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We will never sell weapons to Pak that can harm India, Su-35 is out of question :: Russian Govt.

India is the biggest arms market in the world.
Seventy percent of its weapons are imported

Russia is now having to share this huge market with Usa Israel and France.

Russia has lost out on some big big deals to the western nations recently.

They are begging India to sign the pak fa fgfa contract .

India is dragging it's feet so Pakistan may get some offers.

get your wallet out boys they deal in hard cash only

No grant aid from Russia and no zero intereat loans like China.

Russia has offered another akula class nuclear subs for one billion dollars and joint development of new transport planes and new desiel powered subs amur class designs .

Russis has good options better than China by miles
India is the biggest arms market in the world.
Seventy percent of its weapons are imported

Russia is now having to share this huge market with Usa Israel and France.

Russia has lost out on some big big deals to the western nations recently.

They are begging India to sign the pak fa fgfa contract .

India is dragging it's feet so Pakistan may get some offers.

get your wallet out boys they deal in hard cash only

No grant aid from Russia and no zero intereat loans like China.

Russia has offered another akula class nuclear subs for one billion dollars and joint development of new transport planes and new desiel powered subs amur class designs .

Russis has good options better than China by miles
You forgot to add how unreliable Russian equipment is. Advanced? Yes. But reliable? Da hell no! Not even close to western standards or the Chinese ones.
I guess Russia got what it wanted ;) they wanted India to be Russian weapon importer for next ten years, they played India very well. Now they can support defence projects in the pipeline.

Pakistan helped, change India's mind.
Now, Pak will get a fat sales commission..
You forgot to add how unreliable Russian equipment is. Advanced? Yes. But reliable? Da hell no! Not even close to western standards or the Chinese ones.

Oh yeah ; so why are you jumping Up and DOWN on some FAKE and False
news of PAF Getting SU 35

SOUR GRAPES :lol::lol:
Oh yeah ; so why are you jumping Up and DOWN on some FAKE and False
news of Getting SU 35

SOUR GRAPES :lol::lol:

Oye bhangee gadhay, read thru all my responses about this su35 deal, I've always maintained that we should not go for it as its a golden elephant, far too expensive to maintain and very prone to breaking down! sala bhangee gadha, kidhar kidhar say moo utha kay ajatay hain!
That is how a troll from India would have thought. But our military planners are smart and understand Russia's problem who considers India as an ATM.

I am pretty sure they would work on other options. They have outsmarted our enemy for past many years. They are good at that.
The best part of friendship with Pak is their broad mindedness...
India fake news website quoting an "anonymous" source.
Oye bhangee gadhay, read theu all my responses about this su35 deal, I've always maintained that we should not go for it as its a golden elephant, far too expensive to maintain and very prone to breaking down! sala bhangee gadha, kidhar kidhar say moo utha kay ajatay hain!

SOUR GRAPES :lol::lol:

Then why did you Open that STUPID THREAD about Pakistan and Russia Getting close

If You DO NOT want Russian Weapons ; were you Dreaming
of VODKA or seeing Russian CIRCUS in Pakistan

What do you mean by close :lol::lol:
SOUR GRAPES :lol::lol:

Then why did you Open that STUPID THREAD about Pakistan and Russia Getting close

If You DO NOT want Russian Weapons ; were you Dreaming
of VODKA or seeing Russian CIRCUS in Pakistan

What do you mean by close :lol::lol:
Again bhangee gadhay, read thru my posts. It was get the counter view of the overall global chess game.
Again bhangee gadhay, read thru my posts. It was get the counter view of the overall global chess game.

Dont talk of Chess

It is beyond your Intellectual Capacity :lol:

If you play Chess ; it would be saddest Day in CHESS HISTORY :lol::lol:
Dont talk of Chess

It is beyond your Intellectual Capacity :lol:

If you play Chess ; it would be saddest Day in CHESS HISTORY :lol::lol:
hey congrats, bghangee gadha is finally able to use the words chess and history in the same sentence. Keep it up and you'll be a shining india for sure in about 2000 years! :lol:
We have seen such statements that Russia will not send army contingent for exercise after Uri attack but they were here. :cray::cray:
They never gave out such a statement. Share the link of the statement they have given after uri
Yeah that's why you keep coming back...cuz you like it! :lol: bhangee gadha! :omghaha:
We will never sell weapons to Pak that can harm India, Su-35 is out of question :: Russian Govt.

“All reports arguing that Russia could also sell Su-35 fighter jets to Pakistan are false… Islamabad would want to buy these aircraft and other Russian weapons, but Moscow is unlikely to agree on anything more than a transfer of a limited number of fighter and transport helicopters in future

Aren't these two sentences conflicting?
Enlightenment comes to the worthy, you shall see in near future , the results and fruits of Indian deals with Russians.

They are not necessarily bad for india, but it's better for Pakistan , that India chose Russian path as to the other one,

Lesser of two evils and India went with the lesser.
A lot of people in Russia & also in pakistan are relieved by Indians going back to Russia. May be China cares a bit too
What do u mean by the other path, we arent giving up the western path as well, wait for more bumper indi american defence deals after which ur leaders will go crying to US about affecting the balance of power in region.

That is how a troll from India would have thought. But our military planners are smart and understand Russia's problem who considers India as an ATM.

I am pretty sure they would work on other options. They have outsmarted our enemy for past many years. They are good at that.

Pakistan's genuine options are china, turkey, italy and ukraine
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