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We are Jihadis; we have the right to rule

and you seem to have missed your English class. :yay:

@Adabarez ..thanks for your reply.. kindly mention me.
you can do that by use @ symbol before my id.

I wanted clarification on your original post, you did not respond to it. Your reply is only full of assertions.

Oh I did? Funny considering you replied to me with a sentence starting with "and", and no capitalization either. :nono:
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Hope I don't get banned/infracted for this, but it is not meant to be offensive, just "jihadist" perspective:

1. infidels
2. no (I see where you are going with this). But the bombers are not committing suicide. They are wholly warriors going to certain death for the cause of Islam.
3. No. But one who doesn't believe in what Jihadists believe is not innocent. His crime is rejecting true Islam which makes him/her infedel
4. both. as required
5. yes. you can rule infedels by force. That will save them from certain hell after death which is for their own good.
6.There are instances that can be interpreted to say yes to this question.
7. Don't think so (I might be wrong here). Islam doesn't have concept of nations. But as for as loyalty to Islam is considered, any rejection is a death penalty.
8. Allows anything as long as it belongs to infedels (true mosque is only those run by jihadists)
9 and 10 - dunno

1. Fair enough but jihadist tend to spend most their time fighting Muslims instead of perceived infidels.
2. There is no concept of ends justify the means in warfare according to Islamic injunction. Just because you are in a state of war does not mean rules do not apply, in fact there are more rules to follow.
3. Negative because Islam states, you your beliefs me mine so jihadists are contradicting Quran and themselves infidels. :lol:
4. Negative only defensive although jihadists never claim they are on an offensive spree and they believe Islam is under attack and they are defending the faith.
5. Islam only talks about how a ruler should behave in a state where Islam is the majority religion. All the expansions done by Muslim leaders were for their own reasons whether political, logical, financial, for glory, or for greed. Ruling over non- believers does not grant them paradise.
6. List them
7. Islam says patriotism is fine and one must be loyal to their nation whether Islamic or non-Islamic but Islam warns against over the top patriotism for fear that some may believe themselves better than others based on their nation (as history has shown). Islam says only piety can be used as a bedrock to see which man is greater than whom. Depends what you mean by loyalty to Islam?
8. I have never come across a jihadist mosque actually nor heard of one. Maybe its because they are too busy blowing sht up to open their own mosques. :lol: Oh yeah and no, other places of worship are to be respected although history has shown some Muslim rulers have broken this rule many a times.
9 and 10. You did not know 1-8 either, that's alright. :D
Wishwamithra and friends..

I don’t think that here we are on a beat of comparison of our cultural differences; where we must be, somehow, bent upon proving it that subcontinent culture is superior to Arabs culture or vice versa.
Even then the fact remains that Subcontinent India when it’s called melting pot of civilizations…that simply means that many invaders when they came to rule, their culture did come with them that’s is how India can claim that it is rich in Civilization.

But here keeping the cultural business aside, the subject in question is …’the divine Book of Quran’ that we have at this age and time.
Quran being the Divine Book; we need to be careful in addressing it which demands our full attention to see that what is this book about and how does it affect us.

From Stone Age to present day what has changed of human being is; achieving of its adulthood of conscious.
In every age and time God Almighty has not left the mankind without their guidance through His prophets. The older religions that we know like Buddhism, Zoroastrian, Vedic and others; they all had their prophets with them sent by God and all the peoples believed in God but these religion have been restricted to certain tribes and areas.

On the development of communications, travels and trades; it demanded the inter linkage of religions also. The known world was drawing closer. There was a necessity to have a universal religion which may confirms and validates the older divine religions and also guide them and bond them together.

As we are aware of it that Quran is that final Universal book of religion which introduces us with the last of religion Islam, chosen by God Almighty for mankind.

Islam confirms and validates all the older Divine religions and present itself as the source of bonding and guidance to bring all into its fold.
Quran is a book; a fine cut of Divine wisdom and knowledge

Have you actually read quran? I cannot stop laughing when I do...a five year old has more wisdom than quran..its just a plagiarized amalgam of 4000 years old stories stolen from here and there. There is nothing useful to mankind in quran.

Now he should zip it once and for all. :lol:
1. Fair enough but jihadist tend to spend most their time fighting Muslims instead of perceived infidels.
2. There is no concept of ends justify the means in warfare according to Islamic injunction. Just because you are in a state of war does not mean rules do not apply, in fact there are more rules to follow.
3. Negative because Islam states, you your beliefs me mine so jihadists are contradicting Quran and themselves infidels. :lol:
4. Negative only defensive although jihadists never claim they are on an offensive spree and they believe Islam is under attack and they are defending the faith.
5. Islam only talks about how a ruler should behave in a state where Islam is the majority religion. All the expansions done by Muslim leaders were for their own reasons whether political, logical, financial, for glory, or for greed. Ruling over non- believers does not grant them paradise.
6. List them
7. Islam says patriotism is fine and one must be loyal to their nation whether Islamic or non-Islamic but Islam warns against over the top patriotism for fear that some may believe themselves better than others based on their nation (as history has shown). Islam says only piety can be used as a bedrock to see which man is greater than whom. Depends what you mean by loyalty to Islam?
8. I have never come across a jihadist mosque actually nor heard of one. Maybe its because they are too busy blowing sht up to open their own mosques. :lol: Oh yeah and no other places of worship are to be respected although history has shown some Muslim rulers have broken this rule many a times.
9 and 10. You did not know 1-8 either, that's alright. :D
Salman 108 writes

How old are you ?? I am guessing 12 ?


