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What is the problem with Iran and JF-17?

I'm an American son, born in the United States to two legal Iranian immigrants.
thanks, I guessed as much hence the question. oh BTW are you referring to yourself as an American son or are you calling me son? if it's the latter then take note that in order to have fathered me you'll need to be over a 100 year old today (and be of Catholic origin)
thanks, I guessed as much hence the question. oh BTW are you referring to yourself as American son or are you calling me son? if it's the latter then take note that in order to have fathered me you'll need to be over a 100 year old today (and be of Catholic origin)

haha lol, No I'm most definitely not your father. I'm an American son born of two Iranian immigrants, and I'm way too young as of now to be a father willfully (only 25 years of age). Still trying to establish myself as an independent man before I start a family you know?
For Iran, after dealing with the Russians on the S-300 deal, they would want to deal with only countries that won’t be pressured. Pakistan has may points it can be pressure in any arms deal with Iran, hence why they would go for an all Chinese option, if the Chinese are willing, and once the WS-10 is mature enough to the Iranian’s satisfaction.

They would go big and buy hundreds of J-10CE, replacing all but their F-14s and MiG-29s, and perhaps some of their F-4s

While the JF-17 is great value for money, with barter trade, they will try to get one type that they can go all in on, to decrease the chances the deal falls apart

I generally agree that Iran will likely order Russian jets and maybe even J-10. However, I still think that JF-17 has a strong advantage for one reason: TOT

I do not think Russia or China will give Iran TOT. However, I think Pakistan would strongly consider giving Iran TOT because it may actually end up being Pakistan that benefits the most from it. JF-17 is a solid plane but Iran is the master of reverse engineering. They have made their own drones and missiles. Admittedly fighters are Iran's weak spot and Iran has not had much success with building their own planes. This could be the opportunity both Pakistan and Iran have been waiting for. Pakistan trades JF-17 TOT for Iranian TOT of missiles and UAV's. Maybe JF-17 isn't as good as Su-35 or J-10, but if Iran can learn how to make their own fighters, it will be better than getting Russian or Chinese jets in the long term. Pakistan will be able to work together with Iran to improve JF-17 with integration of Iranian missile systems and create a lethal airplane with fusion of the best of Pakistani and Iranian technology. Pakistan's own missile and UAV programs will become much stronger with Iranian TOT and ultimately both countries will benefit. A Pakistani-Iranian military alliance will serve both countries well in countering India and Israel.

Honestly, I did have a rather long-form discussion about Iran possibly acquiring the JF-17 and what role it would play for the Iranian armed forces. Basically the JF-17 would replace the older outdated F-5 fleet and work in tandem with the F-4s and Su-24s Fencer strike air-craft in order to greatly expand Iranian strike capability across the broad being an overall welcomed addition to Iranian offensive capabilities. The biggest plus (depending on how a potential JF-17 deal works out) would be that since the JF-17 is relatively cheap, it can be made in great numbers and be used for different purposes if necessary although its primary purpose would be striking targets. When taking a holistic view, the JF-17 along with the indigenous cruise missile and ballistic missile production would be a "good" addition, depending on how you view it.

I would hope that if a potential JF-17 deal were to be struck, there would be a TOT and full (or at least partial) production in Iran, further more I would like to see if Iran-China-Pakistan can further advance the JF-17 into something bigger, stronger and more powerful. Akin to F-15E Strike Eagle if progression went far enough. What I would like to see as well is further Iranian cooperation with Pakistan and China in home-made defense efforts. Sincerely would be a nice thing to see honestly.

If you ask me though, I'm not against Iran acquiring the JF-17, I do think it has its merits.

Agree with this assessment

For Iran, after dealing with the Russians on the S-300 deal, they would want to deal with only countries that won’t be pressured. Pakistan has may points it can be pressure in any arms deal with Iran, hence why they would go for an all Chinese option, if the Chinese are willing, and once the WS-10 is mature enough to the Iranian’s satisfaction.

They would go big and buy hundreds of J-10CE, replacing all but their F-14s and MiG-29s, and perhaps some of their F-4s

While the JF-17 is great value for money, with barter trade, they will try to get one type that they can go all in on, to decrease the chances the deal falls apart

Pakistan could be pressured, however the benefit could outweigh the risk. Pakistan may be willing to take the heat of selling to Iran if they can get TOT in exchange from Iran. TOT is something that is hard to come by. There are not many countries besides Iran that would share missile TOT with Pakistan and there are not many countries besides Pakistan that would share fighter TOT with Iran. Pakistani jets are significantly better than Iranian jets and Iranian missiles are significantly better than Pakistani missiles. Both countries probably know they are each other's best bet, especially since their mutual enemies India and Israel are already cooperating militarily.

1. iran is far more broke than we still ever be
2. it's leverage on the saudis to keep Pakistan in its good "brotherly" books
3. iran is far too much of a turn coat given how they just caved our nuclear help & cooperated with india on chabahar
4. following upon #3, they can use our own Thunders against us

1. Broke in different ways. Iran has the money but needs sellers who aren't afraid of sanctions. Pakistan can buy from anyone except US but doesn't have the money.
2. What balance? It's not 50/50, Pakistan was so deep in Saudi/US camp to the extent that it may actually have damaged relations with Iran. Looks like IK realized that and is now trying to warm up relations with Iran.
3. India at Chabahar is way overblown out of proportion, Iran openly invited Pakistan to come to Chabahar and connect Iran with Pakistan, Gwadar, CPEC, and China. India at Chabahar is a non-issue.
4. Highly doubt this, especially in the case of TOT. If Pakistan exchanges JF-17 TOT for Iranian missile and UAV TOT, then you could also say Pakistan could use Iranian missiles against Iran. I highly doubt Iran would use JF-17 against Pakistan or Pakistan would use Iranian missiles and drones against Iran. Neither country is stupid enough to even think of this.
Will US figure out Pakistan sold Iran JF-17's? Eventually yes.

