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What if a pdf members meet up is held?

I'd like to meet the following members




Asim Aquil



Irfan Baloch

Spring Onion

Imran Khan

Desert Fighter






Raz Pak


I'd especially like to meet and get to know Shamain as a person more than an India hating foul mouthed Internet troll.

Are we doing something of the sort?
Mujh se bhi kabhi miloo na khasboo lagha ke.
Yea a madrassa educated guy who sympathize with terrorists. The london and new york world trade centre bombers were also educated.

To be honest, lots of guys on PDF sympathize with terrorists. Not only Pakistanis.

Why single Zarvan out?

To be frank, I feel a fundamentalist who talk openly about his feelings in a mixed environment in the presence of non fundamentalists, is eventually not going to blow anything up.

Its the guys who remain silent, and amongst their own kind, who are the ones who go boom or make others go boom one day.

Don't get me wrong, for Zarvan I as a Hindu am what I know he thinks of me as. But I do not think he thinks of me as lower than what he thinks of many of you.

Will he try to kill you or me one day, some day? Maybe. But the more he talks here, posts here, the chances diminish.

Being honest about him, as he has been about his religion and Hindus in the past. Though to be fair, off late he says Indians and not Hindus.

I see that as a change.


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