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Vikramditya & the IAC Vikrant Threat To Pakistan Waters

I picked my figure from here


which mentions total internal fuel capacity of around 6900 ltrs. there are a lot of sources with different claims. Bharat Rakshak claims something else. Anyways, one thing they agree on it total capacity including internal fuel approaches 10000 kg. Combat radius again depends upon mission profile. It is not constant.
su30mki total load of fuel is 9.2 tons so i don think mig 29k will have 10 tons. 5.5 ton sounds more correct IMHO
It covers all of south asia, china and part of central asia. Also since all the remote sensing satellites are sun synchronous, they can see any point on the earth passing through their orbit.

Can India track all assets at sea 24/7 now? and Indian think they are the only one who can do that in Asia??

one think u dont understand pussy cat, world war two is remebered best for operation barbarossa the german invasion of soviet union and u know what germans killed more then 75 million red army soldiers and only 8 million german soldiers died. u know what ussr had more than 34000 planes vs german 4500 planes and u know what happened their was no air support left for the ussr , ussr struggled to keep fighting, germans had opened the deadlist front in the history......in world war two germany fought alone with the whole world because they were on the wrong side but this time ur so called chinese ussr is on the wrong side and ur so called pakistan will be crushed like italy..moral of the story is "a fucked up bitch is on the sucidal mission with china on its side to support and kill as many people as possible" u are a failed state....

Another emotional Indian, if west n Israel backed out China will crush u, its them who have saved your face and Russia need China more than India, and have you read Art of War? its Chinese and they know fighting more than Russians and India, you only talk about 1900 till date in start of which China was occupied like India. After their Independence which happend after India see where they are and where India is and they got this place having disputes and civil war, still they are devided but they dont need other like India, who need backing of west, Russian n Israel to bluff against China.
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Very funny!!!!
How network centeric force is going to counter a missile? Any idea? or shooting from Hips? Do you know what network centeric force mean? Pl give me a single reference which says that network centric force counter a missile Or anything without a proper weapon to counter it? Only Single reference.

Pakistan have assets which can handle supersonic missiles and when different systems work together they can stop in coming missiles.
Networking is about the sharing of data and share it as fast and as often as possible.
For example...A machine gun can bring down a supersonic cruise missile if enough bullets hit it, so theoretically speaking, we can have an array of anti-aircraft machine guns of large calibers slaved to high power radars and networked to each other to have an effective point defense of any incoming threats. But the downside to that idea is that not all bullets are going to hit the threat missile so we will end up with a lot of bullets raining down and possibly killing our own people.
It is not so much about networking but about how are you going to exploit that capability -- the sharing of data -- so that there is less of the need for a dedicated anti-whatever weapon and more about using the current weapons platforms that you have to accomplish defense.

The example of sharing resources is JAS-39 G ripens which even use each others assets to engage enemy via data link.

Pakistan is not just going to use AAAs and AAAs are still effective one example is phalanx on ships, China have similar systems mounted on trucks they even use C-RAM type system on trucks.

I will try to post available weblinks of systems which Pakistan will use in its net centric system they will share information, data, and assets.

Spada 2000 Air Defence Missile System - Army Technology
Crotale (missile) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oerlikon 35 mm twin cannon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pakistan Acquires Chinese Made PG99 (CS/SA1) wheeled Anti-Aircraft Guns
All above system can stop any incoming missile if they jointly. Anza-III is now also vehicle mounted and automated like Crotale's and Pakistan have some more systems which are not public.

In first link Chinese equivalent of phalanx mounted on vehicle.

Defense Updates: FL-3000N / HHQ-10 Missile CIWS Air Defense System
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Czar 76

Desperadors are those who don't have any capacity and pretend to have it
1)Tejas mk1 is not ready and ppl talk about mk2
2)Air launch brahmos is in drawing board and ppl talk about destroying the enemy with that
3)Nuclear sub is just prototype
4)russian sub cannot carry nuke
5)Aircraft carrier battle group without proper air defense
6)Ageing sub
7)Scorpion sub without AIP.
8)despite of Arjun tank but still army buys T90.
9) no long range air or ground launch cruise missile .

Tejas achieved IOC 2 today a brand new 28000 sq foot production facility opened to produce 16 TEJAS a year.

Brahmos air launched version. Heck we send ships to Mars you doubting our technology foolish person. It will ready by 2015-2017 same time the super SU30MKI arrive

Nuclear sub is not a prototype it is going thru sea trials and 3 more being built . How many pajkistan building ???

New CBG just started forming the CIWS and barak 8 sams have already been selected wil be added by 2016=2017

Scorporne subs are one full generation newer than your AGOSTA and will be 6 in nos not 3

124 Arjuns in service 124 more being built by2016 mk2 thereafter between 2017-2021

Dont need long range cruise missles ..We have 300 SU30MKI with immense range..
Can India track all assets at sea 24/7 now? and Indian think they are the only one who can do that in Asia??

