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Was Imran Khan's China Visit a Complete Failure?

Is the visit a success?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 55.6%
  • No

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
It's not your sin because you are a Ik follower who himself doesn't bother to listen reasonable argument,,
I supported him since I was in University, simce he was not in politics on that time so pollitcally I supported pro establishment pollitics, now wanted to join PTI and before that I was about to resign from my district councils seat on which I was elected as independent candidate, but for now on i am sure that i wil quit all sort of pollitics , am running a small free clinic , teaching in a college as honory teacher, I am tiered of pollitics they are all liers and fake , I have seen most of the polliticians from very close,Junijo, Musharraf,NS, mqm , etc ,they are all fake , I had hopes from Imran but I am now in a situation or on edge of a period where my Prophet peace be upon him matters more than any thing, and after hearing Sami ul Haq, and multiple different Sain ulma e din (not Khadim rizvi I hate him) I am really really stuck ,my heart says keep quiet and don't say any thing in favour of CJP and Ik, so I am very upset , I was suporting Ik here on this fourm and else where openly, you can see that in all of my posts of before 30th of Oct. My heart is broken , I am sad as everyone around me are, what is this you have done Cj and Ik , you could have easily avoided this, I am afraid Allah,s blessings will not be with Ik, he was our hope, but for me it seems keeping quiet is better than supporting Ik, I can afford to fight librral and loose but I can't afford to go against what Ulma e din are saying (the real Sain one) this my dilemma , nothing else,
Wish you good luck then, sorry if I said anything wrong in my previous post/comment.

Only want to say one thing, dont ever loose your hope. Always remember one thing that it's Allah (S.W.T), who has the ultimate power. Not me, you or IK. It's my belief that Pakstan has yet to see her golden period and it will come soon whether someone believe it or not.

You were? in University? English is compulsory from jamaat 6 onward in Pakistan. How many years does it take to get from jamaat 6 to a post-grad degree? or did y'all attend the one Modiji went to (the imaginary one)?
Don't make fun of him, I wanted to say him a lot of things ngs but then I deleted that post. He is likely many other 'die hard' PTI supporters who were supporting IK for many years but are disappointed now because IK failed to give them NAYA PAKISTAN in 2 months.
You were? in University? English is compulsory from jamaat 6 onward in Pakistan. How many years does it take to get from jamaat 6 to a post-grad degree? or did y'all attend the one Modiji went to (the imaginary one)?
You pointed it well , I make a lot of mistakes in writing ,there are reasons for this , 1, currently ,and as always i am using a cellfone to post here on PDF , 2, I am having some sort of problem with my Google keyboard it some times auto complete the word with a different spelling,3) I admit in a hurry I make lot of mistakes which I correct when I reread that message,4, I don't know how I cleared my tofel test etc and got admmisadm in Kingston poly technic institute in 1990, and in Cyprus University simultaneously, though I didn't go there, while during my stay in Uzbikistan, Russia, and China no one complained me of my English, 5) since now I am living in a small village and I am a perfect paindo of 46 years , I admit my English is a bit deteriorated, and speaking good english or bad wasn't a matter of pride or priority for me , I am a paindo I was a paindo, and IAM proud of it, but I can speak 5 local languages and it's matter of proud for me,

Wish you good luck then, sorry if I said anything wrong in my previous post/comment.

Only want to say one thing, dont ever loose your hope. Always remember one thing that it's Allah (S.W.T), who has the ultimate power. Not me, you or IK. It's my belief that Pakstan has yet to see her golden period and it will come soon whether someone believe it or not.

Don't make fun of him, I wanted to say him a lot of things ngs but then I deleted that post. He is likely many other 'die hard' PTI supporters who were supporting IK for many years but are disappointed now because IK failed to give them NAYA PAKISTAN in 2 months.
No dear you are taking it wrong , I didn't wanted Naya pakistan , I have lived in worse conditions ,Allhamdollilah I am living a five star life now, its some thing internal unsatisfication, you know when Judges said to Jinnah , Mr Jinnah why you are advocating a murderer ,you are quite a libral man , He said ,you can't understand this ,you can't understand the love of Holy prophet PBUH, this is what i mean ,I can live in rueins but please make me to believe that the respect of my prophet is not compromised to please west or Usa ,or please tell me a single Alam e din who says the CjP is right, I am not asking this for arguments I am asking it to satisfy my self that Imran ,the state ,the CjP, they are all loyal to my Prophet and Mullas are wrong,and there is no conspiracy behind this verdict, sorry guys if any of my words hurt you,
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It's not your sin because you are a Ik follower who himself doesn't bother to listen reasonable argument,,
I supported him since I was in University, simce he was not in politics on that time so pollitcally I supported pro establishment pollitics, now wanted to join PTI and before that I was about to resign from my district councils seat on which I was elected as independent candidate, but for now on i am sure that i wil quit all sort of pollitics , am running a small free clinic , teaching in a college as honory teacher, I am tiered of pollitics they are all liers and fake , I have seen most of the polliticians from very close,Junijo, Musharraf,NS, mqm , etc ,they are all fake , I had hopes from Imran but I am now in a situation or on edge of a period where my Prophet peace be upon him matters more to me than any thing else and after hearing Moulana Sami ul Haq, and multiple different Sain ulma e din (not Khadim rizvi I hate him) I am really really stuck ,my heart says keep quite and don't say any thing in favour of CJP and Ik, so I am very upset , I was suporting Ik here on this fourm and else where openly, you can see that in all of my posts of before 30th of Oct. My heart is broken , I am sad as everyone around me are, what is this you have done Cj and Ik , you could have easily avoided this, I am afraid Allah,s blessings will not be with Ik, he was our hope, but for me it seems keeping quite is better than supporting Ik, I can afford to fight librral and loose but I can't afford to go against what Ulma e din are saying (the real Sain one) this my dilemma , nothing else,
Your the way you think is cancer for this country.
Everyone else apart from you too loves Prophet Muhammad (saw) , even more then you. There is no parameter or level with which you can measure anyone else level of love for Prophet(saw).
Even samiulhaq said that he talked to Imran before and he would talk again and he said he was sure that Imran was not. Involved.
He painter a senerio where West have forced Pakistan to make this decision . Which is false.
Dont you forget that the same Molana samiulhaq was not ready to ban suicide bombings. Thousands of mulisms have died with the ideology spreaded by his madraasa. Yes yes and yes he is very pro Pakistan and condemned ttp. But what about those he don't condemed.
All these molvis come politicians think that everyone, America, isreal, India, Iran, Arab States and in short every country on the earth is putting pressure on Pakistan. As if they care. Lol.
We are nothing thanks to people like you. We have no international standing mee don't matter. Half the world don't know. We exist and the other half know that we are terrorist and extrimist mullahs like you.
Whereas in most western countries all the ruling elite and ruling class are almost aiethist.
Supreme Court is independent body, they don't work with Pakistan government.
A day before asiya incident, cheif justice was slashing Imran khan right, left and center on the case to ig Islamabad transfer.
If Imran and cj are working together then he must have given Imran khan relief. But he slashed Pti. He slashed azam swati and he would dismiss him too. He even criticise and call fawad chaudry.
Judges are Independent.
Even if judges personally knew that a criminal has commited a crime, but if the prosecuter has not been able to prove that crime in court, then they cannot punish the criminal for the said crime even if that crime has happened in front of their own eyes.

