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Was Imran Khan's China Visit a Complete Failure?

Is the visit a success?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 55.6%
  • No

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
We should not openly relate CPEC with kickbacks, its just not right. it will defame CPEC for sure.
no bro this is where things get fishy.. nawaz shrif government could do anything for the sake of money and i been doing business with chines friend and their business methods based on commission.. we don’t want to be disrespected infront of our chines friend same as we don’t want to disrespect our chines as well
we deal with USA, look carefully.

no bro this is where things get fishy.. nawaz shrif government could do anything for the sake of money and i been doing business with chines friend and their business methods based on commission.. we don’t want to be disrespected infront of our chines friend same as we don’t want to disrespect our chines as well
the CPEC is deals between goverment level , you try to tell me Xi is.paying Nawaz sharif for doing CPEC project, it sounds ridiculous.
China can survive without being with anyone.so cut your kickback BS without any proof.
multan metros project is there and it has been accepted by chines engineers himself.. bro you need to do some recerch..and about being blackmailed by USA is other thing which china needed cepc more then even pakistan

we deal with USA, look carefully.

the CPEC is deals between goverment levle, yoi try to tell me Xi is.paying Nawaz sharif for doing CPEC project, are you funny?
mr Xi is class act but some of companies wanted to have business and they have paid commissions. don’t take it wrong
multan metros project is there and it has been accepted by chines engineers himself.. bro you need to do some recerch..and about being blackmailed by USA is other thing which china needed cepc more then even pakistan
i dont know the multan metro thing, i dont even care.

multan metros project is there and it has been accepted by chines engineers himself.. bro you need to do some recerch..and about being blackmailed by USA is other thing which china needed cepc more then even pakistan

mr Xi is class act but some of companies wanted to have business and they have paid commissions. don’t take it wrong
giving bribes and.taking is not.right, you can handle it.per Pakistan domestic law if any Chinese company break the law. or put them on the blacklist.

but we shall never make a fuss and label CPEC as kickbacks. we cant make a mountain out of a molehole.

CPEC is between China and Pakistan, its very important.

pak is only country can safe china if south china sea would blocked by usa and it’s allies.. china needed badly other rout then south china sea. because USA blackmailed china for years and took around 1.28 trillions dollars. what china is investing in pakistan it is nothing as compare to what china has been paying to for using south china sea.. so we have our concerns too with china brother from china.. it is win win for both countries..Ik will make sure no kickbacks were taken..
in the last 500 years, USA is the country come to.our rescue.when we face invasion from outside. is it sarcastic? in the last 2000years, its only about China saved others ***. friend becomes enemy, you.just cant help.

if China didnt beat the shit out of India.in 1962, would China and Pakistan have become friends and allies. We deserve it, so as Pakistan.
i dont know the multan metro thing, i dont even care.

giving bribes and.taking is not.right, you can handle it.per Pakistan domestic law if any Chinese company break the law. or put them on the blacklist.

but we shall never make a fuss and label CPEC as kickbacks. we cant make a mountain out of a molehole.

CPEC is between China and Pakistan, its very important.
but we do care.. second thing you should not worry about pakistan china relations. it was started even before my and your birth and it will be carry on after us.. but chines government should be careful of the companies who bribe and and let us know if our companies ask for bribes. why i am saying this your justice system is much better then us. we need bit time to fix our justice system . end of the day common people of china and pakistan will be hurt.regrads
you know why USA hates us? we earned hundreds billions USD every.year by selling products to them. and they cant do jackshit to reverse it. only lip service.

but we do care.. second thing you should not worry about pakistan china relations. it was started even before my and your birth and it will be carry on after us.. but chines government should be careful of the companies who bribe and and let us know if our companies ask for bribes. why i am saying this your justice system is much better then us. we need bit time to fix our justice system . end of the day common people of china and pakistan will be hurt.regrads
China.Pakistan relationship will last forever unless.India breaks apart. so i dont worry it at all.
i dont know the multan metro thing, i dont even care.

giving bribes and.taking is not.right, you can handle it.per Pakistan domestic law if any Chinese company break the law. or put them on the blacklist.

but we shall never make a fuss and label CPEC as kickbacks. we cant make a mountain out of a molehole.

CPEC is between China and Pakistan, its very important.

in the last 500 years, USA is the country come to.our rescue.when we face invasion from outside. is it sarcastic? in the last 2000years, its only about China saved others ***. friend becomes enemy, you.just cant help.

if China didnt beat the shit out of India.in 1962, would China and Pakistan have become friends and allies. We deserve it, so as Pakistan.
we became friend in 1948 when we donated our pía plans to your president. and that plan is still in your capital city. usa is just 239 old country. but they have achieved must more then rest of the world. that scares me a lot.
but we do care.. second thing you should not worry about pakistan china relations. it was started even before my and your birth and it will be carry on after us.. but chines government should be careful of the companies who bribe and and let us know if our companies ask for bribes. why i am saying this your justice system is much better then us. we need bit time to fix our justice system . end of the day common people of china and pakistan will be hurt.regrads
agreed, giving bribes and taking it is felony.

we became friend in 1948 when we donated our pía plans to your president. and that plan is still in your capital city. usa is just 239 old country. but they have achieved must more then rest of the world. that scares me a lot.
China.will scare.you.more.in.the.future, get ready for it. and all kinds.of corruption need to be stopped. but dont fall into the traps of your enemies.
Not completely but to an extent YES! It was a failure, as it fell short of delivering the desired outcome. It's not just the positive attitude that gets you through tests, you have to pour in best efforts to ace the challenges. Judging from the manner, IK has had a very casual approach to whatever he has been doing so far and that sort of hints at his lack of strategy towards the major goals.

