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Watch banned film "India's daughter" here!

India's Daughter: Rape convict paid Rs.40,000 for interview?

This really puts the documentary in very questionable light. They arent supposed to influence the subjects like this. What next he was also told what to say? Will they release the raw footage? Perhaps this is why these people ran away?

Also There seems to be a huuge campaign launched about this:
March 8th is a bigshow featuring hollywood actresses.
March 9th there is a book launch called "The burning bride" about girl children in India.
Then there is going to be a world wide campaign called "India's daughter" that goes around with this movie.

This is the equivalent of going around like a roadshow, and using look at these creatures they need help"

And guess what...the main org behind this is, it's an ngo called PLAN-UK, and the trick is working:

You can check FCRA for this group, they mainly focus on "Womens empowerment" and "Childrens empowerment". They receive about 120 crores per year for various orgs.

Fcra Online Services - Arthik Samata Mandal - Andhra
Fcra Online Services - Kolkata-Sanved
Fcra Online Services -The Evangelical Fellowship Of India Commission On Relief,
Fcra Online Services - - Society For Rural Upliftment & Socio-technological Initiative Odisha
Fcra Online Services - Commitee for legal aid for the poor- Cuttack
Fcra Online Services Holy Cross Institute - Jharkand

Thats just a small example!
Many many more here: FCRA Tracks (with tweets) · ramana1729 · Storify

This kolkata sanved is close to Hillary clinton, she was invited for events there:
Kolkata Sanved | Events

Here are orgs that are based out of the U.S that are going to use this to mint cash:
Vital Voirces.org is going to show the documentary on 9th march, the too ofcourse have ngos and buddies in India:

Fcra Online Services - National domestic workers welfare trust
Fcra Online Services - Shakthi Vahini

Apart from this, if you recall there was a lot of cries to stop aid to India post Mangalyaan. Now, if you go through all newspapers, a lot of comments are basically showing "White saviour" complexes, saying we ned to send more cash etc etc.

Oh here's more, PR work done for ME newspapers...because they too can help India:

Meanwhile... a lot of european news papers today reported 2-3 incidents of rape from India. Because obviously, there is nothing happening there.

If you guys still think this is for good purposes...LMAO.

A lot of the work for the sources/FCRA was done by twitter account @sighbaboo, please goto his account if you want more details
Posted before:
Watch banned film "India's daughter" here! | Page 17

Apart from DNA being a poor source, I would be surprised if his family / lawyers would get so less, because any Indian news paper had paid more, by the simple fact that an exclusive interview would be a huge selling factor.
I have no doubt that the lawyers tried to get money too and that at least one of them tried to influence the public perception with his statements, throughout the case as part of his defence strategy.

But how does that all change the facts of the docu, that it is not aimed on his statements, but including them in a very broad and balanced docu, that shows plenty of different views of this specific case?
It simple logic that tells us, that if the authors had a specific aim in mind to show India as a rape country...

...they wouldn't had limited it to this single case, but had made the docu based on several such horrific cases
...they wouldn't had shown Indian men and woman including the youth protesting and as strong, but would had shown crying and weak women and some of the crazy men only
...they wouldn't had put so much effort on explaining how the background of the offenders might had influenced them over the years, which I find even questionable in the docu, because it hints to an excuse for them, but for the docu it's part of showing all sides equally
...they would had moderated it on their own, implementing their views and not of Indians

It is rather tragic, that so many are looking only at the statements of the offender and his lawyers, because that is not the content of the docu! And one should see it in an unbiased manner, without the media hype around it and even less with the nonsense statements of some politicians!

My problem with the news (if true) is that, now in my country convicted rapists are getting PAID for giving interviews on TV! That is a very sad development.

Apart from that, as you have seen in my previous posts, I am uncomfortable with the way India is being projected in international media, how the tag 'rape capital of the world' was coined and made famous around the world? And are we really deserving of such a tag when data on rape in different countries are available for the international media to see? We and our media are vocal on this to help bring a change in our society, but international media is on a different agenda, some are rabid, some are subtle. Please tell me how screening of this documentary around the world will help change our society? Why BBC couldn't find a suitable rape story from UK itself which registers some 85,000 rape cases annually? None of them were serious enough to be highlighted internationally?

"The BBC will broadcast Storyville – India’s Daughter, in the UK on BBC4. The documentary has the backing of a number other public service broadcasters; however, the BBC is only responsible for transmission of the film in the UK.
The film is also due to be broadcast in Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway and Canada.
The film will also launch a worldwide campaign against sexual violence and gender inequality

Complies with guidelines: BBC - The Hindu
I think Modi should just show them the middle finger and shutdown FCRA and ask these guys to fvk off.

