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Sex education in schools should be banned, Union health minister Harsh Vardhan says

The first question every kid ask once he is able to think independlty is - How he came to the world?

Such innocent questions need to be explained scientifically else they will anyways learn it from somewhere that mama & papa did ding dong and you came into existence.

Anyways in the age of internet, you cannot ban anything so its better we give the kids better perspectives then to push them to wild internet. Also I don't think this education starts in kindergarden , they teach it once kid is grown up enough to grasp the concept.

Thats why i told , these things need to be carefully taught to Children . You do not want them to be introduced to such a world at such a young age when their mind is not mature enough to grasp it .
I support sex education considering these kids are going to know about sex one way or another through Internet , just that it should be done carefully
Just because we want children to continue enjoying their childhood without being encumbered by sexual feelings or sexual knowledge for a couple more years, you bracket us
Last I read there were 1.25 million rapes in USA every year. Wished they used their hands instead of indulging in rapes. Pity you for your narrow existence.

And in the same way, 'we' want 'our' children to atleast know when, they are being abused, or held hostage to there innocence by some 45 year old desi idiot. We want our kids to able to speak about it, with us, teachers-- freely without any inhibitions.

Do not bring numbers especialy with respect to US here, for if the police and judiciary were even nearly as credible as its in US, the numbers would be in tens of millions!
It is to remove that from school. It is a very correct proposal. School children has not reached an age of sex. Their innocent minds should not be inflicted with sex unless they reach an age of sex that is 18 or 21.

Are you serious?? By the age of 18 those guys will teach you different aspects of sex.. Which world are you guys living in.. Its better to give them proper education about sex from 7-8 th standard than getting all kind of false education from outside..
Thats why i told , these things need to be carefully taught to Children . You do not want them to be introduced to such a world at such a young age when their mind is not mature enough to grasp it .
I agree with you there and trust me nowhere sex education is forced on unprepared minds. Anything related to kids education is generally very well planned and pursued after giving a lot of thoughts. The problem is most of us, when spoken to, takes a complete wrong meaning of sex education and gets offended by it but Iam sure this will change with time. Trust me any kind of proper education is only for your good.
Its illogical to term todays kids as innocent.. They are exposed to profanity from a small age due to internet and many other things.. Most of them will give them a false impression about sex.. These kids can be corrupted very easily.. Its better to teach them about sex and precautions about sexual abuse from a small age.. Because in today's world, even a small kid is not safe..
Kids are going to have sex , no matter how much we try, atleast teach them to have safe sex and avoid diseases and unwanted pregnancies..
And in the same way, 'we' want 'our' children to atleast know when, they are being abused, or held hostage to there innocense by some 45 year old desi idiot. We want our kids to able to speak about it, with us, teachers-- freely without any inhibitions.
Do not bring numbers especialy with respect to US here, for if the police and judiciary were even as credible as its in US, the numbers would be in tans of millions!

Feel free to talk to your children about it at your home. No one is stopping you. But spare other kids. That teachers are revolted to teach this stuff to kids, parents are outraged, and kids themselves do not like is enough evidence that we do not need it.

Yeah right every woman/man who is raped in America wears a T-shirt declaring she/he has been raped and beams this news to the rest of the world.

The police and the judiciary are so credible in America that only 1% of all the criminal cases are argued in the courts. Rest all settled by plea bargain.

Its illogical to term todays kids as innocent.. They are exposed to profanity from a small age due to internet and many other things.. Most of them will give them a false impression about sex.. These kids can be corrupted very easily.. Its better to teach them about sex and precautions about sexual abuse from a small age.. Because in today's world, even a small kid is not safe..

What is the internet penetration rate in India? How many kids use internet without parental supervision?
OH yeah, we are all rapists because we disagree with you . Narrow minded potheads like you should not be allowed to use the Internet .

I dont dont know if you are a rapist, though I cannot confirm otherwise either.
Good day fighting the holy Internet war. May you conquer the whole of internet, and stop my supply of bandwidth one day.
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Its illogical to term todays kids as innocent.. They are exposed to profanity from a small age due to internet and many other things.. Most of them will give them a false impression about sex.. These kids can be corrupted very easily.. Its better to teach them about sex and precautions about sexual abuse from a small age.. Because in today's world, even a small kid is not safe..

lol, so true todays kids are total assholes , they will elarn about sex one way or another better to teach them first before they end up with a blue film

I dont dont know if you are a rapist, though I cannot confirm otherwise either.
Good day fighting the holy Internet war. May you conquer the whole of internet, and stop my supply of bandwidth one day.

