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Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?

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I would prefer Islamists :P
kardeş düşünmüyor değilim bu deno gibilerini gördükçe tercihim islami kesimden yana tabiki
Deno after owning you several times in every single thread please be quiet. You have yet not had a single post which included any correct information. You are ignorant, emotional and very amatuerish. So be quiet and learn something, since you obvioulsy haven't done that your whole life.

Saying that the guy who doesn't even know that AKP used Kemal Derviş's plan, doesn't know that all of the ministers, prime ministers and presidents sons/sons in law are economical geniuses who earned millions of dollars from state tenders, doesn't know that goverment sold state factories, ports to half of the prices to Europeans and Americans or their fanboys, doesn't know that goverment named touristic place after a guy who killed more than 50.000 alevis...

I am sooo owned...



Sizin gibi türklere yaziklar olsun. Gelip burada gavurlarin hosuna gitsin diye Islami yerden yere caliyorsunuz. Böyle asagilik insanlari doguran anaya ben ana demem babaya ben baba demem. Hicmi haya olmaz insanda, hicmi dini saygi deger olmaz, bu kadar rezil rüsva olunur diyorum ben, ve baskada bisey demiyorum.
tesla ben senden bahsediyodum , islamcıları reyizlere tercih ederim :P
@Selim I

Dude do you have mental issues ?? Who is criticizing or humiliating Islam? This topic is about M. K. Ataturk and conspiracy theories...
You people know deep inside that what i am talking about is true, you just don't want to admit it. Doing some historical analysis one will come to this conclusion: Mustafa Kemal was a revolutionary leader, but it was not optimal for a conservative country to abolish and alienate religion. Because, as we can see today it backfired.

We can learn (and we are learning day by day) that past mistakes should not be repeated. Giving Kurdish rights, allowing women with scarf any access to everywhere, and respecting every minority and religion is the way forward. Because discrimination begets hatred and you know that very well.
I have no doubt that every single Turkish person would give their life to protect their country, but what are we protecting? If we are not protecting our culture and historical identity then what is our function? We are our history and our culture, and our history is and has always been integrated with Islamic values, whether you like it or not.

Let's put some common ground here and all agree on some points:
1: Women should be free to wear scarf in Universities and when pursuing their dream
2: Kurds should be given their rights as a minority and we should respect them and their culture, language etc
3: Past grievances should light our future in avoiding the same mistakes.

Respecting a nation's citizens its rights is the correct path. Anyone disagreeing with this should double check himself.

read my first post again, i said people
those who say “One Turk equals the whole world.” shows the extreme arrogance and racism for these people

Don't misrepresent my words please.

Edit: And everyoen please ignore the islamophoobic Deno. She will only start a flame war here, we don't need unnecessary offtopic discussions.
Sizin gibi türklere yaziklar olsun. Gelip burada gavurlarin hosuna gitsin diye Islami yerden yere caliyorsunuz. Böyle asagilik insanlari doguran anaya ben ana demem babaya ben baba demem. Hicmi haya olmaz insanda, hicmi dini saygi deger olmaz, bu kadar rezil rüsva olunur diyorum ben, ve baskada bisey demiyorum.

Puhahahaha :D Take your Zeus wanna be god and go somewhere people might give a penny about it or your beliefs... Mythology is for bronze age not for modern age my friend...
Sizin gibi türklere yaziklar olsun. Gelip burada gavurlarin hosuna gitsin diye Islami yerden yere caliyorsunuz. Böyle asagilik insanlari doguran anaya ben ana demem babaya ben baba demem. Hicmi haya olmaz insanda, hicmi dini saygi deger olmaz, bu kadar rezil rüsva olunur diyorum ben, ve baskada bisey demiyorum.

Çakma Selim, uyarıyorum, canımı sıkma, suratına tükürttürme!

Translation: Fake Selim, warning you, don't make me bored and let me spit on your face!
tesla ben senden bahsediyodum , islamcıları reyizlere tercih ederim :P
my bro this watan is our
look at some fake kemalsts they are natoperest ,pro western they dont know ataturk

mutlaka Avrupa’dan nasihat almak, bütün işleri Avrupa’nın emellerine uygun yürütmek, bütün dersleri Avrupa’dan almak gibi birtakım zihniyetler ortaya çıktı. Oysa hangi istiklal vardır ki yabancıların nasihatleriyle, yabancıların planlarıyla yükselebilsin? Tarih böyle bir olay kaydetmemiştir.
If you think my family and my religious belief is more important than Turkey and Mustafa Kemal, why not? I am open to constructive critisicim of any kind buddy. As long as it does not harrass me and curse me. But i think solving our nations problems are more imperative than my personal life, don't you agree?

If You are such a large and accept opening discussion about the criticizm of traitorhood, and Being a British spy of Ataturk based on conspicious theories and appreciating the member who opened this thread While cursing the members to protect him under the word of "freedom of speeches", Then It isn't important wheather The thread related with you and your family that opened for discussion on public is constructive critism or not (Reflecting the truth or not). You know You are an intellectual who respect the freedom of speeches Even If It is about you and your family, not racists like us who regret discussion of such national, family values based on BS's...
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