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Watch banned film "India's daughter" here!

If we really have sanskaar and are proud of it, we will NEVER blame the girl for wearing a short dress or consider it wrong.

Its really a lack of sanskaar that makes you think that way.. Does that help ? :P

Way to go buddy :p: Stop trolling :p:
LOL. Every kid with raging hormones who fantasises about rape or something seedy usually blames the girl. Its called Transference to avoid guilt or Shame.

Its a natural self defence mechanism. When you grow older you learn to control your feelings and your need for such transference goes away.

That is what is growing up. Being responsible enough so that we do not seek to transfer guilt or responsibility.

Self-flagellation (which you are demonstrating) is a characteristic of a narcissist. Again a part of growing up.

SO all in all, relax and grow up.

Everything plays its role. The timing of this mob violence is unlikely to be a coincidence.

I partialy agree with you but always keeping your nose high is not good. And accepting faults in our society is not always 'self-flagellation'. You certainly have different perspective than mine, depends on experience.
India's Daughter: Rape convict paid Rs.40,000 for interview?
Friday, 6 March 2015 - 10:56am IST | Agency: dna webdesk

Accused in the 2012 Delhi gang rape, Mukesh Singh was paid Rs. 40,000 for his interview by the makers of the controversial documentary India's Daughter, according to a report in Navbharat Times.
  • 316158-nirbhaya-accused-mukesh-singh.jpg
Accused in the 2012 Delhi gang rape, Mukesh Singh was paid Rs. 40,000 for his interview by the makers of the controversial documentary India's Daughter, according to a report in Navbharat Times.

The report says that several attempts were made filmmaker Leslee Udwin for Singh's interview. She was helped by a person named Khullar. Their attempts to get the interview were not successful at first, however they later received permission from Tihar Jail as well as the Ministry of Home Affairs for the interview.

According to the report, an investigation within Tihar Jail found that Singh had made the demand of Rs. 2 Lakh for the interview. This was later negotiated to Rs. 40,000. Singh agreed to the interview after they settled on this amount, eventhough permission from authorities had already been granted by then. None of the money was found to be in Singh's Prisoner Property account but the reports says that the investigation at Tihar found that Singh's family had received the money.

This report comes against the backdrop of government serving a legal notice on BBC, accusing it of violating the stipulated conditions to make the documentary, India's Daughter, with a controversial interview of one of the convicts of the December 16, 2012 gangrape incident. Singh's comments in India's Daughter have grabbed headlines in Indian newspapers and sparked outrage on social media. Some people have questioned whether the convicts should have been given a forum to express their views.

Udwin, The British filmmaker, who worked on the film for two years and was inspired to make it after watching thousands of people take to the streets across India in protest over the 2012 rape, said it would be released worldwide as planned.

Four men including Mukesh Singh were sentenced to death for the crime, but their execution was later stayed on appeal by the Supreme Court.

India's Daughter: Rape convict paid Rs.40,000 for interview? | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

@sancho @Bang Galore @levina @SarthakGanguly @thesolar65 @TejasMk3
India's Daughter: Rape convict paid

Posted before:
Watch banned film "India's daughter" here! | Page 17

Apart from DNA being a poor source, I would be surprised if his family / lawyers would get so less, because any Indian news paper had paid more, by the simple fact that an exclusive interview would be a huge selling factor.
I have no doubt that the lawyers tried to get money too and that at least one of them tried to influence the public perception with his statements, throughout the case as part of his defence strategy.

But how does that all change the facts of the docu, that it is not aimed on his statements, but including them in a very broad and balanced docu, that shows plenty of different views of this specific case?
It simple logic that tells us, that if the authors had a specific aim in mind to show India as a rape country...

...they wouldn't had limited it to this single case, but had made the docu based on several such horrific cases
...they wouldn't had shown Indian men and woman including the youth protesting and as strong, but would had shown crying and weak women and some of the crazy men only
...they wouldn't had put so much effort on explaining how the background of the offenders might had influenced them over the years, which I find even questionable in the docu, because it hints to an excuse for them, but for the docu it's part of showing all sides equally
...they would had moderated it on their own, implementing their views and not of Indians

It is rather tragic, that so many are looking only at the statements of the offender and his lawyers, because that is not the content of the docu! And one should see it in an unbiased manner, without the media hype around it and even less with the nonsense statements of some politicians!
I partialy agree with you but always keeping your nose high is not good. And accepting faults in our society is not always 'self-flagellation'. You certainly have different perspective than mine, depends on experience.

Some free advice (which I hate to give). ALWAYS keep your head and nose high. The rest of the world is out to push it down. Don't do their job for them. Stand up for yourself.

That way, someday you will stand up for others.

India's Daughter: Rape convict paid Rs.40,000 for interview?
Friday, 6 March 2015 - 10:56am IST | Agency: dna webdesk

Accused in the 2012 Delhi gang rape, Mukesh Singh was paid Rs. 40,000 for his interview by the makers of the controversial documentary India's Daughter, according to a report in Navbharat Times.
  • 316158-nirbhaya-accused-mukesh-singh.jpg
Accused in the 2012 Delhi gang rape, Mukesh Singh was paid Rs. 40,000 for his interview by the makers of the controversial documentary India's Daughter, according to a report in Navbharat Times.