But US has been doing everything possible to sabotage arms sales to Pakistan including not selling Viper helicopters and even going as far as to block Turkey from selling Pakistan T129 too. US is also turning pro-India by the day selling India anything it wants, you name it. What does Pakistan have to lose by selling Iran JF-17's? Even if they sanction it, Pakistan will more than likely still make a net profit which is crucially needed to boost the economy. Pakistan should gain some leverage, if US has no problems blocking T129 from Turkey, then Pakistan should show the US it has no problems selling Iran JF-17. For all of US talk about investing in Pakistan, they haven't actually done anything. US is barely pretending to be Pakistan's friend and is probably a bigger headache for Pakistan than a friend. China and CPEC still dwarf imaginary US commercial and military deals with Pakistan.

USA response to T129 is to punish Turkey more than Pakistan

That 5000 year old "persian" pride is gonna hurt em if they don't give it up.

They have a history they are proud of
I wonder if you guys considered that maybe Iran is not intrested in some light fighter and we are more intrested in something heavier to replace our F-14s
I wonder if you guys considered that maybe Iran is not intrested in some light fighter and we are more intrested in something heavier to replace our F-14s

that some light fighter has your best drone tech shot out of sky.

atleast we have given you a proper demonstration of its capabilities.

apart from fans nobody is imagining a world where you can shoot down civilian aircraft with Pakistani jets.
Because we don't want to get sanctioned to hell. If selling Aircraft to Iran was that wasy. Why not China and Russia have done that already?. Iran can easily afford Su-30 and J-10.
You cannot sale a sanctioned country a piece of hardware that is composed primarily of Russian and Chinese Equipment.
Im curioues.... how much of this plane is actually made in Pakistan..... I am under the impression that the engines, radars and avionics and landing gear are all made in China.... what is left to produce in Pakistan??
If the UN arms embargo on Iran expires in October 2020, acquiring either the J-10C or JF-17 could become a viable option for the IRIAF to replace some of its aging light fighters and/or to complement its heavy fighters. Russia's MiG-35 would be another alternative for this since Iran is already operating MiG-29s which the MiG-35 is based on. The IRIAF might keep its MiG-29A/UB fleet and let the Russians upgrade it to the SMT/UBT standard. Su-24MKs could also be upgraded to the MK2 standard. Its rather small Mirage F-1BQ/EQ fleet is a good candidate to be replaced with either the J-10C, JF-17 or MiG-35. Iran loves its F-5E/Fs since they are easy and cheap to maintain and because they serve as testbeds for Iran's own current and future light fighter/trainer development programs. Iran has already reverse-engineered it, including its J85 turbojet engine (Owj) and is producing a more advanced light fighter/trainer based on it (Kowsar). There are indications for an IRIAF project to upgrade its Chengdu F-7Ns to FTC-2000s or an Iranian single-seat imitation of it. Currently, the biggest bottleneck in Iran's fighter development are higher thrust engines to enable indigenous heavy combat aircraft that could replace its F-14s and F-4E/Fs in the future. Therefore, Iran will most likely take the opportunity (if possible) and replace its heavier combat aircraft (F-14, F-4E/F) with Su-30SME and/or Su-35SE fighters and hope to seal a deal for ToT and local production in Iran.

The JF-17 would indeed be a relatively potent addition to Iran's aging fleet and, more importantly, it is a very cost-effective light aircraft but I would still be surprised if Iran goes for this option if no ToT is included in the deal. Iran has had unpleasant experience with relying too much on other countries when it comes to defense (e.g. S-300 deal) and seeks the ability to produce its means of defense itself (e.g. Bavar-373). If Iran manages to reverse-engineer the RD-33 turbofan or J79 turbojet engine, an indigenous light to medium weight fighter in the class of the JF-17 could become feasible and IRIAF models seen at exhibitions and in interviews with high ranking IRIAF officials indicate that such plans already exist. So the decision for a potential acquisition of JF-17 fighters would also depend on how confident the IRIAF is about its own combat aircraft programs. On the other hand, would Iran, assuming the UN arms embargo expires, risk wasting the opportunity to finally buy fighters for its aging air force? And then there is the issue of the IRIAF's budget and the IRGC's opposition to the idea of conventional airpower.
that some light fighter has your best drone tech shot out of sky.

atleast we have given you a proper demonstration of its capabilities.

apart from fans nobody is imagining a world where you can shoot down civilian aircraft with Pakistani jets.
are you for real, congratulate to you for shooting down a subsonic not maneuvering ,not stealth drone out of sky with a supersonic fighter .
and that drone is not our best technology , if you can try shoot down one of our stealth drones .
and honestly it won't change the fact that light fighter don't satisfy our needs so we don't buy it or something in its class

and as if you didn't shotdown afghan airplanes
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are you for real, congratulate to you for shooting down a subsonic not maneuvering ,not stealth drone out of sky with a supersonic fighter .
and that drone is not our best technology , if you can try shoot down one of our stealth drones .
and honestly it won't change the fact that light fighter don't satisfy our needs so we don't buy it or something in its class

Its ok.

Please ask the admin to close the fanboy thread.
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