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What if Pakistan turned into another Syria?


Sep 15, 2009
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Pakistan is at a deciding moment when it will choose between America and China. IMF is wringing the neck of Pakistan with more and more demands and not bailing us out even when we meet its previous demands. Zalmay Khalilzad is openly supporting Imran Khan and other US politicians are also raising their voices to support IK.

Looking back at history, it seems that Imran Khan hijacked the Anti-American rightist sentiment during the Afghan War by fooling Hameed Gul and other people in ISI as well as retired army men. But after coming into government he supported American plans for Pakistan by putting CPEC on a back burner.

When he was removed from government he again exploited Anti-American sentiments by creating the conspiracy hoax and then retracting from his earlier accusations.

If we choose the American side, it will keep us dangling from the edge of abyss by providing only limited funds to keep us afloat.

On the other hand, if we join the Chinese camp, they have recently proposed Railway line from China to Gwadar but we should use the existing line from Havelian to DG Khan and make the new line where the existing line is not present.

Already, China is undertaking road and Canal building projects in Afghanistan and also constructing manufacturing zone.

But if we choose the Chinese option, Imran Khan will use his party to create agitation in the country like the last few days and months. Secondly, USA will fund the TTP to create law and order situation. In view of this, it is suggested that a peace agreement be made with TTP and they be invited to take part in politics by forming a political party of their own. This will make them change their current strategy and make them take part in the political process.

As far as Imran Khan is concerned, it is suggested that he and the main leaders in his party be tried under the Army Act so that his supporters in the Supreme Court cannot rescue him. There is already solid evidence against him in the foreign funding case so he can be described as a foreign agent. Secondly, it must be investigated where the billions of dollars of loans went when there is no project on the ground other than BRT. Thirdly, for causing a breakdown in the command structure of the army and damaging the military installations in the recent days. Recently, a General and a Colonel were sentenced by the military court for being foreign agents so similar charges can be used against him as well.
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Despite the brutal civil war, Syria has higher per capita GDP and standard of living than the perennially impoverished Pakistan. At least Syrians can eat do waqt ki roti and aren't dealing with sepoy orchestrated high inflation. Pakistanis only wished they could be like Syrians.
PTI is emerging as Political wing of TTP. They have same target, goals and idealogy.

Despite the brutal civil war, Syria has higher per capita GDP and standard of living than the perennially impoverished Pakistan. At least Syrians can eat do waqt ki roti and aren't dealing with sepoy orchestrated high inflation. Pakistanis only wished they could be like Syrians.
go to syria then while they are drowning in sea to get away from syria.
PTI is emerging as Political wing of TTP. They have same target, goals and idealogy.

go to syria then while they are drowning in sea to get away from syria.
Sure, if I was in Pakistan, like many Pakistanis have done, I wouldn't hesitate to leave the colonial outpost for Syria.

I'm glad you agree Syria is a better option for overwhelming majority of Pakistanis being crushed under sepoy controlled dystopia for the last 75 years.
PTI is emerging as Political wing of TTP. They have same target, goals and idealogy
Awwh Lol, really so then tell me why didnt your Military inc didnt remove single officer after the attack on Peshawar school ? and had let Ehsanullah scoot free from military captivity so conveniently?
Asking for elections is Right of every Pkaistani you and your shit Establihsment cant do jack shit for what is right of people, In fact MoD's 3rd class department led by BA pass suwarrs is no diff from so called TTP that it fed for years
TTP is a terror wing of the Napak generals, so it doesn't add up.
TTP idealogy is because Army is American supporter it is fair to kill them and people of Pakistan the very same thing IK is saying now a day and PTI MOB is doing it. infact PTI is biggest life line of TTP.

Awwh Lol, really so then tell me why didnt your Military inc didnt remove single officer after the attack on Peshawar school ? and had let Ehsanullah scoot free from military captivity so conveniently?
Asking for elections is Right of every Pkaistani you and your shit Establihsment cant do jack shit for what is right of people, In fact MoD's 3rd class department led by BA pass suwarrs is no diff from so called TTP that it fed for years
if as a result of election 2/3 seats (very Unlikly) are not secured by PTI they will not accept it and PDM will not accept it in any case. it will result in civil war. then why election should be conducted.
if as a result of election 2/3 seats (very Unlikly) are not secured by PTI they will not accept it and PDM will not accept it in any case. it will result in civil war. then why election should be conducted.
who are you to decide that it is unlikely? We have seen the margin here against PTI and your establishment puppets - it was not in 100 but 10 of thousand so shut your hole

Civil war or not Let the pigs remain netural and follow the Due process of law - Period
If the PDM had not the support of Pigs no one would dare to even stand up fpr election - they are well aware of what they have been doing for past 30 years Crooks of the higest Order

it will result in civil war
Civil War my foot - keep that boogeyman in your closet to scare ypour own family
Despite the brutal civil war, Syria has higher per capita GDP and standard of living than the perennially impoverished Pakistan. At least Syrians can eat do waqt ki roti and aren't dealing with sepoy orchestrated high inflation. Pakistanis only wished they could be like Syrians.
Do you think before you post? Syria is a hellhole and is nothing but ruins and destruction in the midst of an economic collapse, why do you think the refugee crisis stemmed from there?
Do you think before you post? Syria is a hellhole and is nothing but ruins and destruction in the midst of an economic collapse, why do you think the refugee crisis stemmed from there?

