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Was Imran Khan's China Visit a Complete Failure?

Is the visit a success?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 55.6%
  • No

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
what i understand from the entire regional situations is ... china simply dont want pakistan to act like Malaysia because Immediately after the May 9 election, Mahathir had sparked anxiety in Beijing policymaking circles with his snap decision to suspend some US$22 billion of Chinese-backed infrastructure projects endorsed by his predecessor that he felt were unnecessary and too expensive.

on the other hand, recently in Vietnam worst flare-up of anti-Chinese sentiment in years could strain already troubled relations with the China, as the government tries to keep a lid on nationwide protests.

no country will like such type of wind of change because if this trend continue one nation to another it will halt the growing chines economic domination in the region. so chines will logically help pakistan due to mutual benefits
Your the way you think is cancer for this country.
Everyone else apart from you too loves Prophet Muhammad (saw) , even more then you. There is no parameter or level with which you can measure anyone else level of love for Prophet(saw).
Even samiulhaq said that he talked to Imran before and he would talk again and he said he was sure that Imran was not. Involved.
He painter a senerio where West have forced Pakistan to make this decision . Which is false.
Dont you forget that the same Molana samiulhaq was not ready to ban suicide bombings. Thousands of mulisms have died with the ideology spreaded by his madraasa. Yes yes and yes he is very pro Pakistan and condemned ttp. But what about those he don't condemed.
All these molvis come politicians think that everyone, America, isreal, India, Iran, Arab States and in short every country on the earth is putting pressure on Pakistan. As if they care. Lol.
We are nothing thanks to people like you. We have no international standing mee don't matter. Half the world don't know. We exist and the other half know that we are terrorist and extrimist mullahs like you.
Whereas in most western countries all the ruling elite and ruling class are almost aiethist.
Supreme Court is independent body, they don't work with Pakistan government.
A day before asiya incident, cheif justice was slashing Imran khan right, left and center on the case to ig Islamabad transfer.
If Imran and cj are working together then he must have given Imran khan relief. But he slashed Pti. He slashed azam swati and he would dismiss him too. He even criticise and call fawad chaudry.
Judges are Independent.
Even if judges personally knew that a criminal has commited a crime, but if the prosecuter has not been able to prove that crime in court, then they cannot punish the criminal for the said crime even if that crime has happened in front of their own eyes.

If there is no concrete evidence they cannot convict asiya. And there is almost 99.9 percent possibility that nothing would change.
I can laugh at this new generations of Facebook AND twitter ashiq e rasool. Who claim to be ashiq e rasool. But have nothing of the prophet teachings.
No wonder why we Muslim world are suffering. We talk but Don't act.
Remember that Islam spread due to its teaching of tolerance.
But you convince the west and confirm their allegations that Islam has spread through sword. Sadly. Its due to us Muslims.
Every one calls that, is this the religion of peace. It don't looks like it and yes yes the way you people acted, you discredit Islam.
Ok brother I am half ok now , just need one more person who is 100 percent sure that there was no conspiracy behind this , and i am 10000000 percent of the view that no innocent should be punished on the name of blasphemy, and yes I am a bit backward so please forgive me ,
If you ask a libtard or a Noora everything under PTI is a failure so that is nothing new. Add an Indian to that list as well. Noora's and libtards have Indians as their allies which should really say enough.

What is success in a libtards and Noora's book? Beg for more IMF loans, keep electing a dysfunctional PML-N and keep maligning the Pak army. As long as these criterion are met it is a huge success.

what i understand from the entire regional situations is ... china simply dont want pakistan to act like Malaysia because Immediately after the May 9 election, Mahathir had sparked anxiety in Beijing policymaking circles with his snap decision to suspend some US$22 billion of Chinese-backed infrastructure projects endorsed by his predecessor that he felt were unnecessary and too expensive.

on the other hand, recently in Vietnam worst flare-up of anti-Chinese sentiment in years could strain already troubled relations with the China, as the government tries to keep a lid on nationwide protests.

no country will like such type of wind of change because if this trend continue one nation to another it will halt the growing chines economic domination in the region. so chines will logically help pakistan due to mutual benefits

China is taking it step by step.

There is a lot of propaganda by the Western machinery and its stooges on hire.

More Indians helping Indians.

Can you tell me exactly where in this thread, the term "terrorist sympathizer" was used?

Give me a quote and a post number.

No one takes these Indians seriously apart from a bunch of Noora's and libtards. We have defeated both enemies and we will keep defeating them.
Was Imran Khan's China November 2018 visit a complete and utter failure?

