need pretext and clear signs Iran is producing nukes so that they can justify an attack. U.S has said, when we see clear signs that they are making nukes, they have 2 months to destroy the facilities, which will set Iran back 4 years. After that they might chose to invade and occupy or not. That is a subject of debate.
Do you seriously think Iran will last long after the first shot has been fired?

In 2002, when the Americans started the Millennium Challenge wargame, 'Iran' managed to sink most of the US fleet in the Persian Gulf.
Do you seriously think Iran will last long after the first shot has been fired?

The reason allies don't attack is not that they know they cannot finish Iranian army, no, it is because they need pretext and clear signs Iran is producing nukes so that they can justify an attack.

A wolf does not need any pretext, if it cannot finish its prey it doesn't attack, it pretends to be a sheep.
Nothing will start a war will Iran. There will be no war. Get over their insecurity.
Nothing will start a war will Iran. There will be no war. Get over their insecurity.

This. Economically the US is not eager to start a war. Fact is, there is a lot of turmoil in the region now, and everything could implode if the US starts a new huge, regional war. The economic consequences would be felt around the world.
In 2002, when the Americans started the Millennium Challenge wargame, 'Iran' managed to sink most of the US fleet in the Persian Gulf.

That is true. Costal batteries are a big threat to US vassels.. However what will Iran do against the LCS Independence which specialises at warfare in shallow waters like the Persian Gulf?
That is true. Costal batteries are a big threat to US vassels.. However what will Iran do against the LCS Independence which specialises at warfare in shallow waters like the Persian Gulf?

Good question. is LCS Independence being deployed in the Persian Gulf in case of war?
No offence but could Iran fight off the 101 Airbone division? No it can't! Why? Because the US rifleman is a monster in it's self. Your Air defence is less dense than Syria before the conflict but look at what they are now! How will Iran shoot down an F-22 conducting an APM ( Areial Patrol Mission )? Using S-200 copies? You freind Russia back stabbed you by giving the S-300 source code to the isrealis in exchange for UAV technology. Iraq in the Gulf war had the 5th Largest Army and an large network of SAMs plus 4th Generation Fightrrs like F-1, Mig-25, Mig-29 etc. Yet they were shoot down because they had C&C taken out by Allied Airstrikes from CM, MRLS systems, radar jamming etc.

As I said , some people only see the power in the weapons .... first , USA need to fight in our playground .... and we produce weapons to fight them in this playground ....

We haven't S-300 and we don't need to worry about it .... although , USA and Israel don't need buy these source code from Russia , they have several S-300 air defense system... that why we spending money to making our indigenous air defense systems ... even though , in Russia - Georgia war , Zionist technician changed Russian made air defense system codes and those air defense systems become a headache for Russia ... and be sure we are not fool to trust Russia completely , we almost changed all of the Russian made system codes ...

and don't ridicule our S-200 ... it is not like Russian ... we changed almost all of it and even have plan to change it missile ( probably with new solid fuel missile ) .... it is only using an skin of Russian S-200 .....

about other things .... This only would be clear in battlefield not in words ...
This. Economically the US is not eager to start a war. Fact is, there is a lot of turmoil in the region now, and everything could implode if the US starts a new huge, regional war. The economic consequences would be felt around the world.

It is just a propaganda and idea to increase sales of weapons. No such incident shall happen, world's economy would be destroyed. End of story. No one needs to flex any muscles.
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