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Sex education in schools should be banned, Union health minister Harsh Vardhan says

Well yes.. You can thank the revolution in information technology and it's exposure to the general public.. Sex was a private affair then not any more.. Children are more exposed and mature earlier than before..
South Asian cultures were very sexually liberal pre colonization.. While the west has moved on people in so called traditional east hang on to Victorian prudence shoved down their throats

So your sexual life is a public affair now? All it has done reduced the time children have being children and made them grow up faster. No thanks, India should allow its children to enjoy childhood without exerting pressure and inducing them to grow up faster.

The West is a social wreck. No example for any country to emulate.
You cite the bible every time in the Middle East thread. :lol:

So tell me is Jehavoh going to cast you into hell? :D

Again like i said earlier in Middle eastern thread i don't give a F about Gods.......

i don't know about Jehavoh but i sure know... Allah is going to send you and you Hamas terrorists into hell.. if he ever exist...:lol:
These useless links are not going to prove anything. Aids is very low in Traditional society conservative in sex compared to those free open society where the people have a good knowledge of sex. Nobody oppose sex education. What you conveniently skipped is Sex education in school. There is no need to teach that in school. Innocent children's mind get diverted.
Traditional societies, where there are rampant rapes, child abuse, spousal abuse, institutionalized prostitution?

Please understand how HIV spreads. We had sex education, and thorough understanding of Std's and social implications of pregnancy in our school despite it was not in our syllabus. Our principal had made this abundantly clear to the guardians that sex education, is safety measure. It doesn't provide titillation.

In you post you draw comparison between traditional and free open society... Who would want to live in a society that is not a free open society (if traditional is the antonym as you propose)... Sex education across the board in every school, is the most important part of practical sound education, especially in a school where large number of children drop out before they ever reach junior college/high school.
They are innocent. They learn what they see. They should be diverted to spiritualism and yoga. So that they ma build a beautiful life based on virtue.

Do you even know what sex
Education means? let me guess, you think that sex education means how to have sex. Right?
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This is absolutely true. Value (Abstinence) based sex education is important though because not all families are closely knit. Children from dysfunctional families will benefit from sex education. The idea should be to educate and not promote promiscuity among teens who're better off utilizing their time indulging in more productive activities.

YA but its difficult for each others not trying to get into each other pants ha:lol::lol: ........ I don't kow from which standard Sex education thought, But i'd say High school would be a good start
Again like i said earlier in Middle eastern thread i don't give a F about Gods.......

You always said the God of the Bible gave Jews that land and nobody can do anything about it. :lol:

Stop denying it. :lol:
Traditional societies, where there are rampant rapes, child abuse, spousal abuse, institutionalized prostitution?

You mean liberal societies are free of all these issues? The most prostitutes are found in the liberal societies. The most cases of rapes as well as spousal abuse are found in liberal societies. Let me add child abuse too.
It is very rare amongst our teens to get sexually involved even in Bangalore. Given the number of virgins one meets even in their 30s, it is not really much of an issue. You cannot go around introducing sex education amongst teens who do not even like to watch kissing on the TV and in movies.

ya... but you know some of these kids get affected in future not knowing anything about it... By the way.. i never had a sex edu... here at what standard the education starts???
YA but its difficult for each others not trying to get into each other pants ha:lol::lol: ........ I don't kow from which standard Sex education thought, But i'd say High school would be a good start

I agree and that is why an abstinence based sex education is necessary.
It must be banned in schools. We can not inflict the innocent brains with dirty thoughts (Looking at their age) . Sex Education in school must be banned and taught anly after 18 or 21.
And what if the teenager decides to have to sex before he receives adequate education? What if the youth drops out of the school at 16?
You always said the God of the Bible gave Jews that land and nobody can do anything about it. :lol:

Stop denying it. :lol:

I stated what's written... I ain't denying... but that doen't mean i give a f about Jesus or Allah............. and bible is nothing but collection of books.... Now Hazzy *** tell me.... does Allah like when you kill innocents???
I can't believe what I am reading on this thread? What do you people have against sex?
ya... but you know some of these kids get affected in future not knowing anything about it... By the way.. i never had a sex edu... here at what standard the education starts???

The ones who do get involved at an abnormally (relatively) young age are also smart enough to know about the perils of it. I never had any sex education either. Do not know. Actually Karnataka has banned sexual education. The CBSE syllabus does have it, somewhere around 8th or 9th std I think.
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