A lot of things like
-Learned to listen and respect others opinions.
-Discovered how much i love my country and what problems it is facing atm both externally and internally.
-Learned a lot about how one should do his research on almost every thing instead of blindly trusting what the others are saying.
-Learned how beautiful Pakistan is.
-Made a lot of good friends and made 4 best buddies .
-Interacting with a few members i realized how religious extremism can damage one's brain and how it prevents a that person of thinking logically.
-Learned how much destruction was brought upon our country in 80's and how it ruined a LOT of things.
-Because of PDF i started studying Quran on my own with translations, explanations, tafseers from different sources. Actually used this to my advantage once here to shut one member who was intentionally trying to portray Islam and Quranic ayats in a bad light (NauzbillAh).
-Learned how Liberalism/Secularism is NOT cancer as some people say these things without any logical explanation.
-Learned how to not give sh** to every barking dog. Means i am more tolerant than i was before joining PDF back than i was an emotional guy who used to react on every small thing.