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Sex education in schools should be banned, Union health minister Harsh Vardhan says

Most drop outs are muslims according to you...... Wow

No, I just gave that as an example of one of the groups. Does not mean that it does not contain other groups too. Lot of Hindus too. Neither were they derogatorily referred to, but trust your commie soul to be the eternal vigilante for Muslims.
No, I just gave that as an example of one of the groups. Does not mean that it does not contain other groups too. Lot of Hindus too. Neither were they derogatorily referred to, but trust your commie soul to be the eternal vigilante for Muslims.
And none of them will ever have sex... right? As far as making commie remarks about me, I dont think I have given a reason for you to call me a commie, my opinions are centrists and I dont recall centrist becoming leftists. I haven't made a single personal attack on you, but your posts are filled with snide personal remarks. If you do not have the ability to conduct a civil discourse, then this is it.
What kind of text exactly irks the minister? @hinduguy
he never properly clarified what he meant by vulgarity in sex education.
The same guy also said we should focus on indian culture and not condom to fight AIDS which was a stupid thing to say.
However I would not condemn him on sex education issue as lot of parents and teachers want it to be named better (like Adult health education )and taught by trained teachers. Not everybody feel comfortable talking about sex in classroom, especially in local medium schools.
And none of them will ever have sex... right? As far as making commie remarks about me, I dont think I have given a reason for you to call me a commie, my opinions are centrists and I dont recall centrist becoming leftists. I haven't made a single personal attack on you, but your posts are filled with snide personal remarks. If you do not have the ability to conduct a civil discourse, then this is it.

Who won't have sex? I did say that most of them will have it within matrimony, did I not?

As far as being commie, who claims to be commie nowadays? But all your thoughts speak loudly of far leftist bias. The same contempt for every native tradition and culture. The same looking down on Indians as primitive and irrational people. The same adoration for everything that is American/Western. Being and acting American, blindly aping Americans ideas, thought, culture is equivalent to being rational according to all your arguments. I am bolstering traditional patriarchal society? I am a supporter of gender discrimination and prostitution? Of course you are incapable of biases and loud absurd correlations and generalizations. Of course not to forget you were born and brought up in a "progressive" household unlike me who was born in regressive household. Also not sane.
Who won't have sex? I did say that most of them will have it within matrimony, did I not?

As far as being commie, who claims to be commie nowadays? But all your thoughts speak loudly of far leftist bias. The same contempt for every native tradition and culture. The same looking down on Indians as primitive and irrational people. The same adoration for everything that is American/Western. Being and acting American, blindly aping Americans ideas, thought, culture is equivalent to being rational according to all your arguments. I am bolstering traditional patriarchal society? I am a supporter of gender discrimination and prostitution? Of course you are incapable of biases and loud absurd correlations and generalizations. Of course not to forget you were born and brought up in a "progressive" household unlike me who was born in regressive household. Also not sane.
Calm down, dont get an ulcer....get your left and right straight...
Calm down, dont get an ulcer....get your left and right straight...

:) I am calm. Yeah I know the traits mentioned above by me were not of global left, but Indian left. Globally leftists are nativists and anti-American/anti-West, except in India.
:) I am calm. Yeah I know the traits mentioned above by me were not of global left, but Indian left. Globally leftists are nativists and anti-American/anti-West, except in India.
So Indian commie is a closet-capitalist :o:? or anyone who has a different viewpoint needs to be demonized? called a commie or a congressi or an american lackey? I am neither of wonderful adjectives you have bestowed upon me.
The Govt. should focus on the ill effects of RAPE on the Society and tougher laws should be inacted to penalize the perpetrators.
So Indian commie is a closet-capitalist :o:? or anyone who has a different viewpoint needs to be demonized? called a commie or a congressi or an american lackey? I am neither of wonderful adjectives you have bestowed upon me.

I did not say they are capitalists. But you know they are the kind that write to President Obama to deny visa to Modi or petition in Harvard to kick out Dr. Swamy. The kind that ran with stories of how India is the next Africa and is going to be run over by AIDS. The kind that write stories day in and day out that India is the rape capital of the world. The kind that think marriages are institutionalized prostitution and married Indian women are institutionalized prostitutes.

