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Iran Wants 400 New Planes by 2025 If Sanctions End

I try again...i would like to know, what are the plans? What market segments does Iran Air want cater? What alliance does it plan to participate in? What renomee does it plan to have and what fleet structure is planned?
in the first step by ending some sanctions iran announced that will buy at least 250 jet engines from airbus and boeing to use it for the present fleet. which means they are going to modernize the fleet. and sure they are eager to add more new products to the fleet since their policy is to make more airlines especially for international use since the country is going to deal more than past with west countries
in the first step by ending some sanctions iran announced that will buy at least 250 jet engines from airbus and boeing to use it for the present fleet. which means they are going to modernize the fleet. and sure they are eager to add more new products to the fleet since their policy is to make more airlines especially for international use since the country is going to deal more than past with west countries

Will be interesting. Maybe when plans are more specific i could end up in a team visiting Iran and help to introduce the new technology ;p Would be kinda cool. Iran Air once was a great airline. Not many know that it even ordered two Concorde. Unfortunately the islamic revolution ended this. One concorde was already finished and sold to BA then.
thats interesting. I agree that Iran Air would need a complete rebrand to cater an international market. A new name, corporate identity and so on. It would be an exciting project.

To minimize cost you should hane only one major international airport which works as hub for inland flights.

I agree with the major airport, it would be IK international airport south of Tehran.

Only phase 1 of the project is complete, the 2 bigger phases are yet to be constructed.

The small curved structure in the picture is phase 1 of the project, 2 other phases will hugely improve airport capacity to more than 50 million passengers per year and a possible phase 4 to 90 million passengers (if there is enough passenger demand of course).


About the airline designs, I agree that new airplane designs and paintings are needed.But the Iran Air logo is great now. It's chosen as most beautiful airline logo in the world already. Just a proper paint job is needed for planes, and a new brand name maybe.


The 30 Best-Looking Airlines Logos in The World – Skift
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The logo is nice and could be used, but the airline needs a new name. Dont get me wrong but Iran Air as a name is burned. It is hard to refresh a brand and much easier to just build up a new one. Build it on persian mythology and art. Im sure there is much stuff you can use.

The airport looks interesting. Dividing the project in different staged is a good solution. That way you can decide if the next step is really necessary and if there is enough demand. The last thing you want is an empty mega airport.

One thing i would advice is the name of the airport. I know this is a touchy subject and i hope i won't insult anyone but a less political name could be better for business. Thats just an advice and in no way meant as an insult. I hope you dont get it the wrong way and understand what i mean.
The logo is nice and could be used, but the airline needs a new name. Dont get me wrong but Iran Air as a name is burned. It is hard to refresh a brand and much easier to just build up a new one. Build it on persian mythology and art. Im sure there is much stuff you can use.

The airport looks interesting. Dividing the project in different staged is a good solution. That way you can decide if the next step is really necessary and if there is enough demand. The last thing you want is an empty mega airport.

One thing i would advice is the name of the airport. I know this is a touchy subject and i hope i won't insult anyone but a less political name could be better for business. Thats just an advice and in no way meant as an insult. I hope you dont get it the wrong way and understand what i mean.

I agree, a new brand can help to expand and repair airline's reputation and remove some past memories about it.

About the airport name, it can be changed anytime, but I believe airport's name has least of importance in development process of the airport. Not that it's not important, but we have so much to do that airports' names are not in priority.
Also dont underestimate the extensive training for pilots you need. Aviation did gigantic leaps in the last decades. You cant compare it with the airplanes iran air has in its fleet now. it will be a totally different world for many and i think hard for the elderly ones. modern airbus are controlled with a joy stick and so on. We have training programs for pilots of our customers both here at our plants and also at the home countries as well. Those trainings can be as expensive as a whole airplane.
Also dont underestimate the extensive training for pilots you need. Aviation did gigantic leaps in the last decades. You cant compare it with the airplanes iran air has in its fleet now. it will be a totally different world for many and i think hard for the elderly ones. modern airbus are controlled with a joy stick and so on. We have training programs for pilots of our customers both here at our plants and also at the home countries as well. Those trainings can be as expensive as a whole airplane.
That's a good point. I had never even thought about this before, but it makes sense.
That's a good point. I had never even thought about this before, but it makes sense.