  1. No real financial commitment announced.
  2. So-called 6 Billion in financial assistance is not confirmed.
  3. Media reports had earlier said China was preparing a $6 billion package of aid, including loans and additional investment for CPEC.
    The issue did not come up in opening remarks between Li and Khan. Li said Prime Minister Khan's visit would “further consolidate and develop the firm, enduring ties between our two countries”.

  4. The Chinese leader did not greet PM Imran Khan in person at arrival.
  5. Only non-binding Memorandum of Understanding signed.
  6. No real military deals or commitments announced.
  7. China says willing to help Pakistan over fiscal crisis but more talks needed .
  8. No real progress or major acceleration of CPEC announced or even considered.
  9. Imran Khan looked distracted and performed poorly due to the Mullah Riots back home.
  10. No real announcement made regarding Gwadar that we were expecting... Such as Gwadar Airport, Gwadar Power Plant and Gwadar Water Supply.
hahaha, Hmmm look who's telling about Ik visit to is failure it's look like someone having so much pain in there stomach & did not find any single toilet in there home land... :pakistan::china:
Minister of transport greeted PM of Pakistan on his first visit......nuff said.

Imran Khan isn't Nawazoo. Only small people keep themselves preoccupied with who came and greeted them. Only the end result matters at the end of the day. Let's wait and see whether the visit has yielded the desired results.

still remembet those anti CPEC campaign lauched by PTI? Chinese has very good memory. they are very cautious about PTI words.and.actions. it takes time to restore trust on PTI and especially IK.

i believe China and Pakistan will forge a strong alliance no.matter who is in charge.

You should be. If I were China I would test IK a little more.
hahaha, Hmmm look who's telling about Ik visit to is failure it's look like someone having so much pain in there stomach & did not find any single toilet in there home land... :pakistan::china:
He is a Pakistani and pro IK, please stop this childish behaviour. Not everyone who talks about IK or his policy is a 'noonie'. The OP supported IK during elections by posting pro PTI columns and by defending PTI.

In this thread he is just asking a question and expressing his views about this tour.
hahah such a stupid conclusion... if u seriously think that they would have handed over 6 billion or so dollars as soon as IK had landed in China then it's ur expectation... bailing Pakistan out of current situation is in interest of both countries...it will take a little bit longer but it surely is coming up. I loved the fact that Pakistani delegation remained focused on bilateral interest issues regarding trade and investments .... really really long term and long lasting approach... quick fixes are temporary
Imran Khan isn't Nawazoo. Only small people keep themselves preoccupied with who came and greeted them.
You should be. If I were China I would test IK a little more.
frankly in pakistan our policies are not set by our political leaders but our establishment :), china want pakistan to continue the same policy which they initiated in 2005, it is a big problem that every political govt who came in power they try to implement their own policy, remember when Zardari came in to power in 2008 initially he ignored china later upon realization he visited many time to bridge the gap, imran khan's political wisdom is slowly growing but on the ground his govt should take concrete step towards tax collection dealing with corruption, controlling imports, cutting back departmental expensiveness and losses ... these all are tough tasks for which a strong team required ... and unfortunately that team is not available no meter what support china provide at this stage it will provide a breathing space for just few months incase if IK govt did not took concrete step regarding above said issues , we would be discussing this same issue after few month that we need more financial support
This trip was not at all a failure. He got to meet many important people for photo-ops and discussion. Was allowed to give a speech to future Chinese leaders. Managed to meet industry people and maybe some of them will invest. All in all, a good first step. And BTW he was welcomed in Shnaghai by very important Deputy Mayor of the city.

This trip was not at all a failure. He got to meet many important people for photo-ops and discussion. Was allowed to give a speech to future Chinese leaders. Managed to meet industry people and maybe some of them will invest. All in all, a good first step. And BTW he was welcomed in Shnaghai by very important Deputy Mayor of the city.

its.national intetest, not people conscience.

So in Burma murdering in the name of religion is okay because it serves China's 'national interest' but when somebody does it in Syria it is wrong because that does not serve China's interest.
Imran Khan has always been pro China and he always praises them the way they
fought corruption & poverty. I don't understand why the Chinese think that he is not
pro China.

Imran has been critical of USA and their war on terror, this is way America did not want him
in power.

When a nation is cursed with Islamophobia it cannot differentiate between a friend and a foe. It starts having reservations about sincere friends as well. Trump is a very good example of it. Putin and Xi are not too far behind him. They are molded with the same clay we know as ego. The thing which separates them is their 'national interest'.
When a nation is cursed with Islamophobia it cannot differentiate between a friend and a foe. It starts having reservations about sincere friends as well. Trump is a very good example of it. Putin and Xi are not too far behind him. They are molded with the same clay we know as ego. The thing which separates them is their 'national interest'.
what you try to say
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