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Washington Post Writes on Pakistan Day Parade

Healthy criticism is always good but ...Shouldn't always look at Glass half empty......
please let others say whatever is in their minds sir . we were once top fan boys too but now our prioritizes are changed . no one rant or abuse or say anything bad to forces or parade .
What else to expect from them,
but it was really down graded version, saved some money there, we should appreciate.
no education,no health care, no public services, no clean water..but a big show off..I cannot understand if we are hypocrites, or shameless or both!

No you are just an idiot. You condemn and penny pinch about an essential service which is delivering top quality end product. Pakistan faces a constant military threat from India and the weapons systems you assume to be ornaments keep them at bay. We are also fighting and winning a war against terrorists for the last 17 years, a war the world's largest military might has lost just across the border to us. Those men marching and those in the stands are paid to keep us safe from external threats and they are doing an excellent job with minimal investment.

The job of education and health care falls to the elected governments. The ones you select every 5 years, the ones who enter Parliament as millionaires and leave as billionaires. The corrupt, the inept and incompetent government of Pakistan. If you want better education and health care target you ire at them. That Snippet of education was free.
Author of this article
Looks like the ugliest transgender Jinn has possessed her!!!
It's a flattering piece of article but the Western journalists cannot help say something bad every time they write something about a Muslim country and specially Pakistan.
@Windy I smell something about New F16s it's mostly PR article very rare by American paper about army will love more F16 in our inventory both new and old. I think last order is que is Kuwait. So feel something good from this side.
No mate, we need metros, orange trains, large caravans of protocols, VIP lounges, VIP roads, elite police force to protect our deposed ex-PM, his bastard children, Jindaal's steel mills, scrap PIA and PSM, we need uber expensive LNG from Qatar, we need corruptions so that our elite can stay happy and definitely some people can drink expensive alcohol in the Islamic republic...
We need Sindh cultural festival when the children in Thar die of hunger, but we don't Pakistan day parade because it hurts the a-holes of some of our "respectable" libtards.
We don't need schools, hospitals, rather we need pointless underpasses and overhead bridges so that our ruling family can get its fair share and make more offshore companies and buy apartments and palaces in Avenfield and Surrey.
no one is saint in this game politicians or military both are doing great job for pakistani public .thanks both of them
no one is saint in this game politicians or military both are doing great job for pakistani public .thanks both of them
Excellent ...that's the best shot you got i.e. equate the people who sacrifice their lives for us and the military that protects my country to the thieves and robbers ....you should be thankful that you didn't say that crap in front of me but I hope and pray that someone will put you in your right place.
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no education,no health care, no public services, no clean water..but a big show off..I cannot understand if we are hypocrites, or shameless or both!

I thought he was talking about USA
What was the budget spent on 23rd March 2018 parade and its rehearsals ,Any one ? also showing of strength marks what message ? Economics is weak and some how the pilling of such weapon systems are cause , Instead of spending 10 Billion $ on defence budget with law and order plus an establishment making decisions which are poisonous to economy like panic ,interference in every systems ,Enough said ,my heart cries as circle continues for another 70 years
Excellent ...that's the best shot you got i.e. equate the people who sacrifice their lives for us and the military that protects my country with the thieves and robbers ....you should be thankful that you didn't say that crap in front of me but I hope and pray that someone will put you in your right place.
ohhhh my good luck .:lol: man you need to grow up its demand and supply dushman hoga to fauj hogi . or am i talking to a kid ?. lets wait and see how many decades more pakistan can be in current state . one day people will realize huge military can not protect us few good diplomats can .

What was the budget spent on 23rd March 2018 parade and its rehearsals ,Any one ? also showing of strength marks what message ? Economics is weak and some how the pilling of such weapon systems are cause , Instead of spending 10 Billion $ on defence budget with law and order plus an establishment making decisions which are poisonous to economy like panic ,interference in every systems ,Enough said ,my heart cries as circle continues for another 70 years
you are 5th column. these are simple facts we have started armed race and wars with a country 5time or 6 times bigger then us in population and land mass . now after 70 years we are bankrupt and other side have some 450bn$ in pockets and our internet kids are jumping here . they have very very short sight . india will do with us like china did to Taiwan they will cover our country with radars and SAMs and ABMs we will be helpless at the end and lay down this pho phalanx one day . not every country have arch enemies and those whom have destroyed and damaged much more . price tag of weapon systems is going higher and higher one day we can not afford . other side corrupt tola of politicians is at worse looting us destroying us with help of all family members . water is on dead level this year soon pakistan will dry country but no one cares . we have only total 12bn$ even bangladesh have 30bn$ . this is real war which no one care not military nor politicians .
Unless they are on a PR payroll, they are going to write their mind and sell it well..if writing bad sells well..they would write bad..

Its not..I have seen enough of this country..this country was made for the army..just look how much excess of everything they have among the upper ranks!

The author isnt wrong either..not only education but the condition of entire country is dismal..over last 50 years the national mentality has been deeply ingrained with pointless defense needs to point that Army is now the official holy cow of the state!

Countries parade their military gear to show off their industrial might..Pakistan is showing off exactly what with 99% foreign tech and foreign equipment?
The question is what are you doing to make it better? just pointing fingers wont make it better....
and please just enjoy the moment.....
why only you thought about what you said when the parade happened? are you sleeping the entire year???

That's really a slap by the author on our face.....only if we could understand it and for that we need a tinge of national dignity. That's why I say we have to put JF-17 at the forefront but alas...the driver can't understand this...shameless and hopeless.

Now I'm really confused....he or she...or both?
HESHEIT...... heshit is the correct word to explain the being of the person
you are 5th column. these are simple facts we have started armed race and wars with a country 5time or 6 times bigger then us in population and land mass . now after 70 years we are bankrupt and other side have some 450bn$ in pockets and our internet kids are jumping here . they have very very short sight . india will do with us like china did to Taiwan they will cover our country with radars and SAMs and ABMs we will be helpless at the end and lay down this pho phalanx one day . not every country have arch enemies and those whom have destroyed and damaged much more . price tag of weapon systems is going higher and higher one day we can not afford . other side corrupt tola of politicians is at worse looting us destroying us with help of all family members . water is on dead level this year soon pakistan will dry country but no one cares . we have only total 12bn$ even bangladesh have 30bn$ . this is real war which no one care not military nor politicians .
Sir half pictures are not good since you mentioned internet warriors i guess we are not short of some are declared and some just like to see wars ,to coming on the point Im glad im the 5 th column since many column are now asking the same question as enough is enough as this country faced the Non corrupted superior human being leader in shape of Musharaf ,Zia , Ayub ,Yahya`s ,Sikandar Mirza`s and many more even today we have Shukriya written all over it. I guess you never knew Indians but hey what do we know may be worked with them for many years and yes they are just like us infact little scarer from every thing also little small and black but are good people at heart as they wanted to send there sons and daughters to MIT /US just like average Pakistani ,
For water who gave the NOC to Indians i guess i have to memorize your memory with links .One brave superior Human beign AKA dictator sold two rivers (Ayub) and second one indulge into IPI pipe line under assurance of US to give full rights to build dams and here we are .I hope im wrong but in the history only one time majority took part it self from minority i.e East Pakistan 60% some thing with them and 40% with West Pakistan , SAMs,ABM invest in your people and let them do there work they have provided you with Nukes ,what is ABM and BM ,Sorry there are just too much talk not enough facts , Know your history .If this country was to have CPEC and Industrialization but we sure like to maneuver thru Corrupt judiciary here goes the economic power dream ,CHeers
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