yes and i dont mean it in any bad intention. Im sure you guys have great pilots and very skilled crew. Problem is, we do extensive training with pilots when an airline introduces a new Airbus model. Boeing does the same. But for western pilots its mostly an evolution, The differences ar not that big compared to the airplanes they used to fly before. But for iranian pilots it will be a jump of roughly 35 years of aviation technology. Evrything is automated, fly by wire and so on. The pilot is basicly also a system admin. Many pilots will have problems with that. The older ones even more so and this is a problem. And don't have illussions. Some may not be able to do it. And this is a huge personal problem. If you were a sucessful pilot for decades and then fail this...its important to not let thos guys alone with that. The worst thing that can happen to you is too wake up and realize you have become a living fossil.
yes and i dont mean it in any bad intention. Im sure you guys have great pilots and very skilled crew. Problem is, we do extensive training with pilots when an airline introduces a new Airbus model. Boeing does the same. But for western pilots its mostly an evolution, The differences ar not that big compared to the airplanes they used to fly before. But for iranian pilots it will be a jump of roughly 35 years of aviation technology. Evrything is automated, fly by wire and so on. The pilot is basicly also a system admin. Many pilots will have problems with that. The older ones even more so and this is a problem. And don't have illussions. Some may not be able to do it. And this is a huge personal problem. If you were a sucessful pilot for decades and then fail this...its important to not let thos guys alone with that. The worst thing that can happen to you is too wake up and realize you have become a living fossil.
That makes total sense. I see this every day in my own field. I'm 25 and I see lots of older guys who are opting out and quitting just b/c they're too burned out to learn new things.

btw on an unrelated note, do you know how easy is it to get your private pilot's license in Europe (for a single engine small plane)?
That makes total sense. I see this every day in my own field. I'm 25 and I see lots of older guys who are opting out and quitting just b/c they're too burned out to learn new things.

btw on an unrelated note, do you know how easy is it to get your private pilot's license in Europe (for a single engine small plane)?

It is not that hard at all. Just pretty expensive.

If you guys are interested about how an A380 cockpit looks like, take a look here. Lufthansa chief pilot Jürgen Raps explains each detail:

It is not that hard at all. Just pretty expensive.

If you guys are interested about how an A380 cockpit looks like, take a look here. Lufthansa chief pilot Jürgen Raps explains each detail:

I'm only 2 mins in, but it's so different. As you said they're controlled by joy sticks now. Interesting.

Here in Canada it's around 8-10,000 dollars for a private pilot's license. It's roughly the same cost for getting a motorcycle license (training, equipment, motorcycle etc... all add up). I'm seriously thinking about getting mine in the coming years.
That makes total sense. I see this every day in my own field. I'm 25 and I see lots of older guys who are opting out and quitting just b/c they're too burned out to learn new things.

btw on an unrelated note, do you know how easy is it to get your private pilot's license in Europe (for a single engine small plane)?
15 ml tuman for PPL course in Iran.I guess it costs much more in europe.
Thats what i mean. In short.

This is the cockpit layout Iran Air Pilots are used in their 747-200:


And this is in the brand new A380


This is a big problem for Iran. One of the biggest i suppose and most who are not into the business would not even be aware of this problem. And i admit, never before ny airline had such a gigantic task to modernize. Because of the sanctions Iran lost 35 years of technology and needs to catch up. Iran Air will depend heavily on foreign pilots at the starting phase. To get foreign pilots you must pay high salaries. Emirates has almost only foreign pilots and pays very good. The market for pilots who can fly this types of aircrafts is small, so Iran Air must offer simply the best income. At the same time Iran Air must start a gigantic training program for its own pilots. Basicly they must start again from the beginning.

I´m sure you guys will make it, but it will be very hard and i can tell you, that problems will arise that you aren´t even aware off, just like this training thing.
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