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Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?

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"Kemalist" Erdo knows differences the meaning of cursing the national values based on BS's under the name of "freedom of speech" and SAYGI, VEFA words coming from the soul of Turkish and Islamic cultures... He always underlines the way Ataturk enlightened to proceed the democratic and social reforms commenced While Europe was cutting own people on streets and racism was number-1 at every corner...

Your whole post is full of incorrect information

1: i am both Turkish citizen and Danish citizen.
2: Scarf is definately not forbidden in Denmark, never has been (to your surprise not even in elementary class)
3: Minorities are not having very big problems in Denmark. Actually Denmark is to your surprise one of the freeist countries in world
4: Nazism is strongly condemned in Denmark, i know i have lived here 24 years.

Therefore, not a single thing you have written is anywhere near reality. And when i see posts like these being thanked i feel sorry for you.

Zulk, why are you sooo sensitive when you hear a little criticism about your motherland Denmark?

1) As far as I know double citizenship is not allowed in Denmark, so please tell the truth that you are not Turkish.
2) Just type "Headscarf ban Denmak" in google, please.
3) Yeah minorities are not having big problems my ars*, then who is Mr. Geert Wilders?
4) Danish and Nazi Colloboration during ww2 is still an unsolved issue Mr. Zulk, and what a coencidence that biggest neo-nazi rally is held in Aarhus, Denmark, in 2012.

Dismiss Zulky.

Tell us how do you call Turks and Kurds in Iran? You call Turks as "Donkey" and for Kurds "cockroach" ... We know who is arrogant and racist ???
when you was in Iran !? or maybe you heard something from another source , right !?

I can say your sources are much reliable as PKK news about trukey ....
It would be interesting to know how many Iranians really consider Khomeini as their hero.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey...h-against-ottoman-empire-3.html#ixzz1xOdi7d7D
well , so many except west worshipers and some other traitors ...
and I think you Indians should stop your duplicity behavior , I know you really enjoying any conflict between Muslims member ..... thanks to defence.pk , at least I understand you better ...

@ turks member :
please if you have answers so response to other bravely , and don't insulted to others , don't change subject of discuss and don't call others as "troll" ...
and I think you Indians should stop your duplicity behavior , I know you really enjoying any conflict between Muslims member ..... thanks to defence.pk , at least I understand you better ...

Alright now get lost !!!
Zulki lets talk about Denmark and Eskimo genocide...

Will Denmark recognize Eskimo genocide?

Will Denmark give Eskimo's rights?

Will Denmark let Eskimo's speak and learn their mother language?

What is this? Is that really heppened?
Cirit , treaty of sevres never happened , will never happen , that was what they tried to do , but such people who never lived under someone else will never live under another country , whats wrong with Bir Turk Dunyaya Bedel? Deno is anti-islam because he lives in cyprus and he probably goes to UK many times , cypriots are mostly like that , ignore that person , Turk is also Muslim , without Islam the Turkish spirit will go , in GELIBOLU OR WW1 OUR SOLDIERS MARCHED ALLAHU EKBER , Ataturk wasnt anti-islam or anything he just didnt want an islamic state , also banning headscarf and things is ridicolous , they shouldnt do that , but siding with the infidel erdogan who wants to split the country into 300 peices , he can stick the DEMOKRATIK ACILIM with his kurdish wife werever he wants


@ TrMhMt

I think Ataturk don't need any enemy to crush his respect and face in other peoples eye , after all he has someones like you as his fans and you doing the job very well ....

I think, i hurt you after slap on your face with your reality. From now on think twice before accusing others as arrogant and racist. In this region Iran and Iranians are beyond of arrogance and racism...

And who do you think you are fooling? Everyone knows that you call Turks as donkey and we Kurds as cockroach. I am disgusted than you guys...

I think, i hurt you after slap on your face your reality. From now on think twice before accusing others as arrogant and racist. In this region Iran and Iranians are beyond of arrogance and racism...

And who do you think you are fooling? Everyone knows that you call Turks as donkey and we Kurds as cockroach. I am disgusted than you guys...

I think you misunderstand the situation , I simply don't want west my time by discussing where is full of pan Turks and they only can insulted to other side instead of response him . ( simply I only said my opinion about some phrase from your hero but you response me with some insulted >>> my firs post was #27 and you response me with some nonsense >> #28 and etc ... )

and how you can slap my face with my reality !?

you are an ignorance Turk that claim something and you even don't know our supreme leader ( the top of our government ) has azari origin ... so talking and discussing with you is useless ....

and it is an old trick , changing subject with baseless claims and insulting to other side .... how pathetic pan turks can be !?
Don't argue with Turks raised in Turkish education system. You will never win. Kemalizm is a bastard son of Communism, Nazism, Fascism, and Zionism. Ataturk was not only a British spy, he was one of the most renowned homosexual in the world. He was also a Jew, an unbelievable alcoholic, a dictator, a killer...in short, the man would give Churchill a run for his money. Turks raised in the Turkish education system have no idea how they are under a personality cult like North Korea. In fact, there is so much alike between North Korea and Turkey that one wonders how can the people in Turkey not see it?
I think you misunderstand the situation , I simply don't want west my time by discussing where is full of pan Turks and they only can insulted to other side instead of response him . ( simply I only said my opinion about some phrase from your hero but you response me with some insulted >>> my firs post was #27 and you response me with some nonsense >> #28 and etc ... )

and how you can slap my face with my reality !?

you are an ignorance Turk that claim something and you even don't know our supreme leader ( the top of our government ) has azari origin ... so talking and discussing with you is useless ....

and it is an old trick , changing subject with baseless claims and insulting to other side .... how pathetic pan turks can be !?

Dude you have really mental problems... Did i say a single word about your supreme leader(s) !?

Isn't this your comment?
arrogance and racist ideology ....
???How dare you say that?

"Turkiye is belong to Turks" Infact, We are united under name of Turk. At Turkiye every Turkish citizen treated as Turk including we Kurds, Arabs, Azeris, Albanians etc. so Turkiye is belong to Turks. Got it?

Here i proved who is ignorant thought... Now do not waste your time !!!:drag:
Don't argue with Turks raised in Turkish education system. You will never win. Kemalizm is a bastard son of Communism, Nazism, Fascism, and Zionism. Ataturk was not only a British spy, he was one of the most renowned homosexual in the world. He was also a Jew, an unbelievable alcoholic, a dictator, a killer...in short, the man would give Churchill a run for his money. Turks raised in the Turkish education system have no idea how they are under a personality cult like North Korea. In fact, there is so much alike between North Korea and Turkey that one wonders how can the people in Turkey not see it?

Sen nereden çıktın lan palyaço?
Translation: Where did you poped out, you clown?

Are you another fake account for trolling ?
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