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What do have Americans more to pressure Iran with it?

America needs to worry about withdrawing from the conflict in Afghanistan before starting up some thing with Iran. I am stunned at how foolish USA foreign policy has become nowadays. The USA needs to disband all of its foreign policy think tanks.
Trump is acting like Reagan and he is using the same foreign policy which brought the soviet union to it's knees and disbanded it. problem is with Iranian (or better to say one Iranian) who don't play according to his scenario!

Unfortunately your beloved Houthis loose ground everyday.

Please cry some more!
yeah, Houthis are loosing, houthis are loosing, hoothis are loosing,...
keep repeating it for another 4 years!
Unfortunately your beloved Houthis loose ground everyday.

Please cry some more!
Yemen as of today:
2019 4 24.jpg
Yemen in 23 July 2018:
2018 07.jpg

I think Yemeni people have shown a tremendous power & resistance under siege while the aggressor has access to everything & enjoy supports of the americans & co with beautiful weapons ... sure this war would be ended but Yemeni people would never forget the war & the one whom attacked them.


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My question is clear, After total one sided oil sanction on Iran what could be next step of US threat Iran with it?

my options are :
putting sanctions on non oil Iran products
closing sea routes on Iranian ships
closing air routes on Iranian flights
Sending terrorists to attack Iran

Please discuss here what is going to be next US move to increase pressure??
War. This is what America does
1. Destroy the country.
2. Rebuild
3. Sell weapons.
4. Again destroy.
This cycle continues.
Unfortunately your beloved Houthis loose ground everyday.

Please cry some more!
You act as if Iran cherishes Houthis as much as Hamas, PIJ, Hezbollah and PMU. Iran does not! Yemen war was a surprise war that Iran saw a chance to invest little with the potential to achieve alot. If Houthis settle for peace deal Iran isnt going to lose sleep. If Iran considered Yemen as important as Lebanon, Syria, etc, the war would be alot worse. Iran can execute a highly effective asymmetrical warfare strategy in Yemen that would bog down incompetent Gulfies for decades.

War. This is what America does
1. Destroy the country.
2. Rebuild
3. Sell weapons.
4. Again destroy.
This cycle continues.
US only "destroys" if Govt in place isnt compliant. Once its compliant, US wont destroy it..just sayin..
Unfortunately your beloved Houthis loose ground everyday.

Please cry some more!
Hahaa, are you serious, if nothing they've showed how incompetent the Arabs are at warfare even with the Americans supplying, coordinating and training them. The rebels have nothing yet the 2 richest country in the Middle East with an unlimited weapons supply can't lick them. Good luck if you ever have to fight a worthy adversary, you'll be toast....

PS: S.A. won't be around for too much longer, who's going to protect your little sheikdom then? I bet you, your sheik will be come around with hat in hand to Tehran when the Saudi's are gone.
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MBS the butcher is not a bad guy?! really?

I guess the more he slaughters, he becomes better, but you shouldn't say good, you should say best, best cannibal in the world.
Are you saying MBS ate Khashoggi? I have heard the phrase will eat you alive but never I will eat you at the dinner table.
My question is clear, After total one sided oil sanction on Iran what could be next step of US threat Iran with it?

my options are :
putting sanctions on non oil Iran products
closing sea routes on Iranian ships
closing air routes on Iranian flights
Sending terrorists to attack Iran

Please discuss here what is going to be next US move to increase pressure??
Please discuss here what is going to be next US move to increase pressure??

I want to ask this question again ???
what is next US move to increase pressure on Iran ????

since April (first post) these events happened.

Also Iran beaked some nuclear deal obligations
I am agree with you about chance of the war but not about Venezuela case.
Iran is not Venezuela because Iran is not USA neighbor at first place, We are in West Asia and have border with 15 countries including Russia(sea border), Turkey and Iraq.
Second, US does not have footprint on Iran like what it has on Venezuela through guys like Guaido.
Third, Iran it has more localized industries and economy in the compare to Venezuela.(Also Iran is more food self sufficient than Venezuela)
Iran borders are open in all four side, I mean underground businesses with neighbors could happen at worst case scenario.
and more and more, so comparing Iran with Venezuela is not fare at all.

I think Americans in next step will try to ban any economic relation with Iran including doing any business with Iran, but as raptor22 said they can not make it Zero.
My question- what Iran is doing to subvert them?
PS: S.A. won't be around for too much longer, who's going to protect your little sheikdom then? I bet you, your sheik will be come around with hat in hand to Tehran when the Saudi's are gone.
my dear kastor
you overestimated these shikhs, they came to Tehran before MBS be arrested by Yemenis which will happen soon inshallah.
Yemenis are preparing for their biggest attack in coming weeks. The Yemeni scientists achieved and build deadly and scary weapons, and mass produced them in last weeks.8-)

My question- what Iran is doing to subvert them?
to subvert what ??
I do not see existential threat against Iran and Iran as revolutionary country is ready to tolerate pressures instead of bending.
In economy Iran want to self sufficient it needs and that automatically subvert US tries to put hunger on Iran
Apparently when the Trump administration launched the campaign of "maximum" pressure, they did not know the meaning of the word "maximum" because they continue to say that they will add "more" pressure to the "maximum" pressure campaign on Iran.

The clowns in the Trump administration need to start with learning the definition of words in a dictionary before devising foreign policies.
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