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What if Pakistan turned into another Syria?

Its already disentegrated into a corrupt poor mess with no output and no moral compass and retards like you who don't see a problem with what Pakistan has become and want to maintain the status quo. We are in the age of acquarius, change is coming like it or not.
On the contrary it’s because of illiterate idiots like you who blab on without thinking. Mind your language and if you don’t have any manners on how to converse in a civilised society then better keep it shut.

Or maybe the corrupt bastards at GHQ and their puppets in PDM are the reasons why we’re reacting this way, maybe because the cowards “generals” refuse to defend Pakistan and its citizens. Maybe due to the fact the corrupt courts threw out the corruption cases for the bastards in PDM. Are you are indeed the enemy and so is this coward army run by other cowards. Phuck you!
If only your parents taught you some manners, nothing else and just manners, you would understand. But the word ‘phuck you’ is all you learnt from them because that’s probably the only thing you ever heard at home.
The way Imran khan has brainwashed the people and turned them against the state, we are not far off from a civil war. It’s sad because majority of his supporters blindly believe what he says even tho keeps retracted from his statement. They believe his lies to such an extent they don’t even care if Pakistan disintegrates, because that’s what happens when you challenge and destroy the state. I had friends from Iraq, Libya, Syria who would constantly criticise their regimes until a point came their regime got overthrown and their country descended into chaos. Now they realise how they were used as an instrument. Today when I speak to them, they remember and wish the old days of Qaddafi, saddam and Syria were back. That’s what happens when people accept one person as their messiah and believe everything that he says like a sheep and don’t realise it until it’s too late.

Iraq, Libya, and to a lesser degree Syria were prosperous countries that were destroyed by foreign invasions.

Pakistan is a basket case of a country under the rule of whiskey generals and their criminal puppets.

If Pakistan’s economy was US$1.5 trillion, its exports were $200 billion, education 95% etc. I would have been cheering the generals.

These numbers were 100% achievable if Pakistan had been properly governed in the last 40 years.
Iraq, Libya, and to a lesser degree Syria were prosperous countries that were destroyed by foreign invasions.

Pakistan is a basket case of a country under the rule of whiskey generals and their criminal puppets.

If Pakistan’s economy was US$1.5 trillion, its exports were $200 billion, education 95% etc. I would have been cheering the generals.

These numbers were 100% achievable if Pakistan had been properly governed in the last 40 years.
Agreed. However, before the foreign invasions, the ground was prepared and the public demoralised and set against the state similar to what’s happening today.

I completely concur that the generals, bureaucracy as well as anti Pakistan elements in the polity need to be brought to account, but turning the people against the army is in my opinion facilitating the foreign powers to execute their agendas in Pakistan.

To hell with the generals I wish they rot in hell for what they ve done to the country. But there are good people in the army not all are the same, just like in an society, house or institution. Undermining the house as a whole would only destroy it instead of rectifying the errors.
If only your parents taught you some manners, nothing else and just manners, you would understand. But the word ‘phuck you’ is all you learnt from them because that’s probably the only thing you ever heard at home.
Trust me, that’s mild compared to what I’ve said here. You are the reason why Pakistan is in the condition it’s in. You know exactly why you support this useless army as you likely benefit in some crazy way. After all that has come to light in the past year, you still hold the view that this army has held Pakistan together? These Generals are chosen on how secular they are, how they can control the Muslim population to appease India and the west.
Continue to defending the coward traitors and I pray next time each Corp commanders home gets burned down!
thank you skander mirza who gave more importance and authority to ayub khan than he deserved, ayub khan for bringing in bhutto, thank you zia for not killing the rest of bhutto clan and introducing noora, thank you aslam beg for imposing benazir on our necks, thank you mushi for not doing away with all of them and for the gift of NRO and zardari, thank you kayani for the gift of another round of noora, and finally, thank you bajwa shb.

I don't think it's accurate nor appropiate to claim Pakistan is in a worse state Syria, especially when you reside in the United States.

this useless army
A handful of corrupt 1-3 stars are detrimental, but when push comes to shove, the remaining 600,000 or so members of the armed forces are professional and ready to fight.

I don't think it's accurate nor appropiate to claim Pakistan is in a worse state Syria, especially when you reside in the United States.

A handful of corrupt 1-3 stars are detrimental, but when push comes to shove, the remaining 600,000 or so members of the armed forces are professional and ready to fight.
They Nedd to be the best in business. I.e. bring In forex to nation. Currently their business venture are non competitive and they are only able to capture local broke market.
Trust me, that’s mild compared to what I’ve said here. You are the reason why Pakistan is in the condition it’s in. You know exactly why you support this useless army as you likely benefit in some crazy way. After all that has come to light in the past year, you still hold the view that this army has held Pakistan together? These Generals are chosen on how secular they are, how they can control the Muslim population to appease India and the west.
Continue to defending the coward traitors and I pray next time each Corp commanders home gets burned down!

I agree with a lot that you’ve mentioned here. The fact that generals are corrupt and are appointed based on their loyalty to the west etc. They must be brought to account through legal and peaceful means. I’ve seen army people go from rags to riches obviously through abuse of power, so no argument there.

However the fact that you outright assumed that I am in some way benefitting from the army Is uncalled for. I have zero political affiliations, my only interest is the survival of my beloved country. Your judging me based on an opinion that I have, that’s rather childish. I mean there could be a million reasons why I have this opinion and one should respect a difference of opinion. That’s why we as people interact rather than fight. That’s what differentiates us humans from animals. When you’ve spent 10 years of your life studying international politics and relations, you realise that revolutions through a populist movement against the state never achieve a positive result, in fact quite the opposite. What’s happening is Pakistan is called psychological warfare as an instrument of aggressive public diplomacy being orchestrated and controlled by a foreign power. It’s straight out of the CIA playbook, I wish people understood.
I blame our leadership. If Pakistan had the Nominal GDP of at least of Taiwan, Then I would have been satisfied.

We need assistance from China and teaching on the job to fix our country.
PTI is emerging as Political wing of TTP. They have same target, goals and idealogy.

go to syria then while they are drowning in sea to get away from syria.
Pti jui mom pmln PPP all are same
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