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"We really slaughtered them!" - Turkish diplomat on reading Armenian files

I agree with you 100%. :tup:

And I hope "TrMhMt" will stop spamming all Xinjiang-related threads, and referring to us as "Chinese slaves" in every other post.

In East Asian societies, people are less likely to show outward emotion, compared to other places in the world. But that doesn't mean they are not truly pissed off inside.
Oh i`m sure your government was a tad angry about that but that "We hold our emotions inside" is not an East Asian society thing, it`s a man thing.
I don`t know where you got that it is an East thing, maybe you saw too many shows where men gush about their feelings and think that is the general West thing. There are those that hold it inside and there are those that don`t, in West and East.

I for one am one of those that hold it inside and keep my anger until the appropriate moment.

That all being said, too much holding it inside or being too weak to handle your emotions leads to suicidal tendencies, which is quite common in Asian societies especially the Japanese(The whole shame thing) and from what i read 287K people commit suicide every year in China.
Oh i`m sure your government was a tad angry about that but that "We hold our emotions inside" is not an East Asian society thing, it`s a man thing.
I don`t know where you got that it is an East thing, maybe you saw too many shows where men gush about their feelings and thing that is the general West thing. There are those that hold it inside and there are those that don`t, in West and East.

I for one am one of those that hold it inside and keep my anger until the appropriate moment.

That all being said, too much holding it inside or being too weak to handle your emotions leads to suicidal tendencies, which is quite common in Asian societies especially the Japanese(The whole shame thing) and from what i read 287K people commit suicide every year in China.

Off topic and off thread. Get a grip young man and stick to the thread.
Tam tersine, bir sürü cinli taniyom ve cok iyi insanlar. Uygurlarin cinde cok problemi yok kardesim. Eger cini'de karsimiza alirsak dünyada yalniz kaliriz. Ben cini amerikadan daha cok tercih ederim.

Ben 5 senedir bunlarla yasiyorum o acidan soyledim. Aralarinda kalmadigin surece oyleler dostum ama bendhr halukarda amerikaya karsin cini tercih ederim. Ama yinede cinin fazla buyumesini istemem her nekadar Uygurlarin sorunlari diger musluman kardeslerimize bakarak azsada susmam.

Dostum Uygurlarin hakkini gerektiginde tabiki herzaman savunacagiz.. Problemler elbette vardir ama goreceksiniz Turkiyemiz guclendikce azalacaktir Insallah.. Turkiyenin guclenmesine bagli. Guclu olanin sozu gecer.. Su an dogru yoldayiz umarim Turkiye oraya etkili bir sekilde arabuluculuk yaparak boyle tatsiz olaylar birdaha olmaz. Temennimiz odurki dunyada hicbir kardesimize zulum yapilmasin, haklari cignenmesin ama dedigim gibi ilk once guclenmemiz lazim. Allahu alem bu hizla gidersek guclu olursak hersey cok daha guzel olacak.


Ayni fikirdeyiz kardesim. Suan hukumet gercekten cok seyi basardi dahasida gelecek insallah !! Dedigin gibi sorunlari dile getirme noktasinda bende gordugumu burada paylasiyorum ama sizinde gordugunuz gibi irkcilikta diger milletlerden geri kalir yanlari yok !! Ben yari kurdum adamlar hala pkk'nin agzini konusup bizi onlarin temsil ettigini soyluyorlar islerine gelmedimi. Kurdum dedim bu sefer ermeni iddalarini piyasaya surduler.

Herneyse burada onemli olan Pakistanli kardeslerimizin birseyleri gormesi yoksa cinli herzaman cinli onlarin bu forumda bizim hakkimizda ne dusundugu onmeli degil ...
Oh i`m sure your government was a tad angry about that but that "We hold our emotions inside" is not an East Asian society thing, it`s a man thing.
I don`t know where you got that it is an East thing, maybe you saw too many shows where men gush about their feelings and thing that is the general West thing. There are those that hold it inside and there are those that don`t, in West and East.

I for one am one of those that hold it inside and keep my anger until the appropriate moment.

That all being said, too much holding it inside or being too weak to handle your emotions leads to suicidal tendencies, which is quite common in Asian societies especially the Japanese(The whole shame thing) and from what i read 287K people commit suicide every year in China.

It is different in China and Japan, the Japanese have a comfortable life,their difficulty is that spirit. But in China, we are still developing countries, and economies in transition, the situation is complex, given our huge population, although it is worthy of attention, but do not need to fuss.
You still have the error on the media information, official sources 100 people dead first time, they are all ordinary people Han Chinese and the HUI ,your error from the Turkish media, who twisted it into a direct Uighurs killed more than 100, which is information problems or deliberate attempt, you can guess.

It was a mistake by the goverment to believe in the heated media reports, they should ask the intelligence agency instead of heated media reports!! I agree with that!! Also after these events Mr Erdogan went to China, Chinese pm visited Turkey. So i guess they have sorted out in a positive way
It was a mistake by the goverment to believe in the heated media reports, they should ask the intelligence agency instead of heated media reports!! I agree with that!! Also after these events Mr Erdogan went to China, Chinese pm visited Turkey. So i guess they have sorted out in a positive way

Thank you for your good words, but I sincerely hope that it comes from your heart.
Yeah well you can be rich and have a great life and still commit suicide because of mental anguish and whatnot, doesn`t strictly mean suicides are a poor man`s thing.

I said, Chinese and Japanese are different, our lives are still difficult, and more, regardless of spiritual or material are in a transitional period, China's situation is complex, our culture is more content than you think . In short, the Chinese are not Japanese.
Thank you for your good words, but I sincerely hope that it comes from your heart.

Our islamic faith and Turkish traditions teached me to consider all peoples as friendly, no lies here.. the creation or existance is just 1 and it isnt something to fight, or hated it has to be loved.. So no secret agenda's my friend. What you see is what you get:woot:
Our islamic faith and Turkish traditions teached me to consider all peoples as friendly, no lies here.. the creation or existance is just 1 and it isnt something to fight, or hated it has to be loved.. So no secret agenda's my friend. What you see is what you get:woot:

Thank you for your attitude towards the Chinese people's culture is not the denial of friendship, every Chinese person know it, so do not worry about your friendship into the air, but we also pay more attention to actions than words.

Again, thank you for your attitude.
Your welcome to visit Turkey and experience it yourself, the warmth, friendship, brotherhood of peoples in my country!! you will love my people!! I believe the more we will learn, and know about eachoter the more the ties will strenghten, i believe there is great potential for alliance between Turkey and China, i have no doubt that our peoples can get along very easy.

Turkiye is a great country so is China!!
I thank you

You do not need to thank me, it is unnecessary, if China and Turkey can work together peace and prosperity, it is a good thing for us and the world. Corresponds to your good attitude, I frankly, it is not easy.
Your welcome to visit Turkey and experience it yourself, the warmth, friendship, brotherhood of peoples in my country!! you will love my people!! I believe the more we will learn, and know about eachoter the more the ties will strenghten, i believe there is great potential for alliance between Turkey and China, i have no doubt that our peoples can get along very easy.

Turkiye is a great country so is China!!

Great words and attitude, I appreciate it, and I sincerely hope we can make real progress in bilateral cooperation in the future.
half the world already recognized this so called "genocide". it wont hurt us if some other country does it to, we wont be butthurt like some israelis getting butthurt over countries recognizing Palestine.
half the world already recognized this so called "genocide". it wont hurt us if some other country does it to, we wont be butthurt like some israelis getting butthurt over countries recognizing Palestine.
Only 21 sovereign nations. There are still about 180 countries to have yet to recognize it.

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