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We will never sell weapons to Pak that can harm India, Su-35 is out of question :: Russian Govt.

The same way 20 indian soldiers csn be roasted and no country bats a eyelid

they see Kashmir as a war of attrition between two big regional powers in which they will get their fingers burnt.

the uprising last summer was superb, it was a statement by the people of Kashmir against occupation, they mocked your soldiers deaths and celebrated a freedom fighter your subsequent curfew and oppressesion reaffirming the opposition to occupation

Ultimately the Body count Forced BOTH the Kashmiris as well as Pakistan Army
to stop fighting with India

War is about Winning ; the side with MORE Human and Material resources
will prevail
That is again your delusion ; That peak was always on your side of the LOC

We have SURROUNDED it from Three Sides ; and we have our Artilerry
on the other THREE PEAKS surrounding it

That is what keeps the peace
yeah, sure man. here, this is from your own tabloids that says that Pakistan conquered this peak.
cry away now.
why the hell does every thread end up changing the original topic...guess trolls need to banned now....
@GumNaam @Areesh

You guys are simply CLUTCHING at STRAWS here :lol:

What ever makes you Happy ; It is OK with me

There is NO cure for Delusional disorders :lol:

LOL okay

But do read this part before you get lost

"Point 5353 is very strategic. In 1992-93, the then corps commander (of India) decided to make a shift pocket on this point and sent personnel there by helicopter. The officers posted there successfully cut off the entire supply to the Pakistani pockets along the LoC for nearly two months," he said. The capture was in retaliation of Pakistani attacks on several Indian posts including the national highway from Srinagar to Leh.

He said the Indian Army then claimed that point 5353 is "within our LoC and that we have every right to patrol the area.
" He said this point offers a 40-kilometre view of the Pakistan side and from the Indian side an attack could be launched on Drass and the Drass-Kargil road.

Russia sells its oil directly to Europe and China

It does not need your Ports

we just SOLD them One Indian Port and refinery for 12 Billion dollars

A Fully operational and functioning port and Refinery

russia needs far more customers than just China and Europe as they both diversify their sources so Russia wants to diversify its client base naturally. further, the sanctions from europe aren't helping Russia neither. further more, india does not have any direct land links with russia so that port is worthless from them as far as selling oil enmass is concerned.
Pakistan captured the Point 5353 from India during the Kargil war.
Russians tiny relations with Pakistan are clearly political and just to involve in the regional matters, just like US involves in every region of the world and Russians are thinking to remove US from world politics that's why he wants to involve with every country just like Syria where he successfully managed a deal and in same way he is trying to sit in our regional table like Boss.
@GumNaam @Areesh

You guys are simply CLUTCHING at STRAWS here :lol:

What ever makes you Happy ; It is OK with me

There is NO cure for Delusional disorders :lol:
what your delusions see as straws is in fact us practically calling the shots. But enjoy your afghan hash induced delusions all you want.

India won't give inches. But would give hundreds of kilometers. :lol:

i am disappointed with the thread,i was expecting Pakistan member comments like.if they are denying that means something is happening in the back ground and they dont want India to cry and spoil the deal :-) or something like where they will station those su35 s and how they will use them
Read my previous comment on you spare time..Your poverty stat is full of discrepency..
Although If gone by world bank stat India has 30% poor & Pakistan has 22%..For a small population with 22% is not a matter amour propre.It means you are incompetant.
Pakistan has already been isolated..Last 70 years you got squat on Kashmir & also recent IWT.Your Muslim neighbors are dubious on you.US played you for last 7 decades.
You are too irrelevant to get feared of.Looking at you only I recall salwar kamiz j0kes..I don't get where your hollow pride is coming from..

Don't argue when you know now (link) that poverty in India is much higher than Pakistan. If not educated, at least you can behave like one.
Isolation: Unbelievable, it is US that says DO MORE DO MORE to Pakistan. What does that mean? They need us, we don't need them. We changed our stance and they moved towards you. Be thankful to us :)

Except two puppet governments what other Muslim neighbors you're referring to who are dubious? They all want one thing from Pakistan and that is DO MORE. It means we're extremely important for them. Don't talk crap when you know nothing.
i am disappointed with the thread,i was expecting Pakistan member comments like.if they are denying that means something is happening in the back ground and they dont want India to cry and spoil the deal :-) or something like where they will station those su35 s and how they will use them
Dear , there was no SU35 deal and we all know this.
First we will not buy because of price and running cost is higher for these birds, we will go with economical solutions.
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