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Sex education in schools should be banned, Union health minister Harsh Vardhan says

I agree with you Mate but Teachers should also be broadminded to Educate their Pupils. In My school Days , though its one most Influential school in Delhi Teachers hesitate to Explain the the Chapters related to SEX education or reproduction in Biology May be because of Indian Mindset Have faced it in your school times or Not ??
Initially yes, but it has to be done. It's no longer important if we like it or not. Things have gone out of hands. We already suffer from a population explosion. If it is not controlled, I may have to call in @ExtraOdinary to use his Nordic weapons to 'tackle' the over population problem. And that sure will be nasty :sick:
Initially yes, but it has to be done. It's no longer important if we like it or not. Things have gone out of hands. We already suffer from a population explosion. If it is not controlled, I may have to call in @ExtraOdinary to use his Nordic weapons to 'tackle' the over population problem. And that sure will be nasty :sick:

people will start saying Sanjay gandhi was a visionary. :D
don't call it sex education, and change the name to health education simple.
Of course there must be an awareness but the content must be redefined.
Initially yes, but it has to be done. It's no longer important if we like it or not. Things have gone out of hands. We already suffer from a population explosion. If it is not controlled, I may have to call in @ExtraOdinary to use his Nordic weapons to 'tackle' the over population problem. And that sure will be nasty :sick:
Why do you need me, I am sure the new fascist genocidal government of India is surely more capable, Heil Modi :mad:
amazed to see such stone age minds on this thread. When will my country get rid of such people? they shame me

Sex education must be made compulsory in schools and as far as i remember, it is in CBSE, when I was in class X, we had a chapter on it in biology
Which just goes to show sex education is useless.

Another blunt and dumbed down statement.

Do you even know how to have a discussion? There is no empirical study which supports your statement.

In fact, there are plenty of research works, which prove that the higher the education on this matter, the lesser the chances of overpopulation and the spread of STD`s like AIDS.
Speakers Link Higher Education among Girls to Declining Fertility Rates
as Commission on Population and Development Continues Session

(Follow the sources at the end of the page)
Relationship between education and HIV/AIDS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Another blunt and dumbed down statement.

Do you even know how to have a discussion? There is no empirical study which supports your statement.

In fact, there are plenty of research works, which prove that the higher the education on this matter, the lesser the chances of overpopulation and the spread of STD`s like AIDS.
Speakers Link Higher Education among Girls to Declining Fertility Rates
as Commission on Population and Development Continues Session

(Follow the sources at the end of the page)
Relationship between education and HIV/AIDS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I generally avoid looking at your arguments as I have given up on you as one of the dumbs of Indian society. I was responding to a post which actually stated that even with sex education there was teenage pregnancy.

This is a map which I hope you will be able to understand even with your limited abilities.


See there? India has one of the lowest HIV prevalence rate even without your sex education and a generally less educated crowd. While countries which have sex education as well as universal education have a higher prevalence. Comprehend?

Now one more point. The health minister is not arguing against Higher education, but against sex education. You understand the difference right?

Likewise, India is also a country with lowest premartial sex.

Further to aid in your education.

WHO | Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

WHO | Sexually transmitted infections by regions.

See there? Now compare the population of India and the population of your enlightened sex educated countries.
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See there? India has one of the lowest HIV prevalence rate even without your sex education and a generally less educated crowd. While countries which have sex education as well as universal education have a higher prevalence. Comprehend?

1.) The GoI has a very proactive attitude towards HIV, that does include sexual education and promoting condoms.

2.) The total number of HIV infected is a real threat and is quite high.

Further efforts in informing the population, education and promotion of prevention measures is therefore an important step to prevent an exponential rise in HIV cases.

I generally avoid looking at your arguments as I have given up on you as one of the dumbs of Indian society. I was responding to a post which actually stated that even with sex education there was teenage pregnancy.

You said that sex education is "useless" which is nothing else than a dumbed down, stupid and blunt statement without ANY proof or whatsoever. And the mere fact that you play as some uber smart genius makes you look even more stupid.

