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Iran Wants 400 New Planes by 2025 If Sanctions End

We better work and focus on designing our own planes, neither West nor Russia cannot be trusted. They will stop spare parts and maintenance and etc. as soon as we do something against their will ...
Then gtfo of Canada if you can't trust this country's govt.

And Iran can't build its own planes. Jets don't run on salavat. And "neither West nor Russia cannot be trusted" is a double negative genius. Why is it that all of you hezbollahis are such geniuses all the time?

You come here, leave a blanket statement like "Iran should build a battle star and invade the neighboring galaxy," despite what everybody in this thread has said about Iran's capabilities and manage to lose all credibility by having lousy grammar and logic.

And as I said, wtf are you doing in Canada? Go back where you came from.
Then gtfo of Canada if you can't trust this country's govt.

And Iran can't build its own planes. Jets don't run on salavat. And "neither West nor Russia cannot be trusted" is a double negative genius. Why is it that all of you hezbollahis are such geniuses all the time?

You come here, leave a blanket statement like "Iran should build a battle star and invade the neighboring galaxy," despite what everybody in this thread has said about Iran's capabilities and manage to lose all credibility by having lousy grammar and logic.

And as I said, wtf are you doing in Canada? Go back where you came from.
You can go ahead and pour the water on where it burns ... :coffee:
You can go ahead and pour the water on where it burns ... :coffee:
"pour the water"

Your English is comically bad. For a guy that lives in an English speaking majority country with an Anglo-Saxon dominated ethnic majority, your English is insultingly bad, yet you come here and claim expertise on jets and aircraft. First, learn how to speak the official language of the country you're living in, then you might have an ounce of credibility.
We better work and focus on designing our own planes, neither West nor Russia cannot be trusted. They will stop spare parts and maintenance and etc. as soon as we do something against their will ...

this would be a crime against iranian tax payers and a money tomb. Thats exactly the reason why politics have nothing to do in engineering. You simply do not have a market for such an airplane. You would never bring in any profit. In the end it can be labeled unsafe amd not land anywhere. What Iran needs is cooperation and let engineers decide and not crazy nationalistic politicians. Iran is part of the world.
If US, Canada, European nations, Russia,Ukraine, China, South Africa, Brazil that produce airplanes, are not part of the world ? why not just buy from one single country and not commit crime ...:coffee:
with the budget of 400 foreign-built planes, Iranian engineers can build a time machine !!
If US, Canada, European nations, Russia,Ukraine, China, South Africa, Brazil that produce airplanes, are not part of the world ? why not just buy from one single country and not commit crime ...:coffee:
with the budget of 400 foreign-built planes, Iranian engineers can build a time machine !!

Well answer me some questions. Just this few. How do you plan to get permission to fly over Europe and North America? How do you plan to achieve the incredible high security standards in US and EU? How do you plan to compete in the market and make this venture profitable? How do you plan to win big airlines for your product, when even russia is not able to get a foot in the door? How do you justify a nationalist venture to iranian tax payers, after all you know 100% that it would cost hundreds of billions of € to start an iranian aviation industry and the chances to make just one € win are almost zero. In other words, you burn money that doesn't belong to you. Unfortunately thats common for nationalist politics. As soon they get control, nationalists always **** up big time.
We better work and focus on designing our own planes, neither West nor Russia cannot be trusted. They will stop spare parts and maintenance and etc. as soon as we do something against their will ...
We have spent billions on Russian garbage and we have lost many of our citizens. We had no problems pre1979 using western-made planes.

Currently we cant produce any airplanes, and if you say otherwise you are just lying, i bet those Iran140 or whatever is just 80% the work of Ukraine itself, maybe we assembled simple things like chairs or something. Always this big talks but when it comes to the real deal you back out.

From 2005 we earned around 800 bilion dollars. Where the hell did they go ? You are commiting crime against Iranian people. You guys are holding back our country and i am ashamed to call you my fellow countryman.

No one tells you to sell Iran, we are telling you to invest in our infrastructure so the quality of our peoples lifes increase.
We have spent billions on Russian garbage and we have lost many of our citizens. We had no problems pre1979 using western-made planes.