Not intrested in a discussion with your kind. Good luck with you life. :)

And yet you took your time to reply :lol:
Feel free to talk to your children about it at your home. No one is stopping you. But spare other kids. That teachers are revolted to teach this stuff to kids, parents are outraged, and kids themselves do not like is enough evidence that we do not need it.

Yeah right every woman/man who is raped in America wears a T-shirt declaring she/he has been raped and beams this news to the rest of the world.

The police and the judiciary are so credible in America that only 1% of all the criminal cases are argued in the courts. Rest all settled by plea bargain.

Please am not talking about America.. You dont have to bring American here.. Whats the benefit of giving sex education at the age of 18?? Tell me seriously.. At which age did you get to know about sex and having curiosity about opposite sex?? We all will start to have feelings about sex and masturbation on our teenage days.. By the age of 18 we will have many misconception about opposite sex and sexual feelings.. School years are the best time to educate these kids about these kind of topics..

What is the internet penetration rate in India? How many kids use internet without parental supervision?

One kid who have access to pornographic magazine or website is enough.. I guess you never shared:azn: **** magazines or other pictures in school
Please am not talking about America.. You dont have to bring American here.. Whats the benefit of giving sex education at the age of 18?? Tell me seriously.. At which age did you get to know about sex and having curiosity about opposite sex?? We all will start to have feelings about sex and masturbation on our teenage days.. By the age of 18 we will have many misconception about opposite sex and sexual feelings.. School years are the best time to educate these kids about these kind of topics..

I guess I was in 9th or 10th when I read my first Mills&Boon. Much of the infatuations in school were harmless stuff based on someone wearing spects or someone saying that he/she wants to be a scientist. Not sexual at all. Boys have their father or elder brother or uncles or friends to talk to. What misconceptions do people have about opposite sex or sexual feelings? Hindu parents never talk about sex in their families and there is no guilt induced either in the mind of any child about it. So when and if a child starts developing these ideas and feelings, they do find materials and resources to educate themselves about it without being an psychological wreck.

One kid who have access to pornographic magazine or website is enough.. I guess you never shared **** magazines or other pictures in school

No. I remember though feeling yuck about myself when I found out children are born per vaginally rather than through the stomach as my mom had always told me. That was when I was in 10th.
Please am not talking about America.. You dont have to bring American here.. Whats the benefit of giving sex education at the age of 18?? Tell me seriously.. At which age did you get to know about sex and having curiosity about opposite sex?? We all will start to have feelings about sex and masturbation on our teenage days.. By the age of 18 we will have many misconception about opposite sex and sexual feelings.. School years are the best time to educate these kids about these kind of topics..

One kid who have access to pornographic magazine or website is enough.. I guess you never shared:azn: **** magazines or other pictures in school

Are you confessing to having masturbated when you were in your teens my child ? :D

"And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell." Matthew 5:30

Say 50 Hail PlanetWarriors and may you be forgiven :D
Pity then you understand so little about your own country. How is the invasion theory a candyfloss when there are legends after legends of women warriors, entrepreneurs, queens, administrators in my TP society? Perhaps you should look at the inherent contradictions in your view when you call India both TP society as well as liberal and free society in which you grew up.

Just because we want children to continue enjoying their childhood without being encumbered by sexual feelings or sexual knowledge for a couple more years, you bracket us as supporters of rape, prostitution, molestation, gender discrimination, and what not. Typical of dumbness displayed by the NRIs.
Wow, now that is a very strong argument, a few women warriors and leaders prove women empowerment in 5000 year history. As I said you are just trying to obfuscate the ground reality of majority of women are placed in a patriarchial society, in majority of India. Even for a minute if we ignore the reality, even statistically you are on pretty weak grounds propping the female figure heads.

Just because you want your children to do shut their ears and eyes to everyday happenings around them, doesn't mean the whole nation needs to encounter such state. The fact of the matter is, children should get sex education, they need to be aware of STD's and be safe if they do decide to engage in sexual activities. Now if your children based on your teachings have high degree of morality and do not indulge in sexual activities, then good for them.... but for others who do decide, the state should ensure that they know the of the consequences well ahead of time. You dont wear a crash helmet because you plan to crash, you do because you want to get out a crash alive if you have one.

We dont live in medieval ages anymore , society is never stays static, It's better to equip the youth for the challenges ahead of them, than sheltering them from the inevitable.
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No. But my nieces, ages 16 and 10, live nearby and we are close.
And you dont want them to have any kind of sex ed, right? What about all the other kids in their school, or their cities, what about the 12 and 14 year old kids who dropped out of school? they dont deserve to know about the horrors of STD's on consequences of teen pregnancy, right?
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