The report says that several attempts were made filmmaker Leslee Udwin for Singh's interview. She was helped by a person named Khullar. Their attempts to get the interview were not successful at first, however they later received permission from Tihar Jail as well as the Ministry of Home Affairs for the interview.

According to the report, an investigation within Tihar Jail found that Singh had made the demand of Rs. 2 Lakh for the interview. This was later negotiated to Rs. 40,000. Singh agreed to the interview after they settled on this amount, eventhough permission from authorities had already been granted by then. None of the money was found to be in Singh's Prisoner Property account but the reports says that the investigation at Tihar found that Singh's family had received the money.

This report comes against the backdrop of government serving a legal notice on BBC, accusing it of violating the stipulated conditions to make the documentary, India's Daughter, with a controversial interview of one of the convicts of the December 16, 2012 gangrape incident. Singh's comments in India's Daughter have grabbed headlines in Indian newspapers and sparked outrage on social media. Some people have questioned whether the convicts should have been given a forum to express their views.

Udwin, The British filmmaker, who worked on the film for two years and was inspired to make it after watching thousands of people take to the streets across India in protest over the 2012 rape, said it would be released worldwide as planned.

Four men including Mukesh Singh were sentenced to death for the crime, but their execution was later stayed on appeal by the Supreme Court.

India's Daughter: Rape convict paid Rs.40,000 for interview? | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

@sancho @Bang Galore @levina @SarthakGanguly @thesolar65 @TejasMk3

Interesting ........... wonder what the Rape Victims Mother and Father thinks about that.

If this is true, how do we know he was not reading from a script ? :azn:
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This is how media overkill succeeds. Self hate is imbibed. :)

When self criticism crosses the line of rationality and goes into the domain of irrational self hate...interesting...

I know that line really really struck some people here hard. Was not gonna type it at first, didnt mean it just wrote it. But it did the job i guess.
Posted before:
Watch banned film "India's daughter" here! | Page 17

Apart from DNA being a poor source, I would be surprised if his family / lawyers would get so less, because any Indian news paper had paid more, by the simple fact that an exclusive interview would be a huge selling factor.
I have no doubt that the lawyers tried to get money too and that at least one of them tried to influence the public perception with his statements, throughout the case as part of his defence strategy.

But how does that all change the facts of the docu, that it is not aimed on his statements, but including them in a very broad and balanced docu, that shows plenty of different views of this specific case?
It simple logic that tells us, that if the authors had a specific aim in mind to show India as a rape country...

...they wouldn't had limited it to this single case, but had made the docu based on several such horrific cases
...they wouldn't had shown Indian men and woman including the youth protesting and as strong, but would had shown crying and weak women and some of the crazy men only
...they wouldn't had put so much effort on explaining how the background of the offenders might had influenced them over the years, which I find even questionable in the docu, because it hints to an excuse for them, but for the docu it's part of showing all sides equally
...they would had moderated it on their own, implementing their views and not of Indians

It is rather tragic, that so many are looking only at the statements of the offender and his lawyers, because that is not the content of the docu! And one should see it in an unbiased manner, without the media hype around it and even less with the nonsense statements of some politicians!

Nonsense. Anybody who knows how India operates will know it to be true. Everybody from the Jailer to the convict to the lawyer would have demanded money and quite possibly got it.

It does NOT show all sides. It does not addresses the issue of WHY the rapist did what they did. It only address what they did and their own unprofessional opinion and immature understanding of the world.

Why does it interview only ONE of the convict ? why not others ? Were they interviewed ? if they were it would seem their interview was not juicy enough hence it was edited out. So how is it objective ? that is sensationalism.

It does not even talk about the opinions of the rest of them or even that they were approached.

Where is the interview of the boy who was with the victim at that time ? What was his thought process ? his view of things ? Why is that not important ? he is also a central figure.

Take your own advice and view it again with an unbiased mind.
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Some free advice (which I hate to give). ALWAYS keep your head and nose high. The rest of the world is out to push it down. Don't do their job for them. Stand up for yourself.

That way, someday you will stand up for others.

Interested ........... wonder what the Rape Victims Mother and Father thinks about that.

If this is true, how do we know he was not reading from a scrip?

Always praising self in every situation, even if when you know there is something wrong in it, becomes the part of culture. And i don't keep my nose up when i know i am wrong, sorry.

If rapist is paid to speak up his mind, then nothing wrong. Although if the rapist is paid to act, then its obvious propaganda.
Some free advice (which I hate to give). ALWAYS keep your head and nose high. The rest of the world is out to push it down. Don't do their job for them. Stand up for yourself.

That way, someday you will stand up for others.

Interesting ........... wonder what the Rape Victims Mother and Father thinks about that.

If this is true, how do we know he was not reading from a script ? :azn:

How do we know he didn't rape and murder Nirbhaya from a script too? The BBC is behind the entire rape saga from the very beginning! :o::o::o:
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