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What does Pakistan school books teach about Hindus?

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PS: Look for comments from Indian muslims.
I don't understand how do people just randomly go and ask the other person to convert their religion. Those people are more insecure about their faith than the ones that they are trying to convert to.

Hindus are hardly 1% in Pakistan and yet they are vilified and villainized at a disgusting level through state-sponsored education. And this despite not harming the social fabric of the country through riots and instead being completely peaceful minorities.

It is appalling that even though 74 years have gone by since Pakistan's independence and yet not one person has given consideration to change the hateful things in these textbooks. The 1% voiceless minority who are already isolated are made to feel even worse when they come to understand this institutional discrimination.

India should make efforts to help these minorities possibly by giving them citizenship in India.

And thanks for that last note about checking the comment section for responses of India Muslims.
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Pakistan needs a complete overhaul of their Education Department, the people at the helm are clearly not doing their job properly and are either unaware of these things or are just turning a blind eye to it under pressure from the religious clergy which have the power to bring the Pakistani state to a standstill with their riots and demonstrations. No wonder, most Pakistanis consider bin Qasim as the first Pakistani and are unaware of the land's rich non-Muslim heritage. It's not their fault but the fault of the state who carefully gloss over these facts and instead paint a stereotypical picture of their minority. Ironically, majority of the Pakistanis would not ever have met a Hindu in their life but already might have pre-conceived notions about them through these textbooks. This is nothing less of brainwashing.
Their country..whatever happens within their country is their problem...But if Hindus want to emigrate to India, then Indian government should provide them legal and material facilities
On our side, we should highlight these things and take all possible efforts to help them politically, economically and legally.

It's a shame that an obscure 1% minority is being treated like this.
Pakistan was born on the basis of Religion, if you don't show Hindus in a bad light what was the reason to have the partition? It's a necessity for the Islamic Republic to spread Hindu/Sikh hate.
Ironically, majority of the Pakistanis would not ever have met a Hindu in their life but already might have pre-conceived notions about them through these textbooks. This is nothing less of brainwashing.

Historical facts =/= Hindu/Sikh hate

The above post only says that you are permitted to eat the flesh of cattle. Where does it say you 'should' eat their flesh?

What are you trying to argue here exactly?

you should spend a lot less time with old superstitions and scriptures.

Eating beef is a superstition now?
Hindus are allowed to let their delusions about gomutra and gau gobar having special anti-radiation and anti-corona properties lead to them forming cow militias and lynch mobs to murder minorities, but we can't eat beef because recognizing it's a good protein source is a superstition!
This poor response to invaders has led to self-hate and coping mechanism for some with delusions of Arabs(One of their subjugators) bringing civilization to humanity and India being a part of it

Ironic because you will find no Pakistani here arguing this. On the other hand, every Hindu here is a proponent of the deranged OIT because they can't cope with the fact that even their prized pantheon of hybrid freaks and blue men came from outsider invaders!
muslims in punjab first started the killing of sikhs in rawalpindi

This violence was incited by armed Sikh and Hindu processions trying to intimidate Muslims who supported Muslim League rule. Also keep in mind, this was in 1947 and by this time, Muslims were being slaughtered across India because they supported Pakistan instead of Ganga mata.

The killing of Muslims which armed Sikh groups engaged in after the Rawalpindi incident were independent and their objective was to exterminate East Punjabi Muslims so the Sikhs could get their Khalistan. In the end, they got nothing! Good for them.

In February 1947, the British government announced the transfer of power to Indians by June 1948. Although the Muslim League agitation had ended on February 26 and all Muslim League detainees released, Premier Tiwana had lost heart because British rule would soon end. He therefore resigned on March 2, 1947, precipitating an acute political crisis. On March 3, Master Tara Singh famously flashed his kirpan (sword) outside the Punjab Assembly, calling for the destruction of the Pakistan idea. That evening, Hindu and Sikh leaders gathered in Purani Anarkali and made even more extremist speeches (The Punjab Bloodied, Partitioned and Cleansed, Oxford, 2012, pages 128-135).
The above post only says that you are permitted to eat the flesh of cattle. Where does it say you 'should' eat their flesh?
you should spend a lot less time with old superstitions and scriptures.

one muslim dude can marry 4 women and divorce her with three talaqs...'nuff said...

You need a beating for calling my faith superstitious.

stick to eating cow shit and drinking cow Pee you filthy bigot
The above post only says that you are permitted to eat the flesh of cattle. Where does it say you 'should' eat their flesh?

‘That they may witness benefits for themselves and mention the name of Allah on known days over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals. So eat of them and feed the miserable and poor.’

Quran [22:28]
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