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We are Jihadis; we have the right to rule

What people here don't understand is Mughals ruled in collaboration with the Hindu warlords but every time some bigot went FULL RETARD on local population there were people who stood up against such tyrants. They might have been few and scattered ones but there was always someone.

You are absolutely right. And the maximum no of revolts happened during Aurangzeb's rule because he brought back jaziya and tried to forcible convert people. All this is well recorded, in official Mughal court documents, yet some people would offer weird logic to reject official records. That weird logic is rooted in their supremacist belief and ideas about how much influence a king would actually exert without the local population's consent. There were obvious limits. Aurangzeb's desire to cross those limits made sure Maratha forces were in Delhi within six years after his death in deccan.

This is why I don't want India to let go of Kashmir, that would mean b@stards like sikandar butshikan and Aurangzeb would eventually win. That's a -1 for humanity.
You are absolutely right. And the maximum no of revolts happened during Aurangzeb's rule because he brought back jaziya and tried to forcible convert people. All this is well recorded, in official Mughal court documents, yet some people would offer weird logic to reject official records. That weird logic is rooted in their supremacist belief and ideas about how much influence a king would actually exert without the local population's consent. There were obvious limits. Aurangzeb's desire to cross those limits made sure Maratha forces were in Delhi within six years after his death in deccan.

This is why I don't want India to let go of Kashmir, that would mean b@stards like sikandar butshikan and Aurangzeb would eventually win. That's a -1 for humanity.

man... kashmiris are not like aurangzeb or sikandar.. they are simple folks. Some kashmiris struggle is driven by religion and some is not.
You are absolutely right. And the maximum no of revolts happened during Aurangzeb's rule because he brought back jaziya and tried to forcible convert people. All this is well recorded, in official Mughal court documents, yet some people would offer weird logic to reject official records. That weird logic is rooted in their supremacist belief and ideas about how much influence a king would actually exert without the local population's consent. There were obvious limits. Aurangzeb's desire to cross those limits made sure Maratha forces were in Delhi within six years after his death.

This is why I don't want India to let go Kashmir, that would mean b@stards like sikandar butshikan and Aurangzeb would eventually win.
Nah man those days are long gone, lets just focus on the future and try to uplift our society to a brighter tomorrow. let the incompetents think about running over the AL HIND in their dreams !!!!
man... kashmiris are not like aurangzeb or sikandar.. they are simple folks. Some kashmiris struggle is driven by religion and some is not.

The simple folk can live under a secular system just fine, isn't kashmiriyat secular anyway? As to the osama bin laden loving religious nutjobs, who gives a fcuk?
man... kashmiris are not like aurangzeb or sikandar.. they are simple folks. Some kashmiris struggle is driven by religion and some is not.
Well since the Kashmiri painted their freedom struggle in a religious color they lost their cause. Our past is so murky that there is no way in hell we are going to bow down to such threats.
The simple folk can live under a secular system just fine, isn't kashmiriyat secular anyway? As to the osama bin laden loving religious nutjobs, who gives a fcuk?

they are separatists like ulfa, or khalistani people.. some of it is driven by religious difference but mostly by a wish to be independent.
they are separatists like ulfa, or khalistani people.. some of it is driven by religious difference but mostly by a wish to be independent.

'Kashmir mei agar rehna hai, Allah-O-Akbar kehna hai' (If you want to stay in Kashmir, you have to say Allah-O-Akbar);
'Yahan kya chalega, Nizam-e-Mustafa' (What do we want here? Rule of Shariah);
'Asi gachchi Pakistan, Batao roas te Batanev san' (We want Pakistan along with Hindu women but without their men).

Enough said, these ain't medieval times but I swear who ever came up with this kind of crap needed to be deal in the way they are being dealt. No remorse No mercy let them feel the wrong side of the boot with spikes just for the fook of it.
Ranjeet writes...

[There is one book, Al Quran. either the book is too complicated to be comprehended or the followers are too fcukin dumb to decode it. its your pick. Take it and go !!!]

what is your opinion about ;Bhajvad Gita,Vedic and Puranic...?

Do u know any of these books and have you read any of them..?

Yes there are different interpretations of Gita and Purans but those interpretations does convey the same thing in some manner or the other.
But they donot make one set of believers to kill other (unlike Shia and Sunni {Iraq, Syria, Pakistan}); its interpretation doesnot tell you to kill some one if he is unable to pray properly (Yesterday's Al qaeda incident) or commit suicide bombings to kill innocents.

Muslims killing Muslims and justifying their act as the correct interpretation of Islam:hitwall:
Yes there are different interpretations of Gita and Purans but those interpretations does convey the same thing in some manner or the other.
But they donot make one set of believers to kill other (unlike Shia and Sunni {Iraq, Syria, Pakistan}); its interpretation doesnot tell you to kill some one if he is unable to pray properly (Yesterday's Al qaeda incident) or commit suicide bombings to kill innocents.

Muslims killing Muslims and justifying their act as the correct interpretation of Islam:hitwall:
I know it off topice but .. how can you keep on R for running when you are T for talli
'Kashmir mei agar rehna hai, Allah-O-Akbar kehna hai' (If you want to stay in Kashmir, you have to say Allah-O-Akbar);
'Yahan kya chalega, Nizam-e-Mustafa' (What do we want here? Rule of Shariah);
'Asi gachchi Pakistan, Batao roas te Batanev san' (We want Pakistan along with Hindu women but without their men).

Enough said, these ain't medieval times but I swear who ever came up with this kind of crap needed to be deal in the way they are being dealt. No remorse No mercy let them feel the wrong side of the boot with spikes just for the fook of it.

come on mate.. if I post all sikh and hindu nutjob quotes.. we wont be anywhere... kashmiris are not that religious fundoo people.. unlike other places in India .. like hyderabad or kanpur
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