If there is no concrete evidence they cannot convict asiya. And there is almost 99.9 percent possibility that nothing would change.
I can laugh at this new generations of Facebook AND twitter ashiq e rasool. Who claim to be ashiq e rasool. But have nothing of the prophet teachings.
No wonder why we Muslim world are suffering. We talk but Don't act.
Remember that Islam spread due to its teaching of tolerance.
But you convince the west and confirm their allegations that Islam has spread through sword. Sadly. Its due to us Muslims.
Every one calls that, is this the religion of peace. It don't looks like it and yes yes the way you people acted, you discredit Islam.
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@wanglaokan @Max Calm down guys...no need to get all worked up.....difference of opinion exists even between brothers but that doesnt mean we call out names...lets give IK and China some time to iron out the differences in opinion...things will be fine in due time...kudos

Do "friends" call each other "commie terrorists"?

That commie terrorist was hosted in PM house sadly.

.. its shocking for commie terrorists..lol
That commie terrorist was hosted in PM house sadly.

@Horus @WebMaster @The Eagle @Oscar plz reverse the Chinese style of authoritarianism. The Chinese guy was calling Our PM terror sympathiser, but the commie TTA terrorist can't take when this said about their communist God.

Also never allow people like @Chinese-Dragon from dictatorships to hold power in this forum.

Don't make up things. You wanted to loot Pakistan and he is doing right things by asking for tech transfer, industry transfer and preferential treatement on Pakistani export which you communist terrorists don't like. How come a Pakistani leader can ask for Pakistan's interests.. its shocking for commie terrorists..lol
@wanglaokan @Max Calm down guys...no need to get all worked up.....difference of opinion exists even between brothers but that doesnt mean we call out names...lets give IK and China some time to iron out the differences in opinion...things will be fine in due time...kudos

Do "friends" call each other "commie terrorists"?

That commie terrorist was hosted in PM house sadly.

.. its shocking for commie terrorists..lol

... but the commie TTA terrorist can't take when this said about their communist God.

Also never allow people from dictatorships to hold power in this forum.

Strange way of asking for favors.

Are you Indian?

No I am.zionist.

An Indian Zionist, are you Modi?
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Do "friends" call each other "commie terrorists"?

Strange way of asking for favors.
Do "friends" call each other "commie terrorists"?[/QUOTE

It was started by @wangloakan not me, he was calling our PM terror sympathiser , if he can then i can to call President Xi and all commies terrorists, but since you are commie you are Inherently biased and authoritarian.. not my fault.

And no dragon, you are not doing any favour to Pakistan with trade Imbalance, it's disservice to Pakistan. We should trade with those who reciprocate.
Calling "friends" a "terror sympathiser" is kosher?

Funny how the Indians like @Max and @ranjeet always stick together, parroting exactly the same line as the others.

I never said anything about Imran Khan in my entire time on this forum, you are welcome to use the search function to verify that.
Funny how the Indians like @Max and @ranjeet always stick together, parroting exactly the same line as the others.

I never said anything about Imran Khan in my entire time on this forum, you are welcome to use the search function to verify that.

Maybe bcoz we both are not from commie dictatorships.
Funny how the Indians like @Max and @ranjeet always stick together, parroting exactly the same line as the others.

I never said anything about Imran Khan in my entire time on this forum, you are welcome to use the search function to verify that.
His "commie terrorist" jibe wasn't at you either if am not wrong. It was in response to another Chinese poster. If you feel offended at @Max comment don't you think he would feel the same when his Prime Minister is being labelled by someone from a friendly country? You can't be biased while claiming to be friends and negatively rate one guy and not the other.
You seem very oversensitive to any criticism towards Modi.

Do you think he will reward you for trying to hurt the China-Pakistan relationship?

Keep low.IQ.rants to yourself. Most of my posts we're either on Pakistani affairs or against bharatis.

If a Chinese will call my PM Khan terror sympathiser I will respond in same manner.
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