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Sex education in schools should be banned, Union health minister Harsh Vardhan says

Oh really? We have not introduced sex education in schools in much of our schools right? You would expect 11 and 12 year olds not to know how one gets AIDS, right, so what explains the low figure of STDs amongst our teenagers as compared to the ones from the developed countries with sex education? Is that not your argument that only sex education is going to save our kids?

1.) The measures I was referring to were mostly taught outside the schools in the last years. They go from awareness programs, classes on this matter to ads for the use of condoms.

Those measures played a significant role in containing HIV.

2.) The poor accessibility to health services does play a role in the number of people who are actually diagnosed with HIV

3.) The containment of STD`s is just ONE of several arguments for sex education. I`ve posted several others in the opening pages of this thread. Go back and read them before saying BS.
It would appear that he has forgotten that the aggressive promotion of condoms is one reason why the seropositivity rate in India has fallen and it is now behind Nigeria and South Africa in the number of people living with HIV/AIDS. Abstinence and cultural values have not proved any protection against infection as studies have shown. Women are at particular risk as even if they are monogamous, there is no guarantee that their husbands won’t pick up the infection elsewhere and pass it on to them. Such remarks coming from the person who is in charge of health in India are worrying.

Rather it was the inflated numbers given by NGOs to mint money from govt largesse that was the reason for the higher figures of HIV quoted earlier in India. Given how poor India is and that there are 400 million people in dire poverty, do you think they have the money to spend on condoms. You are delusional if you think that is the reason for the less STIs and STDs in India.

1.) The measures I was referring to were mostly taught outside the schools in the last years. They go from awareness programs, classes on this matter to ads for the use of condoms.
Those measures played a significant role in containing HIV.

Wrong. Find me people who would allow unrelated adults to talk about sex to their children in India anywhere outside the school system. When talking about it in schools is a problem, you think parents are sending their children to other adults to talk about sex?

The poor accessibility to health services does play a role in the number of people who are actually diagnosed with HIV

Oh really, you mean even when people suffer from symptoms after symptoms of HIV and AIDS, they do not go to doctors in India? I do admit India is poor, but it is not this bad either.

The containment of STD`s is just ONE of several arguments for sex education. I`ve posted several others in the opening pages of this thread. Go back and read them before saying BS.

All your arguments are definitions of BS. Get it. Every single one of them.
Rather it was the inflated numbers given by NGOs to mint money from govt largesse that was the reason for the higher figures of HIV quoted earlier in India. Given how poor India is and that there are 400 million people in dire poverty, do you think they have the money to spend on condoms. You are delusional if you think that is the reason for the less STIs and STDs in India.


Given how poor India is and that there are 400 million people in dire poverty, do you think they have the money to spend on condoms. You are delusional if you think that is the reason for the less STIs and STDs in India.

And do you think that the rest of the population is not affected by the threat?

Wrong. Find me people who would allow unrelated adults to talk about sex to their children in India anywhere outside the school system. When talking about it in schools is a problem, you think parents are sending their children to other adults to talk about sex?

I am talking about programs aimed at adults who had no sex education when they were younger

Oh really, you mean even when people suffer from symptoms after symptoms of HIV and AIDS, they do not go to doctors in India? I do admit India is poor, but it is not this bad either.

Symptoms of HIV are often overlooked and put away as mere fever, head ache, fatigue etc. And since many poor people have a weaker immune system, its much more likely that they die because of it unnoticed.

I am not saying that huge parts of the population are affected of this, but it is very likely that it happens.
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And do you think that the rest of the population is not affected by the threat?

I am talking about programs aimed at adults who had no sex education when they were younger

Number of India HIV cases cut in half - Health - AIDS | NBC News

India has roughly 2.5 million people infected with HIV, less than half the number of cases that previous studies estimated, the health minister and international AIDS experts said Friday.

