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What do we love about Pakistan and India?

I think pakistanis have spunk. They have 'spirit'. They are intelligent. They are a strong and proud people. The difference between them and people like me...is that I would want the Indian state as something of a system. Driven as a system- economists taking policy decisions...almost like MBAs...professionals.
Pakistanis on the other hand still have the romance of great personalities. They still believe that leadership is personality driven and not 'calculated' or emperical. I and many of my friends talk about wanting better 'politicians', (of course SOME leaders), as if the system has to be better oiled. But Pakistanis talk of wanting better 'leaders' to lead them out of this and that.

PS- They also have an exagerated estimation of their military prowess and hilarious ideas of what their JF 17 can do :D

pakistanis want better leaders, that explains all!!

leadership is mostly personality driver, its a great talent, just any person cant be a good leader, a talented which is a developed talent, but pakistanis want a talented leader who takes all the good things along, improve economy, get rid of US in afghanistan, get rid of fake WoT, get rid of inflation and lead country to a developed world. but we want leaders who respect pakistani people and what "THEY"want and not what "US of A"wants or western world want, or to impose the "western concepts" into a modern pakistani society, thank you but our society is sensible, dont guide us or take our finger and lead us but to advise us. the we dont want leaders like musharraf and yahya and benazir bhutto and nawaz and altaf etc.
I like how both countries have patriotic people, and how each side say theyl nuke the other side.

︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤──'─ We Fight Last Man Last Bullet ︻︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤──'─ ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤──'─ ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤──'─ ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤──'─ ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤──'─ ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤──'─ ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤──'─ ╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╤──'─
Hmm, there are many things I like and admire about India. The history and culture withstanding, I admire the Indian people's ambition and endurance, I admire the Indian people's desire and passion, and I admire the Indian people's motivation and enthusiasm. For it is these exceptional qualities that have helped them reach the position that they are at today, it is these qualities that have made them an emerging global superpower on par with the likes of China and Brazil and, in the future, even the U.S. and U.K. and Russia and etc.
The love between Pakistan and India is like two competing brothers. We might argue and talk crap about each other, but I have noticed when an outsider comes and talks **** on a fellow Desi, we have each others back. Really though if you look at it, as a PEOPLE we are ONE. But these politics and politicians try to create fuss about everything and make us hate each other while these big Pakistani and Indian politicians are chilling in DUBAI in their Jacuzzis with their Tequilas.
(why is P A K I? a swear word? o___O;; )
Hmm, there are many things I like and admire about India. The history and culture withstanding, I admire the Indian people's ambition and endurance, I admire the Indian people's desire and passion, and I admire the Indian people's motivation and enthusiasm. For it is these exceptional qualities that have helped them reach the position that they are at today, it is these qualities that have made them an emerging global superpower on par with the likes of China and Brazil and, in the future, even the U.S. and U.K. and Russia and etc.

and an indian tested positive....

test completed.. machine worked.
and an indian tested positive....

test completed.. machine worked.

What? Just because I am not conceited and actually have the intellectual capacity to compliment another country on its success, I am an Indian?

Hell no! Pakistan Zindabad! :pakistan:

Ain't nobody better than us.
Hmm, there are many things I like and admire about India. The history and culture withstanding

What history? There is no history before 47. :hitwall:

I admire the Indian people's ambition and endurance, I admire the Indian people's desire and passion, and I admire the Indian people's motivation and enthusiasm.

Yes, Indian's ambition and motivation to cry and yell as loud as they can whenever Pakistan acquires new military hardware, or economic deals with neighboring nations.

For it is these exceptional qualities that have helped them reach the position that they are at today, it is these qualities that have made them an emerging global superpower on par with the likes of China and Brazil and, in the future, even the U.S. and U.K. and Russia and etc.

You are out of your mind.
What? Just because I am not conceited and actually have the intellectual capacity to compliment another country on its success, I am an Indian?

Hell no! Pakistan Zindabad! :pakistan:

Ain't nobody better than us.