Currently we cant produce any airplanes, and if you say otherwise you are just lying, i bet those Iran140 or whatever is just 80% the work of Ukraine itself, maybe we assembled simple things like chairs or something. Always this big talks but when it comes to the real deal you back out.

From 2005 we earned around 800 bilion dollars. Where the hell did they go ? You are commiting crime against Iranian people. You guys are holding back our country and i am ashamed to call you my fellow countryman.

No one tells you to sell Iran, we are telling you to invest in our infrastructure so the quality of our peoples lifes increase.

I´m glad most iranians are realistic. If the majority does understand this, exactly what you said, then your country has a great future.
I´m glad most iranians are realistic. If the majority does understand this, exactly what you said, then your country has a great future.
Unfortunately we're going nowhere under this dictatorship. Time will tell. For now, we're heading to the bottom as we've done for 35 straight years.
Don´t be so pessimistic. Look change is coming and Iran opens up. The current regime makes a mistake that almost all dictatorships do. East germany went down because the same mistake. People demonstrate against the regime so the regime first puts more pressure on the masses. The pressure on the people gets so high that the regime must fear collapse. We already saw such demonstrations in Iran. In east germany the communist regime believed if it opens the boarders, pressure would sink. They saw the nation like a steam boiler. But it does not work like this. It is more like a nuclear reactor. Once a critical mass is reached you start a chain reaction which always leads to regime melt down. It is a 100% outcome and always the same. Sometimes it goes in months like in east germany. sometimes in days like in Ukraine and sometimes it takes years like in Iran.

That we ease the sanctions on Iran is basicly the deathblow for the regime. Iranians are so friendly people and i know that most iranians love the west, science and technology and the world. Sanctions only help the regime.
this would be a crime against iranian tax payers and a money tomb.

How do you justify a nationalist venture to iranian tax payers, after all you know 100% that it would cost hundreds of billions of € to start an iranian aviation industry and the chances to make just one € win are almost zero. In other words, you burn money that doesn't belong to you.

Just so you know, in Iran an average citizen DOES NOT pay taxes . 99% of Iranians don't even understand the concept of income, property, federal, sales tax.

Government's budget comes from oil and gas revenues.
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Just so you know, in Iran an average citizen DOES NOT pay taxes . 99% of Iranians don't even understand the concept of income, property, federal, sales tax.

Government's budget comes from oil and gas revenues.

In other words you have a country ruled from a mafia clan without any democratic base wasting the rescources of the people. Is that what you try to say?
I think there is nothing wrong in principle in Iran wanting to build small airliners, even if it is just for the home market.

Apart from the engines, the rest is doable and the R&D should come to no more than 10 billion dollars. Iran can afford this amount bearing in mind the technological progress it would make and the jobs that would be created. With the use of Western Engines, there is no reason it should not be somewhat as efficient as other planes.

Larger jets would need to be purchased mainly from the US and EU and so there would be no issue with landing rights in any country in the world.
I think there is nothing wrong in principle in Iran wanting to build small airliners, even if it is just for the home market.

Apart from the engines, the rest is doable and the R&D should come to no more than 10 billion dollars. Iran can afford this amount bearing in mind the technological progress it would make and the jobs that would be created. With the use of Western Engines, there is no reason it should not be somewhat as efficient as other planes.

Larger jets would need to be purchased mainly from the US and EU and so there would be no issue with landing rights in any country in the world.

Tell me why the EU for example should give such a plane a landing permission if it does not fit 100% the standards that we set? Do you really want build an airplane that can only fly inside Iran?
Tell me why the EU for example should give such a plane a landing permission if it does not fit 100% the standards that we set? Do you really want build an airplane that can only fly inside Iran?

Why not build small planes(around 100 passengers) for just internal flights?

Iran has the population and size to make sure that there will be a market for this.

For international flights, planes can be brought from US and EU.

The cost will run into many billions of dollars and Iran will probably just about break even if it is lucky, but the jobs and technogical development for Iran's aerospace industry will be worth it.
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