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What does Pakistan school books teach about Hindus?

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What I'm saying is that Hinduism is not a religion like Christianity, Islam, Bahai, Sikh, Buddhism etc. It has no single founder, it is just a culture of the Indo-Aryan elite from 1500 BC that somehow survived into 21st century which is crazy. Because of it's nature as a culture of an ancient elite, it was not created for the wellbeing of ordinary people. Culture of any elite is always a tool of oppression. How can you have caste system in 2021? Why do you even accept a place in the hierarchy?

You need a revolution my friend and it's overdue by 3500 years. You need to get rid of this culture called Hinduism. Sadly the people of Indian continent are too low testosterone to carry out large scale revolution.

LoL. Which nation in south asia should we emulate. Pakistan, afghanistan... Bangladesh? Only thing wrong with Hinduism us that it stopped promoting excellence and competition, instead it became pacifist. When India was many small kingdoms there was no time to be complecent. Invention and progress always happens in places and times of conflict.

Capitalism and corporations have replaced small kingdoms and warfare of the past.
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What I'm saying is that Hinduism is not a religion like Christianity, Islam, Bahai, Sikh, Buddhism etc. It has no single founder, it is just a culture of the Indo-Aryan elite from 1500 BC that somehow survived into 21st century which is crazy. Because of it's nature as a culture of an ancient elite, it was not created for the wellbeing of ordinary people. Culture of any elite is always a tool of oppression. How can you have caste system in 2021? Why do you even accept a place in the hierarchy?

You need a revolution my friend and it's overdue by 3500 years. You need to get rid of this culture called Hinduism. Sadly the people of Indian continent are too low testosterone to carry out large scale revolution.
Indian masses, the lower castes, out of castes Dalits, others are fully in the tentacles of the Brahmin hindutva, no escaping from it.

And it had been made to look like a cultural thing just for that very purpose, to get people embroiled into it, get entangled to such an extent as it keeps people busy and stops them looking inwards and introspecting.

Keep the masses busy in cultural things, and rule them over....ideal proposition.
Why not the exact same 'triple talak' right to Muslim women?
Marriage is a religious concept (yes, it is). So it's conducted and ended by the rules of the religion. PDF is not the place to discuss Islamic Jursiprudrence.
LoL. Which nation in south asia should we emulate. Pakistan, afghanistan... Bangladesh?

You don't have to emulate anyone, what's with the servant attitude. Just ban evil things like Hinduism and build a society based on equality. You also have serious rape problem so borrowing some Islamic legal code (very harsh for rapists) might help.
not good

muslims in punjab first started the killing of sikhs in rawalpindi

atleast according to this youtube comment school education is better in india

I'm muslim from🇮🇳 india i proud of india Hume school me equality sikhaaya jata hai..... I love my india

Actually no. The first bloody act of partition was a Sikh band who derailed a train carrying Muslim civil servants from India. It killed six people.
The BBC ran a documentary on it during its partition anniversary summer season.
What I'm saying is that Hinduism is not a religion like Christianity, Islam, Bahai, Sikh, Buddhism etc. It has no single founder, it is just a culture of the Indo-Aryan elite from 1500 BC that somehow survived into 21st century which is crazy. Because of it's nature as a culture of an ancient elite, it was not created for the wellbeing of ordinary people. Culture of any elite is always a tool of oppression. How can you have caste system in 2021? Why do you even accept a place in the hierarchy?

You need a revolution my friend and it's overdue by 3500 years. You need to get rid of this culture called Hinduism. Sadly the people of Indian continent are too low testosterone to carry out large scale revolution.
I agree that Hinduism is more of a culture than a religion.

Since it is not a religion, there is no concept of founding it. It is built over the centuries by the residents of this land. Hence, the colonial myth of Aryan migration and origin blah blah is false. There is no mention of any foreign land in any of the Hindu scriptures, whereas Indian land is described in detail. If Aryans migrated from Central Asia, then did they have collective amnesia of their earlier land?

Castes were created but were meant to be fluid based on ability. Later, the same system got corrupted to fix it by birth. Such a system is not sanctioned in Hinduism and is now also legally banned. Culturally, it will take time to eradicate it completely.

Hinduism being a culture is ever evolving. Hinduism of 500 BC is very different from Hinduism of 21st century and will be very different from the version in next century. We always look to clean our mistakes and adopt good practices.
Their country..whatever happens within their country is their problem...But if Hindus want to emigrate to India, then Indian government should provide them legal and material facilities
On point. There is no need for us to be concerned about what Pakistan teaches to their children, rather accommodate them. As provided by CAA.
If Pakistan schools taught hatred for Hindus, than why there is so much less hatred for Hindus in Pakistan.

And in India it is taught that hatred is taught in Pakistan schools.

And why there is many times more hatred for Muslims in India by Hindus if hatred for Muslims is not taught.

And try getting such reviews by Indian Muslims, they will be lynched brutally by VHP, RSS, bajrang dal goons without any questions asked and police protecting them.

And later on killers will be supported and elected as MLAs and leaders....this is Bharat of today.
This video only talks about anti-Hindu bias in Pakistani school books. If you say that there is no anti-Hindu bias in Pak society, then it is good to hear.

I did not see any anti-Muslim bias in Indian school books (atleast in my time). Any Indian muslim is free to enlighten us here on PDF if that is not the case.
Actually no. The first bloody act of partition was a Sikh band who derailed a train carrying Muslim civil servants from India. It killed six people.
The BBC ran a documentary on it during its partition anniversary summer season.
Err no. The first bloody act was the declaration of the Direct action day. It's a very detailed and bloody story of actions and retaliations.
On topic, the text books need to be revised. You can't have things like that there with Hindu children reading them.

Err no. The first bloody act was the declaration of the Direct action day. It's a very detailed and bloody story of actions and retaliations.

Erm no, that was mass agitation. Take it up with the BBC if you disagree. They gave factual documents and ran through the episode. It happened months before the direct action day.
This video only talks about anti-Hindu bias in Pakistani school books. If you say that there is no anti-Hindu bias in Pak society, then it is good to hear.

I did not see any anti-Muslim bias in Indian school books (atleast in my time). Any Indian muslim is free to enlighten us here on PDF if that is not the case.

It's the Indian politicians of all shades, the saffron clad mostly who have created the hateful ideology against Muslims for their own electorates rising exponentially.

School books cannot make any difference.

The rise of radicalization with Indian Muslims and Hindus on either sides was necessary for the rise of current hindutvadis and current anti Muslim government.

So saying hatred is taught in Pakistan against Hindus doesn't holds any water.

The grim ground reality in India can be seen and witnessed daily.

No such anti hindu radicalization in Pakistan. No hindu is ever lynched in Pakistan as you got to see in India the Muslim lynching.

In addition to the communal riots... unheard of in Pakistan.
not good

muslims in punjab first started the killing of sikhs in rawalpindi

atleast according to this youtube comment school education is better in india

I'm muslim from🇮🇳 india i proud of india Hume school me equality sikhaaya jata hai..... I love my india
So when are you migrating to your paradise Modiland. I am sure they will welcome you with both arms and both legs.
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