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Watch banned film "India's daughter" here!

Something is always wrong kiddo. .......... we operate in this world with limited understand and so for all practical purpose we are pretty much ALWAYS wrong. But that does not stop people from doing what they THINK is right.

But its clear to me that good advice is wasted on you so you do your thing, beat up yourself some more and feel good about it.

I take advices seriously specialy when more than one person saying same. Theres always room for learning ;). I was only arguing about the thinking of people towards the causes of rapes.
@sancho There is no denying of the fact that we have a problem, but they are not helping us, we have to help ourselves.

Let me tell you a true story that a client of mine told me, he went to USA some years back, one day he saw a homeless vagabond sleeping inside some large water pipes, on the background was the White House, he found it interesting and took a snap. When he got the films washed there, the snap was there, but without the man, they removed it. He inquired about it and the shop-owner replied: "You cannot take pictures of our poverty".

They realized the importance of 'image' long back, we are yet to realize it. Just imagine, will a corporate let its closest competitor to make a film on their internal problems and show it around the world? That will destroy the company instead of 'helping it solve its internal problems', no? Countries are like corporates nowadays, competing just like the corporates for their place in the world.
Secular Journalist u Turn

Secular Journalist u Turn

View attachment 199854

She's not a 'secular'. Please don't insult us by calling her that. We disown her.

He is probably a Chini troll, he only opens negative threads on India and positive threads on China. However, ignoring him will make him unimportant and less disruptive.

I think he's chini settled in USA. Doesn't look very intelligent, spews only the most obvious crap. Makes me think he's not very educated- janitor/ cleaner by morning, troll by night.
@sancho There is no denying of the fact that we have a problem, but they are not helping us, we have to help ourselves.

Let me tell you a true story that a client of mine told me, he went to USA some years back, one day he saw a homeless vagabond sleeping inside some large water pipes, on the background was the White House, he found it interesting and took a snap. When he got the films washed there, the snap was there, but without the man, they removed it. He inquired about it and the shop-owner replied: "You cannot take pictures of our poverty".

They realized the importance of 'image' long back, we are yet to realize it. Just imagine, will a corporate let its closest competitor to make a film on their internal problems and show it around the world? That will destroy the company instead of 'helping it solve its internal problems', no? Countries are like corporates nowadays, competing just like the corporates for their place in the world.

That's a made up story. Hind00s love telling fake anecdotes. Did you hear about Saurabh Singh's lies about joining NASA?
I think that there could be following points which are common to the members, and related to the acts
(1) The Documentary is not worst, on looking it, it can be eye opener and useful, and need to show the society, so the sensitivity come.
(2) Its said that the documentary maker is herself victim of the rape, so no need to think that she have any political view in making the movie, and looking to the documentary prima facie there is not seem like vulgar, or condemning etc.
(3) There could be Two objections One The Title, the title "India's daughter" is not proper, There are many illegal and unacceptable acts done in the western nations but they never make movies by titling with country name. and Number Two the purpose of the making movie is seems come out from western notions. I show the CNN and BBC and I am of opinion that these channels are extremely working for showing west as best. but in fact they never show their worst. in one survey it was said that in England 90% and above cases are never be complained by women, (see wiki) Does BBC make movie by title England?
(4) In CNN and BBC we see the only poor people and african people like movie continouously and so west as best, but it seems that, If you are poor they will make movie for poor and if you will be reach they will make Slum Dog Millionare and give Award to it. Extremely western notions, and west is have sicknes of the superiority complex
It was more of a human story than a story of rape.. Not just the victims but of the perpetrators and their families, mothers, fathers wives and children.. And the down trodden society that make them what they are, And about Jyoti's parents brave people breaking societal taboo's, In a country where female foeticide is rampant how they bought up their daughter with such love and sacrifice, About the thousands of middle class young people that got on to the street for womens rights

I see no difference of the mentality of posters here crying foul over some perceived conspiracy to tarnish India's image or those claiming outsiders have no right to have a critical view on this

For me their attitude is no second to to the defense lawyers interviewed in the programme.. Callous and in total denial

this is impoertant.

Why did AP Singh say he will light his daughter on fire? 'To save face.'

why did the government ban this documentary? 'To save face.'

I am not equating the two, but there is a mentality at work here.
I think that there could be following points which are common to the members, and related to the acts
(1) The Documentary is not worst, on looking it, it can be eye opener and useful, and need to show the society, so the sensitivity come.

That depend on what you choose to see. You see the eye opener part.

Most people in the world will see most of "Indian daughters" are rape victims, India as a misogynistic society, India as a backward an unintelligent society.

(2) Its said that the documentary maker is herself victim of the rape, so no need to think that she have any political view in making the movie, and looking to the documentary prima facie there is not seem like vulgar, or condemning etc.

The producer being a rape victim does not mean she cannot be a bigot or a racist. That is a logical fallacy.

It is vulgar if you consider most of the opinion expressed in it are critical of India. There is not Once voice that says the positive steps we took regarding rape, the massive public support for nirbhaya (they show PROTEST). And yes, there is a difference between Support and Protest. They are opposites. There is NOT one voice that shows the positive side of India in the whole incident. In short its tries to show only ONE side of the coin. The side that make India look bad.

(3) There could be Two objections One The Title, the title "India's daughter" is not proper, There are many illegal and unacceptable acts done in the western nations but they never make movies by titling with country name. and Number Two the purpose of the making movie is seems come out from western notions. I show the CNN and BBC and I am of opinion that these channels are extremely working for showing west as best. but in fact they never show their worst. in one survey it was said that in England 90% and above cases are never be complained by women, (see wiki) Does BBC make movie by title England?

Since it was made for "global" view why not "OUR daughter" ? "Christs daughter" ?

(4) In CNN and BBC we see the only poor people and african people like movie continouously and so west as best, but it seems that, If you are poor they will make movie for poor and if you will be reach they will make Slum Dog Millionare and give Award to it. Extremely western notions, and west is have sicknes of the superiority complex

This movie was made to provoke people's "Disgust" and "contempt", only the large part of that "feeling" will be directed at INDIA and not the rapist.

this is impoertant.

Why did AP Singh say he will light his daughter on fire? 'To save face.'

why did the government ban this documentary? 'To save face.'

I am not equating the two, but there is a mentality at work here.

Ya, we can all see your mentality. Get help.
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Most people in the world will see most of "Indian daughters" are rape victims, India as a misogynistic society, India as a backward an unintelligent society.

Agreed upon it, As Indian we need to see the our shortcomings in developing our society, this is our Social problem, due to Education. If As Indian we see the movie, if it has been made by some indian channel we have to taken in to consideration, I feel so.
It is vulgar if you consider most of the opinion expressed in it are critical of India. There is not Once voice that says the positive steps we took regarding rape, the massive public support for nirbhaya (they show PROTEST). And yes, there is a difference between Support and Protest. They are opposites. There is NOT one voice that shows the positive side of India in the whole incident. In short its tries to show only ONE side of the coin. The side that make India look bad.

Since it was made for "global" view why not "OUR daughter" ? "Christs daughter" ?
Cause this is happened in India, so it had not been titled our daughters, yes if western daughter was that, they would definitely do that. In WTC collapse, all the western News channels are talking, That, our people, and in war Our soldiers, so western are united, easterns are not included, and we do not need to join ourself with them.

Though If The movie is concern the Objection is extremely right, and beyond that we really need to take steps to remove such social problems. there is need to learn the lession and to comeout from this.
Negatives of a neo-conservative culture in a modern age.
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