It really is a heap of trouble. I've also heard that the blocking of funds to various ngos are causing pain to many of these "well wishers"
Lets take pride in things togethor after cleaning this mess from country. I hope soon. The only was is education, not ignorance.
THIS mess can never be 'cleaned' in its entirety. I am a realist. Rapes will happen for a country as big as ours. Even if we change the mindset of all, there will be exceptions. Exceptions are all that's needed. And the prompt media action plus the self hating Indians. :)
THIS mess can never be 'cleaned' in its entirety. I am a realist. Rapes will happen for a country as big as ours. Even if we change the mindset of all, there will be exceptions. Exceptions are all that's needed. And the prompt media action plus the self hating Indians. :)

I agree with, I was really bieng a self hating Indian. Thank you for changing my views, you certainly have more experience than me, considering your number of posts. The propaganda really caught my mind. I always love to think from different perspectives, and again thanks :agree:

We will again go through some numbers because India is again being called country of rapists:
Rape rate per 100,000 adults in US: ~27
Rape rate per 100,000 adults in UK: ~28
Rape rate per 100,000 adults in Newzealand: ~25
Rape rate per 100,000 adults in Australia: ~28
Rape rate per 100,000 adults in Belgium: ~28
Rape rate per 100,000 adults in Finland: ~22
Rape rate per 100,000 adults in Finland: ~15
Rape rate per 100,000 adults in Germany: ~9
Rape rate per 100,000 adults in India: 1.7
By rape statistics, India ranks at 102 in descending order. Yet, India is a country of rapists. Yes, rape is a problem. Even one rape should shake us to the core. But don't brand India as a rapist country. Indians respect women not as a matter of law but as a matter of principle.
If you live in a foreign country and you are confronted with this question, muster some courage and tell them that India is far better than what they read in popular media.
Oh here's more, PR work done for ME newspapers...because they too can help India:

Wonderful. India needs to be exposed to the world for what it is.

For too long it has paraded around selling itself as "the world's largest democracy" and all sorts of perversions, human rights violations, religious bigotry, caste violence, you name, has been brushed under the carpet. Basically, India has been given a free run... its time this ended and India is called to account.
This really puts the documentary in very questionable light. They arent supposed to influence the subjects like this. What next he was also told what to say? Will they release the raw footage? Perhaps this is why these people ran away?

Also There seems to be a huuge campaign launched about this:
March 8th is a bigshow featuring hollywood actresses.
March 9th there is a book launch called "The burning bride" about girl children in India.
Then there is going to be a world wide campaign called "India's daughter" that goes around with this movie.

This is the equivalent of going around like a roadshow, and using look at these creatures they need help"

And guess what...the main org behind this is, it's an ngo called PLAN-UK, and the trick is working:

You can check FCRA for this group, they mainly focus on "Womens empowerment" and "Childrens empowerment". They receive about 120 crores per year for various orgs.

Fcra Online Services - Arthik Samata Mandal - Andhra
Fcra Online Services - Kolkata-Sanved
Fcra Online Services -The Evangelical Fellowship Of India Commission On Relief,
Fcra Online Services - - Society For Rural Upliftment & Socio-technological Initiative Odisha
Fcra Online Services - Commitee for legal aid for the poor- Cuttack
Fcra Online Services Holy Cross Institute - Jharkand

Thats just a small example!
Many many more here: FCRA Tracks (with tweets) · ramana1729 · Storify

This kolkata sanved is close to Hillary clinton, she was invited for events there:
Kolkata Sanved | Events

Here are orgs that are based out of the U.S that are going to use this to mint cash:
Vital Voirces.org is going to show the documentary on 9th march, the too ofcourse have ngos and buddies in India:

Fcra Online Services - National domestic workers welfare trust
Fcra Online Services - Shakthi Vahini

Apart from this, if you recall there was a lot of cries to stop aid to India post Mangalyaan. Now, if you go through all newspapers, a lot of comments are basically showing "White saviour" complexes, saying we ned to send more cash etc etc.

Oh here's more, PR work done for ME newspapers...because they too can help India:

Meanwhile... a lot of european news papers today reported 2-3 incidents of rape from India. Because obviously, there is nothing happening there.

If you guys still think this is for good purposes...LMAO.

A lot of the work for the sources/FCRA was done by twitter account @sighbaboo, please goto his account if you want more details

I have already tweeted million times to a lot of people that .. this time Media should take responsibility and do their best in malign the image of these countries. That is the only way to counter their bullying. Create inferior complex among them.
Always praising self in every situation, even if when you know there is something wrong in it, becomes the part of culture. And i don't keep my nose up when i know i am wrong, sorry.

If rapist is paid to speak up his mind, then nothing wrong. Although if the rapist is paid to act, then its obvious propaganda.

Something is always wrong kiddo. .......... we operate in this world with limited understand and so for all practical purpose we are pretty much ALWAYS wrong. But that does not stop people from doing what they THINK is right.

But its clear to me that good advice is wasted on you so you do your thing, beat up yourself some more and feel good about it.

How do we know he didn't rape and murder Nirbhaya from a script too? The BBC is behind the entire rape saga from the very beginning! :o::o::o:

How do we know that Nirbhaya is even real ? I have only seen pictures and videos of her. That can be easily faked :coffee: .............. BTW how many times were you dropped on your head as a baby ?
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