Being a PM isn't just about chanting anti-corruption slogans, you have to step up the game to take on problems head on while also planning to shape the future along concrete and practical measure's. Current governments intrusive statements about China's treatment of Muslims can be attributed to the Chinese icy feedback to IK's request for help and a few more reasons. But then, it's only in tough times that one gets to see who the real friends are. Pakistan has got to stop relying on others states, and place priority in developing own strengths towards self sustainability. From micro to macro, never count on others for anything, that's the golden rule of life.
agreed, giving bribes and taking it is felony.

China.will scare.you.more.in.the.future, get ready for it. and all kinds.of corruption need to be stopped. but dont fall into the traps of your enemies.
we don’t get scare by true friends. but if enmity then bro there will be no bad enemy then us and when comes to friends then no batter friend then us lol keep in mind and tell your coming generations
we don’t get scare by true friends. but if enmity then bro there will be no bad enemy then us and when comes to friends then no batter friend then us lol keep in mind and tell your coming generations
bro i remember that. i.need you to notice.that PLA is.the only army on.this planet tied down USA army in.the last 100 years. The Korean war. only Chinese can do it.
Not completely but to an extent YES! It was a failure, as it fell short of delivering the desired outcome. It's not just the positive attitude that gets you through tests, you have to pour in best efforts to ace the challenges. Judging from the manner, IK has had a very casual approach to whatever he has been doing so far and that sort of hints at his lack of strategy towards the major goals.

Being a PM isn't just about chanting anti-corruption slogans, you have to step up the game to take on problems head on while also planning to shape the future along concrete and practical measure's. Current governments intrusive statements about China's treatment of Muslims can be attributed to the Chinese icy feedback to IK's request for help and a few more reasons. But then, it's only in tough times that one gets to see who the real friends are. Pakistan has got to stop relying on others states, and place priority in developing own strengths towards self sustainability. From micro to macro, never count on others for anything, that's the golden rule of life.
besaber nation....khan is asking access to chines market same as after world war 2 japan got access to USA markets.. if we get there we have fertile lands we can supply hel of things. they hav big market.. even if they agree to transfer tech and small manufacturing likes of mobile tech and computer manufacturing plants if they train our framers and it will fix our lots of troubles
Not completely but to an extent YES! It was a failure, as it fell short of delivering the desired outcome. It's not just the positive attitude that gets you through tests, you have to pour in best efforts to ace the challenges. Judging from the manner, IK has had a very casual approach to whatever he has been doing so far and that sort of hints at his lack of strategy towards the major goals.

Being a PM isn't just about chanting anti-corruption slogans, you have to step up the game to take on problems head on while also planning to shape the future along concrete and practical measure's. Current governments intrusive statements about China's treatment of Muslims can be attributed to the Chinese icy feedback to IK's request for help and a few more reasons. But then, it's only in tough times that one gets to see who the real friends are. Pakistan has got to stop relying on others states, and place priority in developing own strengths towards self sustainability. From micro to macro, never count on others for anything, that's the golden rule of life.
like i.said, we are.helping Pakistan, not IK.

besaber nation....khan is asking access to chines market same as after world war 2 japan got access to USA markets.. if we get there we have fertile lands we can supply hel of things. they hav big market.. even if they agree to transfer tech and small manufacturing likes of mobile tech and computer manufacturing plants if they train our framers and it will fix our lots of troubles
thats what they are.doing during.the.visit. japan can sell stuff to USA is.because they can produce competitive products, not purely because USA allowing them. its the consumers pony.up the.bill, not goverment. business has its rules to.follow.
bro i remember that. i.need you to notice.that PLA is.the only army on.this planet tied down USA army in.the last 100 years. The Korean war. only Chinese can do it.
remember that we are muslims and we the only nation ruled this world more then thousand years and then comes british who ruled world for 200 years..i know we are on back foot since 1850. but we are recovering fast. we do it my brother from chinies mother. we made usa super power when we defeated Russia in afg.. now usa is on back foot and we are giving you the port where you can block 70 percent of world oil lines with even two submarines..
remember that we are muslims and we the only nation ruled this world more then thousand years and then comes british who ruled world for 200 years..i know we are on back foot since 1850. but we are recovering fast. we do it my brother from chinies mother. we made usa super power when we defeated Russia in afg.. now usa is on back foot and we are giving you the port where you can block 70 percent of world oil lines with even two submarines..
there.wont be any sub or Chinese.DDG stationing in Pakistan.port, CPEC is purely for business in favor of China.and Pakistan.
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