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We are Jihadis; we have the right to rule

Dr israr Ahmed
He was a member of Jamat E islami before he started is own tanzeem .he was also suffering from same decease which TTP,Taliban and Al Ciada terrorist are suffering .

He is coming from same school of thought like salafi,wahabiahle hadees so its better to avoid him unless you want to become next suicide bom$$$

Panthar 57,

To understand a particular Verse as how and was revealed under what context
Bayan ul Quran of Hazrat Dr israr ahmed is recommended its available on Youtube

bayan-ul-Quran by Dr.Israr Ahmed >>>>>
Czar 786 writes;--
[[[I wonder why there are hindus left in indian sub continent when islam is so Evil and full of extremist who's book tell it follower to kill the non believer where ever they find them . After Rulling Indian sub-continent for 900 hundred years Hindu's are still in majority so there is something wrong on this thinking about islam .

Lots of indian i see in this forum say from first day of islam till now its taliban islam if this is correct then there should be no hindu left in indian sub-continent and no christian,jews left in arab peninsula .]]]

In the wake of 'War on Terror' being fought in Afghanistan and along western border of Pakistan; Taliban may be the freedom fighter or so named as Terrorist; where as in India following are the fearest terrorist fighting for their descension. what is your opinion about that....?

Following is the list of terrorist organizations banned by the of India as of October 2012:

Akhil Bharat Nepali Ekta Samaj (ABNES)
Al Badr
All Tripura Tiger Force
Babbar Khalsa International
Communist Party of India (Maoist) all its formations and front organisations
Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) -- People’s War, All its formations and front organizations
Deendar Anjuman
Dukhtaran-e-Millat (DEM)
Harkat-ul-Mujahideen / Harkat-ul-Ansar / Harkat-ul-Jehad-e-Islami
Hizb-ul-Mujahideen / Hizb-ul-Mujahideen Pir Panjal Regiment
Indian Mujahideen and all its formations and front organisations
International Sikh Youth Federation
Jaish-e-Mohammad / Tahrik-e-Furqan
Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Front
Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup (KYKL)
Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP)
Khalistan Commando Force
Khalistan Zindabad Force
Lashkar-e-Taiba/ Pasban-e-Ahle Hadis
Manipur People’s Liberation Front (MPLF)
Maoist Communist Centre (MCC), All its formations and Front Organisations
National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB)
National Liberation Front of Tripura
People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (PREPAK)
Students Islamic Movement of India
Tamil Nadu Liberation Army (TNLA)
Tamil National Retrieval Troops (TNRT)
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA)
United National Liberation Front (UNLF)
Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI)[2]
Czar 786 writes;--
[[[I wonder why there are hindus left in indian sub continent when islam is so Evil and full of extremist who's book tell it follower to kill the non believer where ever they find them . After Rulling Indian sub-continent for 900 hundred years Hindu's are still in majority so there is something wrong on this thinking about islam .

Lots of indian i see in this forum say from first day of islam till now its taliban islam if this is correct then there should be no hindu left in indian sub-continent and no christian,jews left in arab peninsula .]]]

In the wake of 'War on Terror' being fought in Afghanistan and along western border of Pakistan; Taliban may be the freedom fighter or so named as Terrorist; where in India following are the fearest terrorist fighting for their descension. what is you opinion about that....?

Following is the list of terrorist organizations banned by the of India as of October 2012:

Akhil Bharat Nepali Ekta Samaj (ABNES)
Al Badr
All Tripura Tiger Force
Babbar Khalsa International
Communist Party of India (Maoist) all its formations and front organisations
Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) -- People’s War, All its formations and front organizations
Deendar Anjuman
Dukhtaran-e-Millat (DEM)
Harkat-ul-Mujahideen / Harkat-ul-Ansar / Harkat-ul-Jehad-e-Islami
Hizb-ul-Mujahideen / Hizb-ul-Mujahideen Pir Panjal Regiment
Indian Mujahideen and all its formations and front organisations
International Sikh Youth Federation
Jaish-e-Mohammad / Tahrik-e-Furqan
Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Front
Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup (KYKL)
Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP)
Khalistan Commando Force
Khalistan Zindabad Force
Lashkar-e-Taiba/ Pasban-e-Ahle Hadis
Manipur People’s Liberation Front (MPLF)
Maoist Communist Centre (MCC), All its formations and Front Organisations
National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB)
National Liberation Front of Tripura
People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak (PREPAK)
Students Islamic Movement of India
Tamil Nadu Liberation Army (TNLA)
Tamil National Retrieval Troops (TNRT)
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA)
United National Liberation Front (UNLF)
Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI)[2]
what is your opinion about ;Bhajvad Gita,Vedic and Puranic...?

