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Was Imran Khan's China Visit a Complete Failure?

Is the visit a success?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 55.6%
  • No

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
Human Rights should be respected globally. No one is above criticism.
Human Rights should be respected globally. No one is above criticism.

Sure, but previous Pakistani administrations would convey their concerns to China privately, as friendly countries do when discussing the internal affairs of the other.

Not blaring it out across global headlines and causing humiliation for the other side. Which ironically makes it harder to fix the problem.

Business Insider - China’s largest Muslim ally broke ranks to criticize its repression of the Muslim Uighur minority

"Pakistan, China's closest ally in the Muslim world, openly criticized its treatment of its Uighur population, a majority-Muslim ethnic minority living in the western Chinese region in Xinjiang, earlier this week.

It marks the strongest condemnation of China's repression of the population yet.

Noorul Haq Qadri, Pakistan's federal minister for religious affairs, warned that Beijing's strict regulation of Uighur activity fuels extremism rather than counters terrorism, Pakistani media reported."
We should not openly relate CPEC with kickbacks, its just not right. it will defame CPEC for sure.
CPEC is not problem but the people on our side making those deals. Cost of many projects was escalated for kickback/commission. Your govt is not involved but ours is, we are quite sure.
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name any of khan statement. here you are blaming. second i have working with chines muslims they never said something bad about china. they have concerns like ever citizen has about their respective countries. you want to be friend with muslim world then must know one thing. muslims are brothers and if one hurts other will feel the pain. i told you before no better friend then muslims and no worst enemy then muslims. in last tell me any of khan statement where he said something about china’s internal issues or even pti .. it is falsely created papoganda
Muslim is.not that united as you.think, they are hating each others.like Shiah and Sunnis. before Uygher being a muslim, they are Chinese citizens, have secular laws to follow. religion cant go.beyond national interests and stability. if Ik failed o understand it, then he will be very sorry when it comes to China.

CPEC is not problem but the people on our side making those deals. Cost of many projects was escalated for kickback/commission. Your govt is not involved but ours is, we are quite sure.
then arrest those taking bribes , dont blame CPEC only. you can blacklist those.China companies giving kickbacks, even it is.asked by Pakistan side.

Sure, but previous Pakistani administrations would convey their concerns to China privately, as friendly countries do when discussing the internal affairs of the other.

Not blaring it out across global headlines and causing humiliation for the other side. Which ironically makes it harder to fix the problem.

Business Insider - China’s largest Muslim ally broke ranks to criticize its repression of the Muslim Uighur minority

"Pakistan, China's closest ally in the Muslim world, openly criticized its treatment of its Uighur population, a majority-Muslim ethnic minority living in the western Chinese region in Xinjiang, earlier this week.

It marks the strongest condemnation of China's repression of the population yet.

Noorul Haq Qadri, Pakistan's federal minister for religious affairs, warned that Beijing's strict regulation of Uighur activity fuels extremism rather than counters terrorism, Pakistani media reported."
we should clearly let Pakistan govermebt know.our unhapiness about their intrusive statement, rather than.hiding it.

Human Rights should be respected globally. No one is above criticism.
if you wanna.talk human.right, what.about Asia.Babi? and those religious mobs vandalise on the street in Karachi?

Did China goverment ever openly release a statement that Asia.babi.shall.not.be hanged? nope?
CPEC is not problem but the people on our side making those deals. Cost of many projects was escalated for kickback/commission. Your govt is not involved but ours is, we are quite sure.
Asia.Babi.is.not.that one should be hanged, its those asking for kickbacks.

name any of khan statement. here you are blaming. second i have working with chines muslims they never said something bad about china. they have concerns like ever citizen has about their respective countries. you want to be friend with muslim world then must know one thing. muslims are brothers and if one hurts other will feel the pain. i told you before no better friend then muslims and no worst enemy then muslims. in last tell me any of khan statement where he said something about china’s internal issues or even pti .. it is falsely created papoganda
we wil do whatever it takes to deal with terrorists and seperatists in XingJiang, no matter what religion they believe in.

as long as PRC is in charge, there wont be an Islamic state allowed in.Xingjiang.

Does Pakistan want another neighbour like Afganistan? think about it. what goods Uygher's independance can do to Pakistan? seriously think.about it.

the only strategic connection between China.and Pakistan Karakorum highway.will be cut.

Is PTI a religious organization or ruling party working for Pakistan?

these people are naive and immature.

if China is hell for muslim, then there is no.paradise for muslim in this.planet.

you.know why Chinese govermerment never use the word Islamic terrorists to.describe the Uygher terrorists? cause its Uygher want to seperate, not.the whole muslim community in China. case by case.

