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We are Jihadis; we have the right to rule

come on mate.. if I post all sikh and hindu nutjob quotes.. we wont be anywhere... kashmiris are not that religious fundoo people.. unlike other places in India .. like hyderabad or kanpur
Nah to hell with such hindus and sikhs as well man, no one has a right to threaten the women folk in such a blatant way.
You posted "Quran clearly states" you're making it complicated without giving the background.

What is unclear in that? so, dying for islam's cause is not permitted by quran? For example ( a hypothetical scenario), if some group is trying to burn quran and people defending are hopelessly out numbered. If they defend, they (muslims) will clearly be killed, else group will desecrate the holy book. Muslims decide to defend it and in the process get killed. Will quran condone their action even though their action was suicidal?
Yes there are different interpretations of Gita and Purans but those interpretations does convey the same thing in some manner or the other.
But they donot make one set of believers to kill other (unlike Shia and Sunni {Iraq, Syria, Pakistan}); its interpretation doesnot tell you to kill some one if he is unable to pray properly (Yesterday's Al qaeda incident) or commit suicide bombings to kill innocents.

Muslims killing Muslims and justifying their act as the correct interpretation of Islam:hitwall:

For a better sale of Sectarian rife, every group shia or Sunni sells their sectarian cause in the name of Islam.
This is required to up keep the monarchy kingship and authoritarian Emirates running. :angry:
Thats what i trying to say if the muslim ruler are not tolerable and had the same mentality like TTP or Taliban then there should be no hindu left in the first place 900 year is a big time .but i never happen because religion of islam is peace loving not like blowing in public place killing innocent people.

if you think please enlighten my any previouse incident that muslim massacre Kafir because of the religion belief.

your family fought Aurangzeb because they where outlaws like Shivaji and they where not paying taxes to the state .
Fcuking terrorist :omghaha:

Half of Goa's population is Hindu, does than mean a two hundred year long inquisition was not run in the goa by Rome? Are you saying the ultimate partial failure of bigots like Aurangzeb and sikandar butshikan is now their virtue? My ancestors fought Aurangzeb in deccan for 27 years, thank you.

I don't say anything about islam, but FACT is that an intolerant strain in islam has existed throughout. There is no need to pretend Taliban is a modern invention and the solution is going back to the pre modern. That's all I'm saying. And that suggestion is actually meant to help you defeat the Taliban and other Wahhabis who would love to see shias like you dead.
What is unclear in that? so, dying for islam's cause is not permitted by quran? For example ( a hypothetical scenario), if some group is trying to burn quran and people defending are hopelessly out numbered. If they defend, they (muslims) will clearly be killed, else group will desecrate the holy book. Muslims decide to defend it and in the process get killed. Will quran condone their action even though their action was suicidal?

You show an utter lack of knowledge towards Islamic injunction, stop while you are ahead. :rolleyes:
Before holy Quran was revealed at the time when world was in total darkness like people killing their girls child [unfortunately it still happen in indian society] and people think about women like trash use and throw.islam is a source of knowledge but as we see today as always happen in the history of mankind that some people in power always try to corrupt religion according to their mentality and these is happening to islam but as we have defeated previouse attempt inshallah we will do it again and get rid of the imposter.

if you see in veda its clear mention not to pray any object beside almighty god but we see they love to worship animal,human,Dcik and what not .so as hindu,jews & christian religion got corrupted devil is trying to corrupt islam but its not happening.

Mughal ruled india like their own country never interfere in other people business and always took care of their subject otherwise its not possible to rule for such a long time.

Machines need a manual not man ... god gave us brain to differentiate between right and wrong. If a human needs to refer to a book to judge if something is right or wrong than to hell with that kind of book and religion. It's as simple as that. what's sacred to me to is be just with others, I respect a girl/woman because i deeply feel that's how they must be treated not because i read somewhere in a fancy book about the importance of them in life. I see their importance in my life every Fcukin day.

