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Was Imran Khan's China Visit a Complete Failure?

Is the visit a success?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 55.6%
  • No

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
1,His speech to nation nearly worked as propaganda what rizvi wanted to do,
2,he never listens to cabinets most members,
3, he always thinks he is master of all,but in fact have very little knowledge of international relations and economics,
4, he was not even able to impressed saudies , his first visit was a failure then army interviend and made second trip some what respectable,
5, most importantly he was told days before the SC verdict told about the what is SC is to announce , he didn't took necessary steps he was just busy in Sawati saving and IG dismissal project, to him this issue was more important than the possible SC verdict reaction,
6)he could have easily avoided this mess by approaching SC and ordering the reinvestigation of the issue by forming new JIT with concensus of SC to lingger on the issue for years
7) by just insisting to stay in bani gala,and then doing this and that he unintentionally allowed foriegn elements to have interfearce with important staye corespondance , he many times compromised his security and of other matters of national interest,
8)he have no control on his emotions ,so at any international fourm or live in media he can say anything leading to long term devastating effects,
9)reham Khan's book which is some how hold back by domestic and international stablishment can be some thing to compromise his integrity, no wonder what Bushra will reveal,
10) he totally ignored Moulana Sami ul Haq shaheeds advises, and leaked it to unconcerned authorities,whose prize Moulana paid by his life,
11)he is not even able to identify his priorities,
12) when whole masses were against SC after Assia verdict ,his speech was provoking ,which turned peoples against him and his party ,due to his weak pollitical position the zardari and Nawaz will try to destabilize country ,this will distract the whole nation and it's institutions from the on going ACCOUNTIBILITY drive, this drive is the prime national intrest, and it was to hunt foreign puddles in Pakistani pollitics, , which Imran and CjPs conflict distracted,
Don't need to read this long written BS.
Just tell me one thing, are you an ex-PTI supporter?
Some Pakistanis seem to think China is answer to all of Pakistan's issues be they financial

But China has its own agenda and they will want guarantees with any investment in Pakistan be it cpec or other additional loans on top of their commitments already made

THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH in this world

Pakistan will pay severe interest I think and this may mean a rethink by Imran Khan's govt
Why did the PM go running to China if no new deals had been finalised?

All I see is China re-committing / re-confirming the same deals that have already been done in the last 5 years.

The PM has just wasted a foreign tour to desperately get a photoshoot with a world power.
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Imran Khan has always been pro China and he always praises them the way they
fought corruption & poverty. I don't understand why the Chinese think that he is not
pro China.

Imran has been critical of USA and their war on terror, this is way America did not want him
in power.
No, he has openely claimed for five-years that the deals China signed with Pakistan are bad deals and they're full of corruption, in other words, accusing the Chinese of promoting corruption in Pakistan.
Why did the PM go running to China if no new deals had been finalised?

All I see is China re-committing / re-confirming the samd deals that have already been done in the last 5 years.

The PM has just wasted a foreign tour to desperately get a photoshoot with a world power.

Really? So we are not getting the 6 billion dollars? and 20 billions additional investment? investment in energy sector?
yes, photo-shoot was good..he does look pretty decent.
Really? So we are not getting the 6 billion dollars? and 20 billions additional investment? investment in energy sector?
yes, photo-shoot was good..he does look pretty decent.
No actually XI was having $6 billion in his pocket when making photo shoot with Imran khan so he should hand over those $6 billion from his pocket to imran khan.

Impatience nation only good for criticizing so that their show must go on.
No actually XI was having $6 billion in his pocket when making photo shoot with Imran khan so he should hand over those $6 billion from his pocket to imran khan.

Impatience nation only good for criticizing so that their show must go on.
These are patwari kuttas and actually below animal level cretins so don't take these khotakhor harami ki padawars seriously.
These are patwari kuttas and actually below animal level cretins so don't take these khotakhor harami ki padawars seriously.
I am not taking them seriously but their disease is serious. We were saying about TLP they are bad for country and cause $1.1 billion to country which is true but what to do with these patwaris who always try to bring nawaz and his kind so that country keep suffering and their pocket keep and left Pakistan with huge loans.
China wants the west to bailout Pakistan so that it can get its money back!