Demonization is what commies have been doing to Indian traditionalists for the last 7 decades. From being called and accused of being fascists, harboring genocidal tendencies, to what not.
I did not say they are capitalists. But you know they are the kind that write to President Obama to deny visa to Modi or petition in Harvard to kick out Dr. Swamy. The kind that ran with stories of how India is the next Africa and is going to be run over by AIDS. The kind that write stories day in and day out that India is the rape capital of the world. The kind that think marriages are institutionalized prostitution and married Indian women are institutionalized prostitutes.

Demonization is what commies have been doing to Indian traditionalists for the last 7 decades. From being called and accused of being fascists, harboring genocidal tendencies, to what not.
morale of the story is sex education is evil... and if you say otherwise, you are a commie, anti-modi, anti-india, anti-women, and you would be misqouted to the end to prove so.... right?
morale of the story is sex education is evil... and if you say otherwise, you are a commie, anti-modi, anti-india, anti-women, and you would be misqouted to the end to prove so.... right?

If you followed the thread from the start it was those in opposition to sex education who were being called names, including Dr. Harshvardhan. Sexualizing a society to the extent where any and every relationship is viewed only through the prism of sex is not what I wish for my society, and I believe taking sex out of the realm of privacy and making it a topic of public discussion is one of the step in that direction. Even worse is co-opting 9-10 year olds to do their dirty work under the guise of being progressive and liberal.

Plus I never misquoted anyone.
Plus I never misquoted anyone.
I refereed to existence of brothels in India for centuries as institutionalized prostitution, You spinned it as if i was referring to marriage... isn't that misquoting.

Sexualizing a society to the extent where any and every relationship is viewed only through the prism of sex is not what I wish for my society, and I believe taking sex out of the realm of privacy and making it a topic of public discussion is one of the step in that direction.
Ok, Then let stop talking about murder in public, or rape, dowry, or terrorism.... If talking about sex would sexualize a society, then talking about rape would make the society, rapists, or discussing terrorism in public domain will make everyone a terrorist.... But then again, the Honorable minister and you share the same vision, so who am I to object... My logic is flawed.
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I refereed to existence of brothels in India for centuries as institutionalized prostitution, You spinned it as if i was referring to marriage... isn't that misquoting.

This was your statement, "Traditional societies, where there are rampant rapes, child abuse, spousal abuse, institutionalized prostitution?"

Implying that traditional societies are the promoter of rapes, child abuse, spousal abuse, and institutionalized prostitution.

You must know brothels are not institutionalized prostitution. There is no state support to such. It is illegal in almost all traditional societies and not condoned.

The only other application of "institutionalized prostitution" is done by liberal progressives which you claim to be to denote marriages as such.

Ok, Then let stop talking about murder in public, or rape, dowry, or terrorism.... If talking about sex would sexualize a society, then talking about rape would make the society, rapists, or discussing terrorism in public domain will make everyone a terrorist.... But then again, the Honorable minister and you share the same vision, so who am I to object... My logic is flawed.

Yes, your logic is flawed. Rapes, dowry, terrorism are criminal acts and not private business. Talking about and alerting citizens about one does not logically extend to talking about sex (a noncriminal act) which is and should be a private affair.

You can do a little more nuanced thinking. All organic matter is not food. All talks are not the same.
Yes, your logic is flawed. Rapes, dowry, terrorism are criminal acts and not private business. Talking about and alerting citizens about one does not logically extend to talking about sex (a noncriminal act) which is and should be a private affair.

You can do a little more nuanced thinking. All organic matter is not food. All talks are not the same.
Oh yes, lets stop talking about HIV and STD's and it will all go away.... that is pretty nuanced thinking
Oh yes, lets stop talking about HIV and STD's and it will all go away.... that is pretty nuanced thinking

We do talk about HIV and STD's as you can see by the awareness campaign posters in every healthcare centers as well as campaigns run on TV. That is nothing to do with sex education. My nieces for example were interested in a lot of medical stuff, so I have sat with them through watching surgeries on youtube, postmortems, heart surgeries, and stuff. Also seeing graphic images of cancerous and other lesions caused by various diseases and drug abuse. They have access to books to read including romantic fiction wherein inevitably they will learn about sex at their own pace and interest.
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