What people here don't understand is Mughals ruled in collaboration with the Hindu warlords but every time some bigot went FULL RETARD on local population there were people who stood up against such tyrants. They might have been few and scattered ones but there was always someone.
Before holy Quran was revealed at the time when world was in total darkness like people killing their girls child [unfortunately it still happen in indian society] and people think about women like trash use and throw.islam is a source of knowledge but as we see today as always happen in the history of mankind that some people in power always try to corrupt religion according to their mentality and these is happening to islam but as we have defeated previouse attempt inshallah we will do it again and get rid of the imposter.

if you see in veda its clear mention not to pray any object beside almighty god but we see they love to worship animal,human,Dcik and what not .so as hindu,jews & christian religion got corrupted devil is trying to corrupt islam but its not happening.

Mughal ruled india like their own country never interfere in other people business and always took care of their subject otherwise its not possible to rule for such a long time.
Every new religion has really fancy story about how it came into existence, and there has always been and there are always going to be some people to exploit every religion. Let's be realistic there are no DARK FORCES or WHITE LIGHTENING itching for a final show down. This is not exclusive to Islam, such kind of people come in all colors if you know what I am.

Never read vedas and nor I am interested (never was big a fan of reading) but if I would have to read some book I rather spend more time reading PANCHTANTAR. Let others worship whateva animal, human or dcik they like as long as they do it in a peaceful way. Heck ever since I broke up with my ex 've been worship my own dcik like some sacred snake. (Although i don't offer it milk or anything).

and regarding Mughals well I didn't said all of them were bad, they came in all shades of gray so suggesting that they were some peace loving nobles than let's just agree to disagree.
Thats what i trying to say if the muslim ruler are not tolerable and had the same mentality like TTP or Taliban then there should be no hindu left in the first place 900 year is a big time .but i never happen because religion of islam is peace loving not like blowing in public place killing innocent people.

if you think please enlighten my any previouse incident that muslim massacre Kafir because of the religion belief.

your family fought Aurangzeb because they where outlaws like Shivaji and they where not paying taxes to the state .
Fcuking terrorist :omghaha:

There is no instance of Shivaji beheading hundreds of defeated people of other religious tribes, that would have indeed made him a ******* terrorist. Shivaji returned the beautiful daughter in law of subedar of kalyan who was captured in war with a copy of the quran with full honor, did not keep her as a sex slave, Shivaji was indeed a good human, not a rapist and charlatan. That's why my ancestors fought for him, not for a fake promise of afterlife debauchery.
The question of Shivaji's heir-apparent was complicated by the misbehaviour of his eldest son Sambhaji, who was irresponsible and "addicted to sensual pleasures." Unable to curb this, Shivaji confined his son to Panhala in 1678, only to have the prince escape with his wife and defect to the Mughals for a year. Sambhaji then returned home, unrepentant, and was again confined to Panhala.[52]:551
In late March 1680, Shivaji fell ill with fever and dysentery,[4]:383 dying around 3–5 April 1680 at the age of 52,[16]:278 on the eve of Hanuman Jayanti. Rumours followed his death, with Muslims opining he had died of a curse from Jan Muhammad of Jalna, and some Marathas whispering that his second wife, Soyarabai, had poisoned him so that his crown might pass to her 10-year old son Rajaram.[4]:383
After Shivaji's death, the widowed Soyarabai made plans with various ministers of the administration to crown her son Rajaram rather than her prodigal stepson Sambhaji. On 21 April 1680, ten-year old Rajaram was installed on the throne. However, Sambhaji took possession of the Raigad Fort after killing the commander, and on 18 June acquired control of Raigad, and formally ascended the throne on 20 July.[52][53] Rajaram, his wife Janki Bai, and mother Soyrabai were imprisoned, and Soyrabai executed on charges of conspiracy that October.

did proves that religion have nothing to do with killng Shambhaji killing his own mother for sack of the throne .

do you have any instance where mughal took their enemy daughter and keep them as sex slave .

