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What does Pakistan school books teach about Hindus?

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We see news about Hindu minor girls getting abducted and converted by the Mullahs. your representatives are on a leash, they don't have the freedom to question such things.

Yes two hindu girls were abducted in last many years.

Only to be found later that they went with their consent and wanted to marry their loved ones.

Few of them elopes with their lovers sometimes, and the Hindu parents files for the abduction cases to pressurize them.

Hindu parents don't want the children to marry outside the biradari so as to keep the land and resources within them, most Hindus in Sindh are very rich landlords.

Dawn report...

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Indians want to sleep peacefully at night. For that, loudspeaker use at night time is banned. If you want to be paranoid about this, then go ahead.

There are a lot of other animals to eat. They can 'voluntarily' avoid beef to be considerate to others' sensitivities. I dont agree with enforcing this by law. Personally, I feel all of us should become vegetarian. But I dont have a right to enforce it by law, just request others.

I was just responding to your comment where you said Hindus and Muslims are from different solar systems. We know where we are from. You seem to be confused about your origin.
@TOPGUN : Please explain why negative rating
@krash @waz : Please have a look and see if this warrants negative rating.
Hindus will always have a feeling of bitterness if not for animosity towards as they rightly feel this( pak) is their land( which is true)and the foreign hordes descended on this land, carried out many atrocities, insulted their religion and by hook or crook converted people here to a religion which is both foreign and culturally incoherent with this land; in addition to all this hindus rightly feel they have become minorities in their own land and are being mistreated.
The Hindus of the Indus valley are as Persian as the Muslims of the Indus valley.

"1200 years of slavery" .....not precisely "dark era" but the intention of such phraseology is the same.

Which vague source came up with this little gem, you ask?

You are referring to a speech by Modi, which he makes for elections. Is there a source in Indian history books which refer to this period as slavery?
We can only say that this was a militarily weak period where people came from outside the subcontinent to defeat local rulers. I would not call Aurangzeb a foreign ruler, as he was born and brought up in India. Babar was a foreigner but not his descendants.
The Hindus of the Indus valley are as Persian as the Muslims of the Indus valley.

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The hindus of IV came here thousands of years ago...they have assimilated with the local culture of negroids or austroids who were living there before them..the hinduism is a blend of cultures , faiths and beliefs of different aborigines of india( whoever came here thousands of years ago and called it their land , have a right over this land unlike people who claim arab or iran ancestry)
Bruh! One of your founding father's ran away with his life to India, he was a Hindu, Dalit and your first minister of 'Law and Justice'. There are thousands of Hindus in India who came from Pakistan living in makeshift shelters. If situations in Pakistan was all Hunky and Dory for Minorities as @N.Siddiqui portrays it to be, then how is that possible? We see news about Hindu minor girls getting abducted and converted by the Mullahs. your representatives are on a leash, they don't have the freedom to question such things.

If Hindu representatives in Pakistan showed half the grit of Owaisi Brothers, they have the example of J.Mandal to follow.
We anyway reserve right to practice in our country whatever we believe in.
Islam gives both the right of divorce and single talak is sufficient to make the divorce effective while on the other hand a women can approach the muslim judge aka qaazi to get her marriage contract declared void even for reasons concerning her husband's looks/performance ------- .
I am just questioning why Muslim women do not have the same / equal right to divorce their husband in the same fashion as the husband can. I am not questioning their right to divorce, just the method.