Do u know any of these books and have you read any of them..?
The day a Pundit comes and tell me how to live my life according to Gita, Vedas or Purana I will shove my knee up his A$$ and then straighten up my leg.
I wonder why there are hindus left in indian sub continent when islam is so Evil and full of extremist who's book tell it follower to kill the non believer where ever they find them . After Rulling Indian sub-continent for 900 hundred years Hindu's are still in majority so there is something wrong on this thinking about islam .

Lots of indian i see in this forum say from first day of islam till now its taliban islam if this is correct then there should be no hindu left in indian sub-continent and no christian,jews left in arab peninsula .

Half of Goa's population is Hindu, does than mean a two hundred year long inquisition was not run in the goa by Rome? Are you saying the ultimate partial failure of bigots like Aurangzeb and sikandar butshikan is now their virtue? My ancestors fought Aurangzeb in deccan for 27 years, thank you.

I don't say anything about islam, but FACT is that an intolerant strain in islam has existed throughout. There is no need to pretend Taliban is a modern invention and the solution is going back to the pre modern. That's all I'm saying. And that suggestion is actually meant to help you defeat the Taliban and other Wahhabis who would love to see shias like you dead.
Czar86 Writes

[[[[Dr israr Ahmed
He was a member of Jamat E islami before he started is own tanzeem .he was also suffering from same decease which TTP,Taliban and Al Ciada terrorist are suffering .

He is coming from same school of thought like salafi,wahabiahle hadees so its better to avoid him unless you want to become next suicide bom$$$]]]

U R too far.. from reality
Like all the religion scripture Ved,Torah,Bible they get corrupted by passage of time and the people in power they manipulated according to their need .so when Quran was reviled on Prophet Muhammad PBUH Allah promise that he is going to protect the scripture from corruption and thats why we see Same Quran where ever you go in the world .

Allah says in the holy Quran that he made easy to remember this book thats why we see million of muslim all around the globe able to by heart it.

The problem muslim world is facing today is corruption spread by british in muslim world in the time of british raj in india we experience many Fitna sect like Wahabi and Ahmedia in indian sub continent and in arab peninsula they help there Bit*** Al saud
to come in to power he took the help of most devient sect of Alwahab and taimiya

The problem is low mentality scholar with limited knowledge now are in high places like two holy city and gullible muslim around the world think its authentic islam .

"This oasis is yours, do not fear your enemies. By the name of God, if all Nejd was summoned to throw you out, we will never agree to expel you." Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab replied, "You are the settlement's chief and wise man. I want you to grant me an oath that you will perform jihad (holy war) against the unbelievers. In return you will be imam, leader of the Muslim community and I will be leader in religious matters".
—Madawi al-Rasheed, A History of Saudi Arabia: 16

Of course the problem is that no one knows what "Islam" is. There is no credible authority who has the right to define "Islam" for all of mankind. There is no Islamic equivalent to the agreed upon "Nicene Creed" which defines Christianity. So, "Islam" has as many voices which speak for it as it has adherents. And all of "Islam's" voices are equally valid and invalid.

There is one book, Al Quran. either the book is too complicated to be comprehended or the followers are too fcukin dumb to decode it. its your pick. Take it and go !!!
Ranjeet writes in response to....

Originally Posted by Adabarez
what is your opinion about ;Bhajvad Gita,Vedic and Puranic...?

Do u know any of these books and have you read any of them..?

He writes

[The day a Pundit comes and tell me how to live my life according to Gita, Vedas or Purana I will shove my knee up his A$$ and then straighten up my leg.]

