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Sex education in schools should be banned, Union health minister Harsh Vardhan says

We do talk about HIV and STD's as you can see by the awareness campaign posters in every healthcare centers as well as campaigns run on TV. That is nothing to do with sex education. My nieces for example were interested in a lot of medical stuff, so I have sat with them through watching surgeries on youtube, postmortems, heart surgeries, and stuff. Also seeing graphic images of cancerous and other lesions caused by various diseases and drug abuse. They have access to books to read including romantic fiction wherein inevitably they will learn about sex at their own pace and interest.

jeez....Well good for you then, no sex ed ... that is the solution, thanks for educating me....
We do talk about HIV and STD's as you can see by the awareness campaign posters in every healthcare centers as well as campaigns run on TV. That is nothing to do with sex education. My nieces for example were interested in a lot of medical stuff, so I have sat with them through watching surgeries on youtube, postmortems, heart surgeries, and stuff. Also seeing graphic images of cancerous and other lesions caused by various diseases and drug abuse. They have access to books to read including romantic fiction wherein inevitably they will learn about sex at their own pace and interest.

The days of sex education being "optional" is long gone. After all, surgeries are not the only videos available on the net. The point here is to get in early & guide the discourse or let children figure it out themselves without direction. The latter line may be more comfortable to the sensibilities of many but not necessarily the best way to go about it.
The days of sex education being "optional" is long gone. After all, surgeries are not the only videos available on the net. The point here is to get in early & guide the discourse or let children figure it out themselves without direction. The latter line may be more comfortable to the sensibilities of many but not necessarily the best way to go about it.
bro dont, even go there... i just endured two pages of mind numbing nitpicking...
The days of sex education being "optional" is long gone. After all, surgeries are not the only videos available on the net. The point here is to get in early & guide the discourse or let children figure it out themselves without direction. The latter line may be more comfortable to the sensibilities of many but not necessarily the best way to go about it.

The discourse is already guided by culture. Unlike what English media prints and talks about and makes it out to be, our teens are not out there having sex like bunnies. There is very little premarital sex in our country as compared to developed enlightened countries with sex education. Most of the teen pregnancies happen within matrimony in India. Also India has one of the lowest incidences of STIs compared to those countries which have embraced sex education.


bro dont, even go there... i just endured two pages of mind numbing nitpicking...

Sorry, your mind was already numb, not much left to nitpick.
The discourse is already guided by culture. Unlike what English media prints and talks about and makes it out to be, our teens are not out there having sex like bunnies. There is very little premarital sex in our country as compared to developed enlightened countries with sex education. Most of the teen pregnancies happen within matrimony in India. Also India has one of the lowest incidences of STIs compared to those countries which have embraced sex education..

Your outlook is different from mine. I don't know what you say is "little", I certainly am not convinced about your observation. The world is different, no longer can you hope that children/teens will learn gradually from books/novels, that time is gone. I cannot convince you that "your world" no longer exists but do urge you not to be dismissive of the points that I (& others) have raised.
Your outlook is different from mine. I don't know what you say is "little", I certainly am not convinced about your observation. The world is different, no longer can you hope that children/teens will learn gradually from books/novels, that time is gone. I cannot convince you that "your world" no longer exists but do urge you not to be dismissive of the points that I (& others) have raised.

There is no press which is as out of sync with its society as the English press in India. Much of the time the country it projects is unrecognizable to most Indians. My home is the hangout place for a lot of teens (a lot of 15, 16, 17 year olds) in my area (RT Nagar in Bangalore). So "my world" pretty much exists and is not long gone. I am not being dismissive of the points made by you and others but positively believe it is harmful in the long run for our society.

Though agreed "little" can be a lot in India given our massive population.
Look at these commies now? I wonder where they live?

Most of them from WB as you rightly pointed out. No, the St Stephenians' views are not representative of the views of the rest of the country. A traditional organization can come up with a similar video with children speaking in support of no sex education.

Also the video was sponsored by USAID a known Trojan Horse for Breaking India.
Most of them from WB as you rightly pointed out. No, the St Stephenians' views are not representative of the views of the rest of the country. A traditional organization can come up with a similar video with children speaking in support of no sex education.

Also the video was sponsored by USAID a known Trojan Horse for Breaking India.
bingo.... As I said, shame on all these commies.... Should send all of em to america or prison, right? And yes bengalis are the root cause .... @Joe Shearer shunchen dada...
bingo.... As I said, shame on all these commies.... Should send all of em to america or prison, right? And yes bengalis are the root cause .... @Joe Shearer shunchen dada...

Well shaming them has not helped until now. Else they are falling over each other any way to either get to America or bring America to India. Anything and everything to make themselves believe they are "liberal" and "progressive" and evoluted themselves out of the wretched condition of being an Indian.
Well shaming them has not helped until now. Else they are falling over each other any way to either get to America or bring America to India. Anything and everything to make themselves believe they are "liberal" and "progressive" and evoluted themselves out of the wretched condition of being an Indian.

I love they way you generalized the entire West bengal to be communist, while a few pages ago you specifically pointed out commies in India are lackeys of america and "non nativist" i would love to hear more about this new breed of bengali communist pro western non-native people that I am apparently part of.

Are there any apparent evils of Macher jhol that I am not aware of...
I love they way you generalized the entire West bengal to be communist, while a few pages ago you specifically pointed out commies in India are lackeys of america and "non nativist" i would love to hear more about this new breed of bengali communist pro western non-native people that I am apparently part of.

Are there any apparent evils of Macher jhol that I am not aware of...

For your education from the mouth of an honorable nativist Bong.

So no, no "gross" generalization from me, but majority surely.

I am not aware of any evils of macher jhol and would like to protect it from any evil associations at any cost.

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