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We'll die like cattle': Kashmiris fear coronavirus outbreak

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@Nilu Pule we should have more heroes from north East, Nepal, Bhutan as those places are not economically robust enough to have big budget film industries...and while we are at it may be some pretty heroines from Dalit sections too..you raised a valid point...is there any resource that gives caste breakdown of Hindu heroes of Bollywood of the last 40 years?
What will happen to her as she has humiliated the prophet in Pakistan incase she becomes Pakistani ...... and again I said Musharaff soldout Kashmiris in 2004 , he back stabbed Taliban and now after abrogation of article 370 ...your govt ,ISI (no. 1 agency) and Army were not able to do anything to help Kashmiris .... again I am repeating Kashmiris are anything but fools .....
I don't know anyone. We love Kashmiris, Kashmiris love us.
And she is a Muslim, so will never insult Prophet.
You do realize i simply quoted what elected individuals of the Indian democracy have been advocating.
Did you just try and legitimize it by alluding that fair skinned equals strong women?

You are saying a 1000 year Reich was short sighted?

Brahminism in itself is the Nirvana of Nazi Ideology out there.

It is the ideology that is being discussed not its manifestation just in Germany in start of last century.

Can i now accuse you of intellectual dishonesty?
Nazis thought they could conquer the whole world, exterminate the unwanted and rule the whole world for eternity.

The RSS knows it cannot do that even in whole of India.

RSS has no problem in accepting helps from Muslims. Infact RSS has a separate Muslim wing.

Did Nazis allow Jews to join their party, army and Gestapo?

What are you failing to see that are very few things in common b/w RSS and Nazis.

You can accuse of me of anything. Like some of fellow PAKs accuse me of being a RSS member.
I never saw Kashmiris protesting for anything happening in Pakistan ...they even protested for killing of Gen Sulemani by US ...they even know Pakistan can sell them anytime ..either you are rating Pakistan too high or considering Kashmiris as fools ..... what you govt did after the abrogation of article 370 and achieved was nothing more then a joke
I don't know anyone. We love Kashmiris, Kashmiris love us.
And she is a Muslim, so will never insult Prophet.
Bollywood is filled with nepotism, Muslim dons funded by oil money and sex rackets. It has very little significance. For that matter, sikhs are also in limited number in Bollywood. That doesn't mean anything.

How do you think Israel responds? Hope do you think France responded to Muslim riots? How do you think Sweden or UK responded to Muslim refugees problems?

Muslims are weak and have no military might. But they have oil. It is the single most important resource in the world. Since Muslims are weak anyways, they can be defeated anytime needed.

Muslims are in a position where they have nothing to lose at they will never be able to develop strength for to hire backwardness in technology. So, it is best to enjoy the oil supply for some time before going on the offensive. If one acts like Muslims, then one will be militarily and technologically weak like Muslims

It wasn't Muslims who were weak on the first night in Delhi.

A lot of that oil you paid for, got funneled into the war they planned and waged.

Again I ask you.

If Muslims are so weak, can you point me to a Delhi (or a Godhra) in any Muslim country?

You are spewing shakha propaganda on a Pakistani site man!

Wake up ....
@Nilu Pule we should have more heroes from north East, Nepal, Bhutan as those places are not economically robust enough to have big budget film industries...and while we are at it may be some pretty heroines from Dalit sections too..you raised a valid point...is there any resource that gives caste breakdown of Hindu heroes of Bollywood of the last 40 years?
Be serious.

Our people will accept a Afghan Taliban member as a hero but they will never accept a mongloid looking Hindu hero.

I don't there is a caste break up.

But I think most of them are Khatris, Jatts, Brahmans and Rajputs.
It wasn't Muslims who were weak on the first night in Delhi.

A lot of that oil you paid for, got funneled into the war they planned and waged.

Again I ask you.

If Muslims are so weak, can you point me to a Delhi (or a Godhra) in any Muslim country?

You are spewing shakha propaganda on a Pakistani site man!

Wake up ....
Unfortunately, it's too late for him. Indoctrination by the RSS is too strong to be reversed.
The RSS knows it cannot do that even in whole of India.
Mathematically Nazis knew that too but did that stop them from trying?
Did Nazis allow Jews to join their party, army and Gestapo?
Yes. How do you think the intelligence network was so great and prime reason for it's efficiency.
What are you failing to see that are very few things in common b/w RSS and Nazis.
What you fail to see is that there is no patent to the ideology that it has to mirror it 100 percent before alarm bells ring?

You can accuse of me of anything. Like some of fellow PAKs accuse me of being a RSS member.

I had put it out in a question leaving you the right to refusal.
There is a reason why RSS doesn't want majority in RS. It will result in people becoming too much finicky and expect RSS to change Constitution. But this is not to be done till the right time internationally. Having majority indirectly via agents and purchase from other party is the way RSS wants so that it gets the less explosive changes done but at the same time keep expectations at bay.

This is also a calculated strategy. In delhi, AAP is infiltrated by RSS men and hence Kejriwal said that he won because of Bajrang Bali. In Maharashtra, NCP was forced join hands with Shiv Sena by RSS. When some NCP members asked for rotation CM, RSS went in the night to form a government with Fadnavis to threaten these members that they may end up with nothing if they don't accept UDDHAV as CM. In future, Shiv Sena will merge with BJP to have single hindutva leadership. UDDHAV was honoured for his long alliance by allowing him to be CM in this sneaky manner.

RSS intentionally lost in several states due to some reasons.
That is some next level conspiracy theory haha:rofl::rofl:
Be serious.

Our people will accept a Afghan Taliban member as a hero but they will never accept a mongloid looking Hindu hero.

I don't there is a caste break up.

But I think most of them are Khatris, Jatts, Brahmans and Rajputs.

You make me sad...but it is true...and that's why Hindus in North East are taking matters into their own hands and making viral videos of their own...

Very Important: Donot miss the small Shiva vinyl wrap on the fairing of the sportbike in the opening shots...Kind of like a youthful expression of Hindu Pride

This particular music video is from Assam and racked up 20 million views

Bollywood is filled with nepotism, Muslim dons funded by oil money and sex rackets. It has very little significance.
Stop deflecting.

Muslims dons can cast Muslim actors in their films. But they can't force Hindus to make them watch their movies.
It's Hindus like you have made these barely 5 feet feminine looking Muslim heroes as superstars. Who can't act to save their lives for Ishwar sakes
@padamchen @Juggernaut_the_Gangu
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