There is no instance of Shivaji beheading hundreds of defeated people of other religious tribes, that would have indeed made him a ******* terrorist. Shivaji returned the beautiful daughter in law of subedar of kalyan who was captured in war with a copy of the quran with full honor, did not keep her as a sex slave, Shivaji was indeed a good human, not a rapist and charlatan. That's why my ancestors fought for him, not for a fake promise of afterlife debauchery.
If you believe that humans are descendent of Ape like creation then what you expect from him .

any way did enjoy your C grade movie in which you try to rape but at the last movement hero Fcuk the sh$$ out of you.

Every new religion has really fancy story about how it came into existence, and there has always been and there are always going to be some people to exploit every religion. Let's be realistic there are no DARK FORCES or WHITE LIGHTENING itching for a final show down. This is not exclusive to Islam, such kind of people come in all colors if you know what I am.

Never read vedas and nor I am interested (never was big a fan of reading) but if I would have to read some book I rather spend more time reading PANCHTANTAR. Let others worship whateva animal, human or dcik they like as long as they do it in a peaceful way. Heck ever since I broke up with my ex 've been worship my own dcik like some sacred snake. (Although i don't offer it milk or anything).

and regarding Mughals well I didn't said all of them were bad, they came in all shades of gray so suggesting that they were some peace loving nobles than let's just agree to disagree.
So much for your peace loving rants.

At that time of Islamic barabaric rule in India majority people are Hindus, They murdered Millions of Hindus and the cities they conquered.

Only reason they have not able to convert Hindus is because the Dharmic principles are deeply en routed in our ancestors, we have a rich culture and reason why we rejected Arabic culture.

Some times rulers also afraid to rub any rule on people if there is a stiff opposition and a chance of rebellion, this is the scenario that happened during Islamic rule in India.

Thats what i trying to say if the muslim ruler are not tolerable and had the same mentality like TTP or Taliban then there should be no hindu left in the first place 900 year is a big time .but i never happen because religion of islam is peace loving not like blowing in public place killing innocent people.

if you think please enlighten my any previouse incident that muslim massacre Kafir because of the religion belief.

your family fought Aurangzeb because they where outlaws like Shivaji and they where not paying taxes to the state .
Fcuking terrorist :omghaha:
I have an approach the jiha dis generally don't like:

1) I ask them if they think the Koran is created or eternal? they answer it is eternal.
2) I ask them if it is complete or incomplete? They answer it is complete.
3) I ask them that since it is complete are all the definitions of what they need to know in the Koran or must they rely on external sources? They reply the Koran contains all.
4) I then ask them how the Koran tells them to recognize who is and isn't a Jew? After all, they can't take my word for it that I'm a Jew, can they?

I think you guys can figure out how the rest of the conversation goes.
Dear Somebozo Writes

""Quran is a book; a fine cut of Divine wisdom and knowledge""
[[Have you actually read quran? I cannot stop laughing when I do...a five year old has more wisdom than quran..its just a plagiarized amalgam of 4000 years old stories stolen from here and there. There is nothing useful to mankind in quran.]]

I bear repeating that Keeping your given premise aside, the subject in question is …’the divine Book of Quran’ that we have at this age and time.

Quran being the Divine Book; we need to be careful in addressing it which demands our full attention to see that what is this book about and how does it affect us.

From Stone Age to present day what has changed of human being is; achieving of its adulthood of conscious.

In every age and time God Almighty has not left the mankind without their guidance through His prophets. The older religions that we know like Buddhism, Zoroastrian, Vedic and others; they all had their prophets with them sent by God and all the peoples believed in God but these religion have been restricted to certain tribes and areas.

On the development of communications, travels and trades; it demanded the inter linkage of religions also. The known world was drawing closer. There was a necessity to have a universal religion which may confirms and validates the older divine religions and also guide them and bond them together.

As we are aware of it that Quran is that final Universal book of religion which introduces us with the last of religion Islam, chosen by God Almighty for mankind.

Islam confirms and validates all the older Divine religions and present itself as the source of bonding and guidance to bring all into its fold.

You do not know anything about any religion (may be, except Islam), so I request you to stop mentioning them to prove your weird logic.

Stick to the topic and restrict it only to Islam, please. This is defence.pk, otherwise you would have been shown your worth already.
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