Uyghers cant represent all Muslim in China.

Iran, Afganistan, BD, these are all muslim countries . do they have good relationship with Pakistan? think.about it.

if Islam state is all PTI want from China, they are.burying Pakistan.

when.mutual.understanding.is.over, alliance will break.up.
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Not really we saw major developments during this visit,
-15 MOU's signed.
-China deposited 4.5bn USD into State Bank of Pakistan.
-China Pakistan will now trade in local currencies which will ease pressure on USD by around 10bn USD.
-Reports of 6bn USD Package (No update on this) Source= Pakistani Media.
Not really we saw major developments during this visit,
-15 MOU's signed.
-China deposited 4.5bn USD into State Bank of Pakistan.
-China Pakistan will now trade in local currencies which will ease pressure on USD by around 10bn USD.
-Reports of 6bn USD Package (No update on this) Source= Pakistani Media.
not bad, thats China's commitment to Pakistan and people.
Muslim is.not that united as you.think, they are hating each others.like Shiah and Sunnis. before Uygher being a muslim, they are Chinese citizens, have secular laws to follow. religion cant go.beyond national interests and stability. if Ik failed o understand it, then he will be very sorry when it comes to China.

then arrest those taking bribes , dont blame CPEC only. you can blacklist those.China companies giving kickbacks, even it is.asked by Pakistan side.

we should clearly let Pakistan govermebt know.our unhapiness about their intrusive statement, rather than.hiding it.

if you wanna.talk human.right, what.about Asia.Babi? and those religious mobs vandalise on the street in Karachi?

Did China goverment ever openly release a statement that Asia.babi.shall.not.be hanged? nope?
why i feel you are give me the reason is all stupidity about Ik i asked you one single statement of MR khan against your country or CEpc.. don’t be arrogant and stupid. you don’t have answer for that and you keep saying me khan this and that.. i tell you we muslim be devided since 7 centuries but till we manage to rul the world . you know why because we are not afraid to die...
why i feel you are give me the reason is all stupidity about Ik i asked you one single statement of MR khan against your country or CEpc.. don’t be arrogant and stupid. you don’t have answer for that and you keep saying me khan this and that.. i tell you we muslim be devided since 7 centuries but till we manage to rul the world . you know why because we are not afraid to die...
look at post #230. Muslim rule the world, maybe in your dream.
Asia.Babi.is.not.that one should be hanged, its those asking for kickbacks.

we wil do whatever it takes to deal with terrorists and seperatists in XingJiang, no matter what religion they believe in.

as long as PRC is in charge, there wont be an Islamic state allowed in.Xingjiang.

Does Pakistan want another neighbour like Afganistan? think about it. what goods Uygher's independance can do to Pakistan? seriously think.about it.

the only strategic connection between China.and Pakistan Karakorum highway.will be cut.

Is PTI a religious organization or ruling party working for Pakistan?

these people are naive and immature.

if China is hell for muslim, then there is no.paradise for muslim in this.planet.

you.know why Chinese govermerment never use the word Islamic terrorists to.describe the Uygher terrorists? cause its Uygher want to seperate, not.the whole muslim community in China. case by case.

Uyghers cant represent all Muslim in China.

Iran, Afganistan, BD, these are all muslim countries . do they have good relationship with Pakistan? think.about it.

if Islam state is all PTI want from China, they are.burying Pakistan.

when.mutual.understanding.is.over, alliance will break.up.
and thanks for reminding us that interest comes first interest finsh friendship over.. we should not be emotional about china. now onwords we should think about pakistan first you need route pay it and get it.. simple is that no hard feelings bro
and thanks for reminding us that interest comes first interest finsh friendship over.. we should not be emotional about china. now onwords we should think about pakistan first you need route pay it and get it.. simple is that no hard feelings bro
thats chop logic. 6billions USD to buy a route, not.expensive though.
look at post #230. Muslim rule the world, maybe in your dream.
does it given by IK.. and if you taken kids from there parents and teach them different think then what your religion allow.. not good thing as stat..second banning your country men from offering ramadan is not good idea.. if some minister say something it does not mean it is said by khan... have you listen his three speeches in china..one of them is here
does it given by IK.. and if you taken kids from there parents and teach them different think then what your religion allow.. not good thing as stat..second banning your country men from offering ramadan is not good idea.. if some minister say something it does not mean it is said by khan... have you listen his three speeches in china..one of them is here
all fake news

instead of blabbering garbage here, move your lazy *** to Xingjiang, seeing is.believing.

i.think.its not that difficult for a Pakistani.to.get visa to.China, isnt it?
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