Now one more point. The health minister is not arguing against Higher education, but against sex education. You understand the difference right?

Where did I mention higher education anyways? Get your facts right.
Besides, he already denied the allegations
1.) The GoI has a very proactive attitude towards HIV, that does include sexual education and promoting condoms.

2.) The total number of HIV infected is a real threat and is quite high. Further efforts in informing the population, education and promotion of prevention measures is therefore an important step to prevent an exponential rise in HIV cases.

Oh really? We have not introduced sex education in much of our schools right? You would expect 11 and 12 year olds not to know how one gets AIDS, right, so what explains the low figure of AIDS amongst our teenagers as compared to the ones from the developed countries with sex education? Is that not your argument that only sex education is going to save our kids?

Even if the govt is proactive about HIV, it is not about other sexually transmitted infections and given how people lament about the poor health services available to our citizens, what explains the low STIs amongst all Indians?
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3.) As I said numerous times earlier, sex education is crucial to one of India´s greatest problems: The high birth rate.

From HT

Harsh Vardhan’s remarks on HIV/AIDS are worrying

At least one minister in the Narendra Modi government does not seem to have taken the PM’s exhortation to refrain from speaking off the cuff too seriously. And that surprisingly is Union health minister Harsh Vardhan — a doctor himself — with his odd remarks on HIV and ways to prevent the disease from spreading. Dr Vardhan astonished many when in an interview to a foreign paper, he spoke about how the emphasis in the fight against HIV/AIDS should go beyond condoms and focus on purity in relationships and Indian values.

It would appear that he has forgotten that the aggressive promotion of condoms is one reason why the seropositivity rate in India has fallen and it is now behind Nigeria and South Africa in the number of people living with HIV/AIDS. Abstinence and cultural values have not proved any protection against infection as studies have shown. Women are at particular risk as even if they are monogamous, there is no guarantee that their husbands won’t pick up the infection elsewhere and pass it on to them. Such remarks coming from the person who is in charge of health in India are worrying.

The National AIDS Control Organisation has been putting up a sterling fight against the infection using all means available, the principal and cheapest option being condoms. There have been such damaging remarks earlier too by people in high office, notable among them a former HRD minister in an earlier NDA government who expressed the opinion that foreign aid was responsible for AIDS. It would appear that here Dr Vardhan is seeking to cater to the obscurantists who have maintained that cultural purity is a safeguard against many ills, which they feel are western imports or which only affect those whose morals are suspect.

The minister’s statements could well be taken to heart by some policy-makers and even those indulging in risky sexual behaviour as some sort of immunity against infection. This could be fatal to India’s drive against HIV/AIDS. A similar remark made by a former South African president set the country’s anti-HIV programme back considerably. Dr Vardhan’s ill-thought-out remarks similarly have the potential to reverse the gains made against the disease. This certainly is not what the doctor ordered.

Harsh Vardhan’s remarks on HIV/AIDS are worrying - Hindustan Times
If people are getting so freaked out over sex education,maybe we should rename it private health education or some other euphemism.One way or the other we need basic sex education in India.Its the lack of sex education which causes so many of our problems.
2.) The total number of HIV infected is a real threat and is quite high.
Further efforts in informing the population, education and promotion of prevention measures is therefore an important step to prevent an exponential rise in HIV cases.

So you do not want to go by percentage but by sheer numbers. Then explain why USA has such a high number of people with AIDS? They do have sex education, right?

You said that sex education is "useless" which is nothing else than a dumbed down, stupid and blunt statement without ANY proof or whatsoever. And the mere fact that you play as some uber smart genius makes you look even more stupid.

The only stupid over here is you given all you do is try to extrapolate some dumb study or other from Europe or US and map it on to Indian people without understanding the societal dynamics or culture. Sex education failed Americans, so I do not see why it should be a success here.

Where did I mention higher education anyways? Get your facts right.
Besides, he already denied the allegations

Did you or did you not provide this link to me? Does this link talk about Higher Education?

Speakers Link Higher Education among Girls to Declining Fertility Rates
as Commission on Population and Development Continues Session
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