This is your choice which certainly does not reflect the opinion of many other respected Hindu members....
and when u dont care about ur own sacred books and preachers/pandits........I doubt it that u will care about others....
Anybody connected to House of Saud is misguided the sect who came into existance in hundred year is going to guide the UMMAH i don;t think so they can only guide you to hell fire.

Wahabi,Deobandi,Jamateislami,salafi and ahle hadees Same Sh%% Different As$$$ .
Check the belief of the terrorist and see which sect they belong .
All the terrorist in Pakistan ,Syria,libya,sudan,somalia,Iraq who are blowing themselves are coming from these sect.take a look.

Czar86 Writes

[[[[Dr israr Ahmed
He was a member of Jamat E islami before he started is own tanzeem .he was also suffering from same decease which TTP,Taliban and Al Ciada terrorist are suffering .

He is coming from same school of thought like salafi,wahabiahle hadees so its better to avoid him unless you want to become next suicide bom$$$]]]

U R too far.. from reality
Dear Czar86 writes...

[[The problem is low mentality scholar with limited knowledge now are in high places like two holy city and gullible muslim around the world think its authentic islam .]]

That is why I wrote it in OP...

{There should have been hundreds of universities of knowledge, philosophy, of science and medicine and research centers surrounding those cities (of Mecca and Madina)....to benefit the mankind. By now every Muslim country street should have been full of scholars and philosophers of wisdom and Knowledge....

BUT what is this going on..... ......I see brutal Killers emerging from every nook and corner …sent out to spread anarchy, death and destruction to the world out there.........and they say call us TTP, Lashkr e Jhangvi, Lashkar e Teyaba , we are Jihadis.....we have the right to rule....we are your Islam .
This is NOt my Islam.]
This is your choice which certainly does not reflect the opinion of many other respected Hindu members....
and when u dont care about ur own sacred books and preachers/pandits........I doubt it that u will care about others....

Machines need a manual not man ... god gave us brain to differentiate between right and wrong. If a human needs to refer to a book to judge if something is right or wrong than to hell with that kind of book and religion. It's as simple as that. what's sacred to me to is be just with others, I respect a girl/woman because i deeply feel that's how they must be treated not because i read somewhere in a fancy book about the importance of them in life. I see their importance in my life every Fcukin day.

U may read my other post: After Egypt, Al Saud sees Pakistan a leading Salafist Caliphate
Half of Goa's population is Hindu, does than mean a two hundred year long inquisition was not run in the goa by Rome? Are you saying the ultimate partial failure of bigots like Aurangzeb and sikandar butshikan is now their virtue? My ancestors fought Aurangzeb in deccan for 27 years, thank you.

I don't say anything about islam, but FACT is that an intolerant strain in islam has existed throughout. There is no need to pretend Taliban is a modern invention and the solution is going back to the pre modern. That's all I'm saying. And that suggestion is actually meant to help you defeat the Taliban and other Wahhabis who would love to see shias like you dead.
What people here don't understand is Mughals ruled in collaboration with the Hindu warlords but every time some bigot went FULL RETARD on local population there were people who stood up against such tyrants. They might have been few and scattered ones but there was always someone.

[Don't waste your breath, he is an atheist.]

From his flaunting, blatant reply I could guess it that SomeBozo was an atheist.

but the question is that ...then why the gentleman should be bothered about any discussion which revolve around the God , the believers and the religion....?


What is this ....Jawazat??

Jawazat like saudi immigration that deport people or something. :lol:

Quote Originally Posted by Adabarez View Post
This is your choice which certainly does not reflect the opinion of many other respected Hindu members....
and when u dont care about ur own sacred books and preachers/pandits........I doubt it that u will care about others....

Machines need a manual not man ... god gave us brain to differentiate between right and wrong. If a human needs to refer to a book to judge if something is right or wrong than to hell with that kind of book and religion. It's as simple as that. what's sacred to me to is be just with others, I respect a girl/woman because i deeply feel that's how they must be treated not because i read somewhere in a fancy book about the importance of them in life. I see their importance in my life every Fcukin day.

For U your faith...and for me what I believe......so there are no hard feeling in between Us

Be happy stay blessed
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