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What do have Americans more to pressure Iran with it?


Jan 6, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
My question is clear, After total one sided oil sanction on Iran what could be next step of US threat Iran with it?

my options are :
putting sanctions on non oil Iran products
closing sea routes on Iranian ships
closing air routes on Iranian flights
Sending terrorists to attack Iran

Please discuss here what is going to be next US move to increase pressure??
Oil sanctions would just decrease Iran export not zero it.. next one would be petrochemical products, but they could not close sea/air routes on Iranian ships/flights ... but they've sent terrorists to attack Iran in past so not new, now they would send dictators to attack Iran.
Actually in my opinion all options (usually meaning a hot war) are not on the table, why? Simply congress has made it clear to Pompeo and in some sense Bolton that they have no authority to attack Iran......which means the only thing this administration can do is covert actions. If Iran does not attack the U.S. directly the chances of a hot war is almost nil.
However, you can look at what the CIA and State dept is doing to Venezuela to guess what they can/will do, they have sanctioned their oil, they have attacked their currency sending inflation to the sky, they have sabotaged the power grid so they populace will lose electricity to further anger them against the government, they have backdoor access to cell service, which they can use to send text message to incite uprising etc...etc.
Actually in my opinion all options (usually meaning a hot war) are not on the table, why? Simply congress has made it clear to Pompeo and in some sense Bolton that they have no authority to attack Iran......which means the only thing this administration can do is covert actions. If Iran does not attack the U.S. directly the chances of a hot war is almost nil.
However, you can look at what the CIA and State dept is doing to Venezuela to guess what they can/will do, they have sanctioned their oil, they have attacked their currency sending inflation to the sky, they have sabotaged the power grid so they populace will lose electricity to further anger them against the government, they have backdoor access to cell service, which they can use to send text message to incite uprising etc...etc.
I am agree with you about chance of the war but not about Venezuela case.
Iran is not Venezuela because Iran is not USA neighbor at first place, We are in West Asia and have border with 15 countries including Russia(sea border), Turkey and Iraq.
Second, US does not have footprint on Iran like what it has on Venezuela through guys like Guaido.
Third, Iran it has more localized industries and economy in the compare to Venezuela.(Also Iran is more food self sufficient than Venezuela)
Iran borders are open in all four side, I mean underground businesses with neighbors could happen at worst case scenario.
and more and more, so comparing Iran with Venezuela is not fare at all.

I think Americans in next step will try to ban any economic relation with Iran including doing any business with Iran, but as raptor22 said they can not make it Zero.
My question is clear, After total one sided oil sanction on Iran what could be next step of US threat Iran with it?

my options are :
putting sanctions on non oil Iran products
closing sea routes on Iranian ships
closing air routes on Iranian flights
Sending terrorists to attack Iran

Please discuss here what is going to be next US move to increase pressure??
Sincere advice, make very good relations with your immediate neighbours. Remove and misunderstandings and do not let any one use Iran's land against any country and if some of your agencies are interfering into other countries internal affairs, stop them and there is no point of being in denial. Trust neighbours and build trade with them ... the sanctions will be become ineffective.

Oil sanctions would just decrease Iran export not zero it.. next one would be petrochemical products, but they could not close sea/air routes on Iranian ships/flights ... but they've sent terrorists to attack Iran in past so not new, now they would send dictators to attack Iran.
Solution is Iran works closely with her neighbours. Show sincerity and implement the agreed points and you will see, sanction won't be that effective..of course there will be effect since West and most of other countries won't do business because they all fear the Uncle Sam but still there are countries that can help you like make good relations with KSA. MBS is not a bad guy. You should learn to coexist with them.
MBS is not a bad guy
Sincere advice, make very good relations with your immediate neighbours. Remove and misunderstandings and do not let any one use Iran's land against any country and if some of your agencies are interfering into other countries internal affairs, stop them and there is no point of being in denial. Trust neighbours and build trade with them ... the sanctions will be become ineffective.

Solution is Iran works closely with her neighbours. Show sincerity and implement the agreed points and you will see, sanction won't be that effective..of course there will be effect since West and most of other countries won't do business because they all fear the Uncle Sam but still there are countries that can help you like make good relations with KSA. MBS is not a bad guy. You should learn to coexist with them.
MBS the butcher is not a bad guy?! really?

I guess the more he slaughters, he becomes better, but you shouldn't say good, you should say best, best cannibal in the world.
MBS the butcher is not a bad guy?! really?

I guess the more he slaughters, he becomes better, but you shouldn't say good, you should say best, best cannibal in the world.
Well, that's the problem. No one know who killed Khashoggi.
Furthermore, are you sure your rulers have not killed journalist, human rights activists or opponents from other sects?
Well, that's the problem. No one know who killed Khashoggi.
Furthermore, are you sure your rulers have not killed journalist, human rights activists or opponents from other sects?
Khashaqchi was one case from hundreds of thousands victims in middle east who were slaughtered by his wahhabi soldiers, just yesterday he slughtered 37 political activists by labeling them as terrorists.
Khashaqchi was one case from hundreds of thousands victims in middle east who were slaughtered by his wahhabi soldiers, just yesterday he slughtered 37 political activists by labeling them as terrorists.
I can quote thousands of such example from Iran as well. Well no problem, then keep on continue on collision course and see what happens.
I can quote thousands of such example from Iran as well. Well no problem, then keep on continue on collision course and see what happens.
Crimes of wahhabi dictator/terrorists is very well documented.
What these terrorists and their western supporters say about Iran doesn't matter.

Neither they can prove their claims, nor we expect or want them to say good about us.
Sincere advice, make very good relations with your immediate neighbours. Remove and misunderstandings and do not let any one use Iran's land against any country and if some of your agencies are interfering into other countries internal affairs, stop them and there is no point of being in denial. Trust neighbours and build trade with them ... the sanctions will be become ineffective.

Solution is Iran works closely with her neighbors. Show sincerity and implement the agreed points and you will see, sanction won't be that effective..of course there will be effect since West and most of other countries won't do business because they all fear the Uncle Sam but still there are countries that can help you like make good relations with KSA. MBS is not a bad guy. You should learn to coexist with them.
The problem is almost all our neighbors are in cahoots with the one that is imposing sanctions upon us .. on KSA or MBS being a good guy or not you could ask Yemeni children ..
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