Yes, India can track all assets at sea 24/7 in south asia, china and most of the middle east. So if PN try to load commercial ships with arms, it will de detected and tracked.
Pakistan have assets which can handle supersonic missiles and when different systems work together they can stop in coming missiles.

India has a system to shoot down sun when when different systems work together!!!!!!!!!
India has a system to shoot down sun when when different systems work together!!!!!!!!!

feel happy with whatever you think, only war will tell what India and Pakistan can do, and thank you for under estimating Pakistan. :-)
what do u think of our tactics, our cold start is nothing but Blitzkrieg tactics its 2013 today and by far its enough for ur pakistan if we want we can take over ur country in a flash but u know we need something just more than a terrorist attack on our ecnomical capital, we just need one nuclear missile of urs in our endo atmosphere......game over for pakistan, it will become a desert and and india will then use it for nuclear range and artileery field we will love to do that and about china, china isnt a fool like u they just back u so that they can stay away from ur terrorist attacks nothing more u white pussy cat bura mat mananaits all about economic infulence india wants it to by far china is on fire 2nd most powerful economy they want do anything stupid....for what reasons u think russia needs china huh!!! so that they can takeover the worlds big arms deal away from russia, russia hates china for copying their stuff and we hate u because u use it agaisnt india.....cant live in peace if we give u kashmir u will demand for himachal and story goes on and on and ontill kerela but i dont give a damn......so again bura mat manana

India can't win a war against Pakistan and ppl are not afraid of India too, its our politicians and corrupt system who is destroying us and allowing other to play proxy war here, Pakistan needs one true leader who can take it away from this situation because we are full of resources which many countries dream, we can be next KSA in terms of gas and oil, with gold, silver and copper reserves and so many other things which are buried in land of Pakistan.

Therefore if anyone think it will take decades to get Pakistan's economy on track even if we have situation under control in country and everything in right track, then he is living fool heaven, even in this worst situation US firms are itching to work here in oil and gas exploration.
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You are forgetting one very important thing. The MIG29's are severely short legged. They are not being launched through a catapult, it is through a ski jump. Most likely the pilots will have to take off with half the weight as they would have already burned up most of their fuel during the take off. I would say they would have a maximum patrol radius of 250-300 km. In order for the aircraft to be effective against the enemy, IN commanders would have to bring the Carrier forward making it vulnerable to enemy's ASM strikes.

Sir, your Tyrion Lannister avatar is awesome :)

feel happy with whatever you think, only war will tell what India and Pakistan can do, and thank you for under estimating Pakistan. :-)

Why are people on both sides so eager for war? Do people even know the consequences? The sheer number of casualties and economic damage.

We both have nuclear weapons too.
Why are people on both sides so eager for war? Do people even know the consequences? The sheer number of casualties and economic damage.
We both have nuclear weapons too.
4 minutes ago #464
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Its not Pakistanis who want was on PDF, its Indian who think they can crush us with their super duper weapons.
Its not Pakistanis who want was on PDF, its Indian who think they can crush us with their super duper weapons.

Indians who are on the net represent what? 10% of the population?

The Indian government is not as deluded as them. And I am under no delusion that we are a Soopa Pawa.

That being said, I don't take seriously the claims of people on both sides claiming to defeat each other.
what if we use our CBG to break pakistan in a three front war with the help of our army and airforce
1.first we will give answers to pakistani soldiers in jammu kashmir(after they throw all thier tanks and fighters busy in thier.
2.we will open the second front from punjab and rajisthan no tanks needed here terrain doesnt support tank movements we will use our rocket launchers and infentry to take over west punjab of pakistan.
3.we will launch CBG attacks on karachi and a supportive attack from gujrat region to take over karachi.
4.heavily mechanised infantry to take care of china in leh aswell as in arunanchal pradesh.
what a day it would be man pakistan, now this is for pakistani kids on the site, "tell me how will u defend ur failed state" and that to when indian offensive is ON.:omghaha::yay::yay:
well buddy you are giving them too much importence thing is if ever there is a war before we know it started pakistan is going to use neukes as they very well know the ground realities and there is no way they can fight in the open they had managed to do in all previous wars were either they used there poxies/non state actors or ther servicemen dressed as mujahidins ... they can never fight man to man even in bangladesh they put up a fight as they had no option to do anything

as for CBG its not for them its for china or pirates in indian ocean or arabian sea for there karachi owr bases in pune , jaiselmer , baroda are more than enof for them to handle rest will be taken care of by some 12 other air bases long the indo pak border

i dont understand why pakkistanies ahve this fetich to drown owr ACC when they will not be even able to ...kahir jane to aap khud samjhdar ho ki what i was going to say
link for those who think missiles cant be hide and launched from commercial ships specially for those who praise Russia, now tell me is Russia stupid that they develop this??


Club-K Container Missile System Royalty Free Stock Photography - Image: 26146327

another link.

Deadly new Russian weapon hides in shipping container| Reuters

Its pretty stupid. So stupid other countries will deny entry to any countries that uses such method. And they are easily detected and sunk. For example a U.S. carrier battle group in wartime will not allow a commercial vessel within a thousand miles if such weapon and method was used.
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