Still better than living under property dealers, no more your swine wisky generals future is over no more.
Pakistan is at a deciding moment when it will choose between America and China. IMF is wringing the neck of Pakistan with more and more demands and not bailing us out even when we meet its previous demands. Zalmay Khalilzad is openly supporting Imran Khan and other US politicians are also raising their voices to support IK.

Looking back at history, it seems that Imran Khan hijacked the Anti-American rightist sentiment during the Afghan War by fooling Hameed Gul and other people in ISI as well as retired army men. But after coming into government he supported American plans for Pakistan by putting CPEC on a back burner.

When he was removed from government he again exploited Anti-American sentiments by creating the conspiracy hoax and then retracting from his earlier accusations.

If we choose the American side, it will keep us dangling from the edge of abyss by providing only limited funds to keep us afloat.

On the other hand, if we join the Chinese camp, they have recently proposed Railway line from China to Gwadar but we should use the existing line from Havelian to DG Khan and make the new line where the existing line is not present.

Already, China is undertaking road and Canal building projects in Afghanistan and also constructing manufacturing zone.

But if we choose the Chinese option, Imran Khan will use his party to create agitation in the country like the last few days and months. Secondly, USA will fund the TTP to create law and order situation. In view of this, it is suggested that a peace agreement be made with TTP and they be invited to take part in politics by forming a political party of their own. This will make them change their current strategy and make them take part in the political process.

As far as Imran Khan is concerned, it is suggested that he and the main leaders in his party be tried under the Army Act so that his supporters in the Supreme Court cannot rescue him. There is already solid evidence against him in the foreign funding case so he can be described as a foreign agent. Secondly, it must be investigated where the billions of dollars of loans went when there is no project on the ground other than BRT. Thirdly, for causing a breakdown in the command structure of the army and damaging the military installations in the recent days. Recently, a General and a Colonel were sentenced by the military court for being foreign agents so similar charges can be used against him as well.

Yes, let's blame US for Pakistan's missteps and infighting.

PURPLE highlight = Hameed Gul's favorite TTA is supporting TTP.

RED highlight = Same old suggestions that do not work. Biggest blunder ever.

A Tale of Two Alliances

The Pakistani Taliban are an amalgam of tribal Islamist outfits that merged in 2007. These groups rose up against the Pakistani state after the military moved to corral transnational jihadist groups, including some aligned with al-Qaeda, that had been sheltering in Pakistan’s tribal belt since 2002, when the U.S.-led intervention drove them from Afghanistan. Until then, the tribal belt had been outside the state’s writ, controlled by local tribal leaders. Like the Afghan Taliban, the Pakistani Taliban are mainly of Pashtun ethnicity and adhere to the Deobandi school of Islam. Their links with their Afghan counterparts date back to the Deobandi movement’s emergence in the 1990s. At that time, the Afghans were refugees in Pakistan, having fled the Soviet invasion, and they studied with Pakistanis in Deobandi madrasas. The Pakistani Taliban then fought alongside the Afghans to help them seize power in Kabul for the first time in 1996. The ties would grow closer after the Afghan Taliban, having been ousted by the U.S., again escaped across the border. The Pakistani state gave the Afghan Taliban safe passage, but it was Islamist tribal factions in the frontier provinces that gave them sanctuary.

The inter-Taliban nexus became even more evident after 2016, when the Pakistani army intensified counter-insurgency efforts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Those operations largely dislodged the TTP from the Pakistani tribal belt, forcing many militants across the border into Afghanistan, where some fought alongside the Afghan Taliban to expel Western forces and topple former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s U.S.-backed government. As the Afghan Taliban began gaining ground in early 2021, they sprung hundreds of Pakistani Taliban, including key leaders, from the former government’s prisons. That August, after Kabul fell, Pakistani Taliban chief Mufti Noor Wali Mehsud renewed the group’s oath of allegiance to Afghan Taliban emir Hibatullah Akhundzada (successive TTP leaders had previously sworn fealty to Afghan Taliban leaders). Mehsud also reunited several TTP splinter groups and strengthened operational structures, including the central command in Afghanistan and shadow governments in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan’s Pashtun belt, headed by tribal factions such as the Mohmand group. Relations between the two Taliban groups have remained close despite the fact that the Pakistani state – the TTP’s sworn enemy – has historically been the Afghan Taliban’s biggest foreign supporter.

Authorities in Islamabad long failed to see the connections – what a Pakistani analyst called “the ideological bond” – between their TTP foes and their Afghan Taliban allies. The TTP began mounting cross-border attacks on Pakistani security forces before the Afghan Taliban came back to power. At that time, Pakistani officials blamed Ghani’s government, saying it was tolerating the insurgents’ presence (accusations Kabul denied). Islamabad also accused anti-Pakistani forces, notably Indian intelligence agencies, of backing the TTP.