but you being a biased outsider is only showing your obsession with the word tripple so that some white guy register it to his anti terror stereotype- ------ 1400 years ago when a good chunk of the world was burning widows and married women alike for being a witch or whatever muslims not only had a legal share of inheritance for their ladies but she also enjoyed the right of divorce through a functional court
Sure, Muslims brought this 'talak' concept to subcontinent. It was found to be useful and was adopted. No shame in learning good things from other cultures and incorporating them.
The hindus of IV came here thousands of years ago...they have assimilated with the local culture of negroids or austroids who were living there before them..the hinduism is a blend of cultures , faiths and beliefs of different aborigines of india( whoever came here thousands of years ago and called it their land , have a right over this land unlike people who claim arab or iran ancestry)
Aryan migration theory is bumkum and is a theory propogated by colonial rulers to divide North and South Indians. No Hindu scriptures have any mention of any land from Central Asia.
The hindus of IV came here thousands of years ago...they have assimilated with the local culture of negroids or austroids who were living there before them..the hinduism is a blend of cultures , faiths and beliefs of different aborigines of india( whoever came here thousands of years ago and called it their land , have a right over this land unlike people who claim arab or iran ancestry)
Go read a book or two.

IVC is Iranian origin. Both Pakistani Muslims and Pakistani Hindus have similar genetic roots. They both have equal legacy rights over the land of their ancestors. Whether they believe Hinduism or Islam makes no difference. We're talking about genetics. Some people of the Indian subcontinent chose the path of Islam, which is what bothers you. What's it to you if some descendants of the IVC became Muslims? Are those people somehow genetically no longer descendants of the IVC?

Aborigines of India were a different race.
@TOPGUN : Please explain why negative rating
@krash @waz : Please have a look and see if this warrants negative rating.

You are way out of line, no need to explain anything go and read all your comments and posts. You need to chill out man take it easy chill with the trolling.
May I know your rationale for giving negative rating here.
@krash @waz : Please see if you agree on negative rating on this post of mine. I would be happy to understand what I should change in future.
There is another post in this thread where Topgun has given me negative rating.

Don't go crying to others here while you are in full action trolling read all your comments and post then cry to others here. Trolling and hate will not be tolerated keep it to your self think about better things to do rather then cause fights here.
Happened both ways.
It did.
You really went back. Regardless, the state of the Muslims in today's India show that the need for Pakistan was essential.
To the crux of the issue, yes. Nobody really talks about what happened in those days, not even in our history books to keep things calm.

What does the State of Muslims in Pakistan shows? Or should I say, who are not allowed to be called Muslims anymore despite being the front runners of the Pakistan movement? Despite creating land for Muslims. you ended up causing another partition. You should better direct your attention to communities who stood by your side like Ahmedi, Shia etc... instead of law and order issues in India.
You are way out of line, no need to explain anything go and read all your comments and posts. You need to chill out man take it easy chill with the trolling.

Don't go crying to others here while you are in full action trolling read all your comments and post then cry to others here. Trolling and hate will not be tolerated keep it to your self think about better things to do rather then cause fights here.
I only want to understand which line of mine in those 2 posts feel like trolling or causing fight to you.
In the time it took you to reply, you could have quoted that line. I want to believe that you are impartial and would explain the rationale.
History books are not read and refered by many, his story, of Modi makes the difference.
History books are official stance of the administration and is read by impressionable school going kids.

Not everyone agrees with all of politicians' speeches. People can quote similar objectionable speeches by other leaders on the opposite side.
The hindus of IV came here thousands of years ago...they have assimilated with the local culture of negroids or austroids who were living there before them..the hinduism is a blend of cultures , faiths and beliefs of different aborigines of india( whoever came here thousands of years ago and called it their land , have a right over this land unlike people who claim arab or iran ancestry)
Muslim history of India is also now 1200, twelve hundred years old, enough rich history to call the culture and traditions as their own, and the land with it.

Is there a cutoff date how old is old...like 1200 years is not old enough.
I only want to understand which line of mine in those 2 posts feel like trolling or causing fight to you.
In the time it took you to reply, you could have quoted that line. I want to believe that you are impartial and would explain the rationale.

You do the trolling and then want me to explain why lolz, we are tired of many of you indians trolling with hate and wasting thread space here. You talk about rationale go read and understand and then take a stand in the meanwhile take it easy with the mess and chill out.
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