Interesting how the saudi money has yet to hit our accounts either. Did they really promise to give us money or was it a lie by the GoP?
I am not taking them seriously but their disease is serious. We were saying about TLP they are bad for country and cause $1.1 billion to country which is true but what to do with these patwaris who always try to bring nawaz and his kind so that country keep suffering and their pocket keep and left Pakistan with huge loans.
Just remember this equation

TLP + NS + MS + SN = chaos
Some Pakistanis seem to think China is answer to all of Pakistan's issues be they financial
That is what allies do...Oh wait, india doesnt have any? Maybe that is why you guys dont know what it looks like :enjoy:

accusing the Chinese of promoting corruption in Pakistan.
Actually accusing the Noonis of corruption since they signed it! Everyone can give you lemons and you can produce lemonade but if someone gives you a sea cucumber do you still make a lemonade out of it? You should be able to recognize lemons...but previous govt either couldnt or purposefully didnt!

China wants the west to bailout Pakistan so that it can get its money back!

Interesting how the saudi money has yet to hit our accounts either. Did they really promise to give us money or was it a lie by the GoP?
You parents and grandparents had grave patience for Bhutto and Nooni, kindly have half of that for PTI! Considering it is 1st time in center while the other 2 were repeatedly in center and left a but of a mess!
He has been busy meeting the most important people in both political and commercial domains. Meeting so many important people on so many varying topics is demanding intelligently as well as physically, he has done really well and I hope he find the meetings useful.


The fact that IK is standing next to Xi in the official photo Ops speaks volumes to how Pakistan is treated with honor. That spot is usually taken by China’s most trusted strategic partners, for example Putin.
Don't need to read this long written BS.
Just tell me one thing, are you an ex-PTI supporter?
It's not your sin because you are a Ik follower who himself doesn't bother to listen reasonable argument,,
I supported him since I was in University, simce he was not in politics on that time so pollitcally I supported pro establishment pollitics, now wanted to join PTI and before that I was about to resign from my district councils seat on which I was elected as independent candidate, but for now on i am sure that i wil quit all sort of pollitics , am running a small free clinic , teaching in a college as honory teacher, I am tiered of pollitics they are all liers and fake , I have seen most of the polliticians from very close,Junijo, Musharraf,NS, mqm , etc ,they are all fake , I had hopes from Imran but I am now in a situation or on edge of a period where my Prophet peace be upon him matters more to me than any thing else and after hearing Moulana Sami ul Haq, and multiple different Sain ulma e din (not Khadim rizvi I hate him) I am really really stuck ,my heart says keep quite and don't say any thing in favour of CJP and Ik, so I am very upset , I was suporting Ik here on this fourm and else where openly, you can see that in all of my posts of before 30th of Oct. My heart is broken , I am sad as everyone around me are, what is this you have done Cj and Ik , you could have easily avoided this, I am afraid Allah,s blessings will not be with Ik, he was our hope, but for me it seems keeping quite is better than supporting Ik, I can afford to fight librral and loose but I can't afford to go against what Ulma e din are saying (the real Sain one) this my dilemma , nothing else,
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you guys seem to be under a misconception that PM IK only went there to "ask" for money. BIG misconception, IK is not the "ask for a package" type of a guy. although temporarily filling fiscal gaps is a part of the agenda, the PRIMARY reason for why he went there as, in his own words, learn the following two thing:
1. how did China bring 700 million people out of poverty in less than 30 years.
2. how did China crush corruption an recollect the stolen money almost all of which was laundered to america and european countries.
3. facilitate long term investments from Chinese companies with the guarantee that they will never have to worry about the corrupt red tape they faced during the noora and zardari regimes.

The effects of this visit will be shortly visible when Pakistan goes after the western country's bank accounts that are holding the looted wealth. you think america and european countries will cooperate with you and just hand the hundreds of billions of dollars back to you and then just roll over and play dead? countries like england and america will expectedly give a cold shoulder and this is where China's pressure will come into play. they tried to give China the cold shoulder as well but were compelled to comply to the red dragon's wishes and had to cooperate in recovering their laundered money. Here, it is no different.

The "white" elephant in the room that no one is willing to call out is that nations that cropping up these "feel good" organizations like FATFA and what not, are the very western countries (england and the u.s. included) that end up receiving the laundered money from through out the third world and yet, will crop up endless red tape when it comes to giving that money back...Pakistan alone won't be able to mount enough pressure on western countries to give our money back in spite of u.n. resolutions that dictate the return of laundered money, but CHINA is a different story.
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