The drastically reduced numbers come from expanded surveys and an improved methodology, providing a far more accurate portrait of India’s HIV epidemic, said Health Minister Anubani Ramadoss.

An earlier U.N. study estimated 5.7 million HIV cases, which would have been the highest total in the world. According to the new data, India, which has a population of 1.1 billion, has fewer HIV cases than South Africa and Nigeria.

AIDS experts from the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation concurred with the new estimates, which were compiled after greatly expanding the number of clinics surveyed and incorporating data from a far-reaching national household survey.

So much for surveys by NGOs who went tom-toming that India is going to be overrun by AIDS. Within 2 years the numbers were shown to be false and cut by almost 3 millions. Meanwhile, of course they enjoyed enormous amounts of funds by the govt as well as international donors.
All your arguments are definitions of BS. Get it. Every single one of them.

Dumbed down, blunt, stupid, childish and not to forget: Full retard. Have you even read them?

Anyways, thank you for proving my point.

Get well soon kid. :tup:
And do you think that the rest of the population is not affected by the threat?

The most vulnerable target population, the commerical sex workers, truck drivers, etc., and the likes are already educated and provided with protections.

I am talking about programs aimed at adults who had no sex education when they were younger

This discussion is about children and how sex education is going to benefit them, right? No one objects to talking to adults (legally defined as those above 18 years of age) and educating them about the risks thereof. Tell me why our children (those who have not been educated about sex) do not have STDS and STIs. Why there is so low prevalence of illness amongst our teenagers.

Symptoms of HIV are often overlooked and put away as mere fever, head ache, fatigue etc. And since many poor people have a weaker immune system, its much more likely that they die because of it unnoticed.

Please Indians are not absolutely devoid of common sense, though it is hard to tell look at the folks on PDF. Fever, headache, and fatigue are not the only symptoms when one has full blown AIDS.

Dumbed down, blunt, stupid, childish and not to forget: Full retard. Have you even read them?

Anyways, thank you for proving my point.

Get well soon kid. :tup:
Till then you think the boys & girls know nothing to do???..... in bangalore girls get pregnant at the age of 15... that's even with the sex education.. think about teacing them that at the age of 18 or 21..!!!!!1

I thought Jehovah said no sex before marriage. Isn't he going to you cast you all to hell now?? According to your bible. LOL.
Dumbed down, blunt, stupid, childish and not to forget: Full retard. Have you even read them?

Anyways, thank you for proving my point.

Get well soon kid. :tup:

Mate some of the comments made on this thread goes beyond retardedness.. Just wondering if they know that this is the 21st century
Mate some of the comments made on this thread goes beyond retardedness.. Just wondering if they know that this is the 21st century

Why? Has coming to 21st century made sex revolutionary? Something your parents and grandparents did not know of in their time in 20th century or the centuries before that?
Why? Has coming to 21st century made sex revolutionary? Something your parents and grandparents did not know of in their time in 20th century or the centuries before that?

Well yes.. You can thank the revolution in information technology and it's exposure to the general public.. Sex was a private affair then not any more.. Children are more exposed and mature earlier than before..

South Asian cultures were very sexually liberal pre colonization.. While the west has moved on people in so called traditional east hang on to Victorian prudence shoved down their throats
Its useful but kids would get more help from their parents than these educations at school....

This is absolutely true. Value (Abstinence) based sex education is important though because not all families are closely knit. Children from dysfunctional families will benefit from sex education. The idea should be to educate and not promote promiscuity among teens who're better off utilizing their time indulging in more productive activities.
Its useful but kids would get more help from their parents than these educations at school....

It is very rare amongst our teens to get sexually involved even in Bangalore. Given the number of virgins one meets even in their 30s, it is not really much of an issue. You cannot go around introducing sex education amongst teens who do not even like to watch kissing on the TV and in movies.
South Asian cultures were very sexually liberal pre colonization..

Can you and others post some concrete links to prove the above. Making blanket statements isn't the best way to convince the naysayers.
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