Top Pakistani leaders, including then-Prime Minister Imran Khan, welcomed the Afghan Taliban takeover in 2021, apparently believing that a friendly regime in Kabul would promote Pakistan’s security interests. Khan said the Taliban’s return had broken “the chains of slavery”. High-ranking military officers, including Lieutenant General Faiz Hameed, then head of the formidable Inter-Services Intelligence directorate (ISI), hastened to Kabul to meet the new authorities, calling on them to either rein in the Pakistani Taliban or kick them out. Instead, the Afghan Taliban told Pakistan they would mediate in negotiations with the TTP’s leadership. In October, Khan confirmed that the military was holding talks with the TTP in Kabul “so that its members may surrender and reconcile in return for amnesty”.

Negotiations continued, mediated by the Afghan Taliban’s acting interior minister, Sirajuddin Haqqani, who heads the faction perceived to be closest to Pakistan, even as the TTP kept staging cross-border attacks. The talks made little headway, as the TTP rejected Pakistan’s offer of amnesty, which required that they disband. The TTP delegation, led by Mehsud, would not back down on its own demands, either, though many of them were unacceptable to the Pakistani side. These included reversal of Islamabad’s May 2018 decision to merge the Federally Administered Tribal Areas – rugged borderlands that were previously under a special legal regime – into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which has extended Pakistani state law to those areas. The militants want the Pakistani army to pull out of these border regions and the government to impose Islamic law in all Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan’s Pashtun belt. Lastly, they demand a blanket amnesty, as well as release of their detained commanders and fighters, while still refusing to lay down their arms.

The Pakistani high command, then headed by Qamar Javed Bajwa, backed by Khan, reportedly bowed to some of the TTP’s wishes, deeming them confidence-building measures to advance the negotiations. More than a hundred TTP prisoners, including two top leaders, were released from Pakistani jails. Authorities also allowed hundreds of armed Pakistani Taliban fighters to come home from Afghanistan. In return, Pakistan got a tenuous and short-lived ceasefire. First put in place in November 2021, it ended a month later, as the TTP stepped up attacks in a bid to pressure Pakistan into accepting its remaining demands. Nonetheless, with the Afghan Taliban still adamant that Pakistan resolve its differences with the TTP, the talks went on.

Insecurity spread in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa over the summer of 2022, though the TTP had announced a unilateral “indefinite ceasefire” in June. Militants were much more visible in the province, setting up checkpoints, extorting fees from travellers, kidnapping police and army officers, and killing government officials as well as political and tribal leaders who spoke out against them. According to one estimate, by August, a year after the Afghan Taliban takeover, militant attacks in Pakistan had increased by 51 per cent, with more than 75 per cent of them taking place in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The province’s police chief has since disclosed that 105 officers were killed in 151 separate incidents over the course of the year. Calling for action to tamp down resurgent militancy and violence, civil society activists and politicians led mass protests throughout the province – from Malakand in the deep north to tribal districts, including North and South Waziristan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, bordering Afghanistan.

The top brass became increasingly convinced that the TTP had little interest in a negotiated settlement. The first sign of their unease was the August transfer of Lieutenant General Hameed, who had moved from being ISI chief to being corps commander in Peshawar, to the Bahawalpur corps in southern Punjab. Until then, Hameed had remained the main interlocutor in the talks with the militants. In mid-October, with TTP attacks claiming the lives of scores of police officers and soldiers, the defence minister told a meeting of the National Security Committee, the country’s apex security body, that the talks “bore no concrete outcomes”.

On 28 November, a day before Asim Munir took over from Bajwa as chief of army staff, the TTP’s central command formally called off the ceasefire, which in any case had existed only in name. It insisted that it had taken this step because Pakistani forces had not halted their operations; the statement added, “now our retaliatory attacks will … start across the country”.

Pakistan listened to the likes of Hameed Gul and finds itself in current mess.

The Establishment pitched CPEC to China with strategic and economic considerations. But Chinese economy does not depend on this overhyped project that it would warrant American interference.

US is now focused on India and Bangladesh.
Do you think before you post? Syria is a hellhole and is nothing but ruins and destruction in the midst of an economic collapse, why do you think the refugee crisis stemmed from there?
their is no thinking in PTI they think what IK says. ist his way or highway in PTI.
Despite the brutal civil war, Syria has higher per capita GDP and standard of living than the perennially impoverished Pakistan. At least Syrians can eat do waqt ki roti and aren't dealing with sepoy orchestrated high inflation. Pakistanis only wished they could be like Syrians.
How can war torn Syria be better than Pakistan? Kind of retarded.

Syria may have been better than Pakistan before the civil war. Syria is now in ruins. Syria is crap when compared to Pakistan.
Imran Khan has used Psychological tricks and propaganda to brainwash the people of Pakistan and to hijack the anti Afghan war sentiments. He has used Social media extensively to manipulate the public opinion.

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