Yeah you are right.......Its 12 but months are, somehow in hundreds....!
Have you actually read quran? I cannot stop laughing when I do...a five year old has more wisdom than quran..its just a plagiarized amalgam of 4000 years old stories stolen from here and there. There is nothing useful to mankind in quran.

Please keep your thoughts to you .. Don't try to be over-smart ...
1. Fair enough but jihadist tend to spend most their time fighting Muslims instead of perceived infidels.
2. There is no concept of ends justify the means in warfare according to Islamic injunction. Just because you are in a state of war does not mean rules do not apply, in fact there are more rules to follow.
3. Negative because Islam states, you your beliefs me mine so jihadists are contradicting Quran and themselves infidels. :lol:
4. Negative only defensive although jihadists never claim they are on an offensive spree and they believe Islam is under attack and they are defending the faith.
5. Islam only talks about how a ruler should behave in a state where Islam is the majority religion. All the expansions done by Muslim leaders were for their own reasons whether political, logical, financial, for glory, or for greed. Ruling over non- believers does not grant them paradise.
6. List them
7. Islam says patriotism is fine and one must be loyal to their nation whether Islamic or non-Islamic but Islam warns against over the top patriotism for fear that some may believe themselves better than others based on their nation (as history has shown). Islam says only piety can be used as a bedrock to see which man is greater than whom. Depends what you mean by loyalty to Islam?
8. I have never come across a jihadist mosque actually nor heard of one. Maybe its because they are too busy blowing sht up to open their own mosques. :lol: Oh yeah and no other places of worship are to be respected although history has shown some Muslim rulers have broken this rule many a times.
9 and 10. You did not know 1-8 either, that's alright. :D

1. They are not muslims in the eyes of Jihadists. Ironically, in the same way Ahmadis are not considered muslims in pakistan..
2. Quaran clearly states believers "slay and are slain" for the cause of Allah... It also says that those who are killed for the cause of Allah are not dead but alive in paradise. Suicide bombers considers themselves to be doing just that.
3. same as above. Slay infidels and be slain... if the end is establishment od islamic rule, any means is justified (at least some verses can be used to justify it)
4. again, points 2 and 3. Also, jihadists use imaginary attacks on themselves by infidels (like music is destroying Islam etc etc) and then whole things become defensive instantly...
5. Islam has only 2 states, islamic and non-islamic. (good and bad). Jihadists are fighting to conquer the bad...
6. Bukari 53:386...just one among many... now just don't get started on explanation....this is exactly what jihadists do...
7. No concept of separate nation than Islamic nation ruled as per sharia... this is where patriotism merges with adhering to islam.
8. Mosques/madrassas run by TTP, LeJ, LeT etc are examples, if you have not come across one, good for you. If you had, you would have blown yourself up a long time ago for the cause of jihadists...
1. They are not muslims in the eyes of Jihadists. Ironically, in the same way Ahmadis are not considered muslims in pakistan..
2. Quaran clearly states believers "slay and are slain" for the cause of Allah... It also says that those who are killed for the cause of Allah are not dead but alive in paradise. Suicide bombers considers themselves to be doing just that.
3. same as above. Slay infidels and be slain... if the end is establishment od islamic rule, any means is justified (at least some verses can be used to justify it)
4. again, points 2 and 3. Also, jihadists use imaginary attacks on themselves by infidels (like music is destroying Islam etc etc) and then whole things become defensive instantly...
5. Islam has only 2 states, islamic and non-islamic. (good and bad). Jihadists are fighting to conquer the bad...
6. Bukari 53:386...just one among many... now just don't get started on explanation....this is exactly what jihadists do...
7. No concept of separate nation than Islamic nation ruled as per sharia... this is where patriotism merges with adhering to islam.
8. Mosques/madrassas run by TTP, LeJ, LeT etc are examples, if you have not come across one, good for you. If you had, you would have blown yourself up a long time ago for the cause of jihadists...

1. Separate issues entirely (ahmadis) but if you are giving ****** perspective than yes I guess this is what they believe.
2. They may believe that but they break rules and so will be surprised when they are sharing a bunk with hitler in hell.
3. Fair enough that is their belief.
4. Yes they say they are under attack but that was not the original question here anyway.
5. There was no concept of nation states back then so jihadists are brain farting. Also are these your beliefs as well or their pov?
6. This has nothing to do with the original question. :lol:
7. Actually no jihadists do not consider themselves patriots at all, they consider all patriotism kuffr.
8. Have you ever personally been inside such mosques? You will have to go inside and see for yourself before you declare them jihadist on a whim. Jihadists are on tape not even knowing the shahadah. Sorry no I am not a simpleton and have been raised to think for myself, maybe you would since you seem to be so well in line with the jihadist pov. :lol:
2. Quaran clearly states believers "slay and are slain" for the cause of Allah... It also says that those who are killed for the cause of Allah are not dead but alive in paradise. Suicide bombers considers themselves to be doing just that.

Most unfortunate part is that people quote things on hearsay. Quran is quoted with only that part of text which suits them. To understand what it is important to UNDERSTAND what is written before and after the quoted verse. It is also important to correlate the incident and circumstances under which verse was reviled.

5. Islam has only 2 states, islamic and non-islamic. (good and bad).


7. No concept of separate nation than Islamic nation ruled as per sharia... this is where patriotism merges with adhering to islam.
It can be an interpretation of someone but not what Islam says. Had so been the case Quran would not have talked about distribution of people in tribes so that they can identify themselves.

8. Mosques/madrassas run by TTP, LeJ, LeT etc are examples, if you have not come across one, good for you. If you had, you would have blown yourself up a long time ago for the cause of jihadists...
LeJ and TTP are perfect examples of those who are always misguided people, which every religion has.
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