A better term would be naive. :tup:
what is there to admire pakistan?most of these muslims cannot see things without bringing muslim vs non-muslim thing.most of them(even in this forum) are brainwashed to the extend that they lost their sanity.
they are programmed to hate India in every aspect ,spare few who escaped the systematic brainwashing.the number of times the term "hindu" is used to abuse in this very own forum vouch for this fact.
being a non-Hindu,I've to say ,these people are crucified and demonized as idolaters by the terrorists.while the reality is,they are one of the most peaceful people you can find on Planet Earth.

again,what is there to like?arab culture?
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what is there to admire pakistan?most of these muslims cannot see things without bringing muslim vs non-muslim thing.most of them(even in this forum) are brainwashed to the extend that they lost their sanity.
they are programmed to hate India in every aspect ,spare few who escaped the systematic brainwashing.the number of times the term "hindu" is used to abuse in this very own forum vouch for this fact.
being a non-Hindu,I've to say ,these people are crucified and demonized as idolaters by the terrorists.while the reality is,they are one of the most peaceful people you can find on Planet Earth.

again,what is there to like?arab culture?


Thanks for bringing out a very sore issue---we pakistanis do have some major major issues---but if you take a moment to get down from your high horse---things are not so hunky dory on your side either.

As you would know that yours is the most rascist and discrminatory society in the world---so it seems like the pot calling the kettle black.
pakistanis want better leaders, that explains all!!

leadership is mostly personality driver, its a great talent, just any person cant be a good leader, a talented which is a developed talent, but pakistanis want a talented leader who takes all the good things along, improve economy, get rid of US in afghanistan, get rid of fake WoT, get rid of inflation and lead country to a developed world. but we want leaders who respect pakistani people and what "THEY"want and not what "US of A"wants or western world want, or to impose the "western concepts" into a modern pakistani society, thank you but our society is sensible, dont guide us or take our finger and lead us but to advise us. the we dont want leaders like musharraf and yahya and benazir bhutto and nawaz and altaf etc.


Sadly when it comes down to pakistanis and leaders----pakistanis are at a loss at what to look for---. That is where their thinking goes down to the adolescent levels.

They are lokking for Quaid a Azam in every nook and cranny----they are looking for an Iqbal under things forgotten---they are looking for someone to come and sort out their troubles---.

The only thing that is right in front of their faces is what they cannot see.

We believe that some mythical character will come flying out of somewhere and take care of all our problems---set us on the right path and give us direction.

The fools that we are----we keep wishing and keep throwing those things into the wishing well---.

Pakistanis and sensible----if you look into the dictionary that is what is meant when you search for an 'oxymoron'.

The leaders that we had are the leaders we deserved---my boy this what you and I have earned collectively----Asif Zardari and Benazir and Nawaz and Musharraf and Zia and Yahya and the king of all- Ayub Khan---this is what your parents and my parents earned for pakistan---this is what I and you have earned for pakistan----these scu-mbags is all we are going to get.

We have not earned enough good credits on our good deeds lsitings, to deserve any better---you know how horrible and pathetic we are and how low are our good deeds credit for the coming future----we have a mister wonderful in the making of our future prime minitster----can you guess his name----no---maybe not----but I do---

Mr Dasti from muzaffargarh----enjoy---.

Thanks for bringing out a very sore issue---we pakistanis do have some major major issues---but if you take a moment to get down from your high horse---things are not so hunky dory on your side either.

As you would know that yours is the most rascist and discrminatory society in the world---so it seems like the pot calling the kettle black.

I do acknowledge we have a lot of problems in our society but calling indian society the most racist and discriminatory society is a going a bit too far. Because if that was the case we wont have people from single religion living in peace (most of the time) and contributing to our country's success.

Now take a look at ur country, ur society cant even handle different sects of the same religion which is why they are hell bent on killing each other. We do hear about innocent lives lost in Pakistan every other day . Religious places are also not spared.

So may be India is the second most discriminatory society in the world.
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