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Vietnam welcomes China's military development: Vietnamese defense official

In more ways than you realize.

I despise all communists. I do not need to 'own up' to what the US did in involvement. I was not a US citizen back then, so your argument is a distraction. But as far as Viet Nam and covering up goes, communist atrocities predated US involvement in SE Asia -- by at least 15 yrs -- beginning with the communist takeover of the North. Those atrocities compelled many Northern families to uproot themselves, severed their social/cultural ties, and fled southward. The cover up for this is the exaggeration of the CIA and the influence of the Catholic Church in that migration. Same for the war deaths and ammunition expended figures so popular among 'pop' Vietnam War 'experts'. Those figures serves to cover up communist atrocities after the war.

And i despise all "Traitors", especially those will eager to sell their soul just to feel good being a so-called American's "lapdog":lol:

Here, thats what a traitor do, killing his own people for the sake of his white slave master;
And i despise all "Traitors", especially those will eager to sell their soul just to feel good being a so-called American's "lapdog":lol:

Here, thats what a traitor do, killing his own people for the sake of his white slave master;
The man shot was a VC who killed his own people for NOT being China's lapdog. So yes, he deserved the bullet.
In more ways than you realize.

I despise all communists. I do not need to 'own up' to what the US did in involvement. I was not a US citizen back then, so your argument is a distraction. But as far as Viet Nam and covering up goes, communist atrocities predated US involvement in SE Asia -- by at least 15 yrs -- beginning with the communist takeover of the North. Those atrocities compelled many Northern families to uproot themselves, severed their social/cultural ties, and fled southward. The cover up for this is the exaggeration of the CIA and the influence of the Catholic Church in that migration. Same for the war deaths and ammunition expended figures so popular among 'pop' Vietnam War 'experts'. Those figures serves to cover up communist atrocities after the war.

So anything protesting U.S. atrocities during the Vietnam War is considered "pop writing" and anything glossing over the said atrocity is considered "expert opinion"?

Is it me or does this sound like double standards?

The reason that America has progressed so much in the past 200 years is because of the flexible constitution and the willingness to live up to her mistakes. We had slavery prior to 1865 but abolished the barbaric act following the Civil War (don't get me started on the 1863 technicality since slavery was still allowed in the border states). We had segregation in the schools and military but that too, was eventually overcome.

It is often the so called "patriots" who do the most damage to the image of their nations. It is true in China and is equally true in the U.S.
The man shot was a VC who killed his own people for NOT being China's lapdog. So yes, he deserved the bullet.

See, people as savage as you will never be accepted as an American by your white slave master( my idol, John mccain):yahoo:
And at the end of the day, he got deported by your master, am i right? so i don't think Americans agreeing with you, Hmm, watch your a@s, objecting your master might end up a deportation for you next.:lol:
See, people as savage as you will never be accepted as an American by your white slave master( my idol, John mccain):yahoo:
And at the end of the day, he got deported by your master, am i right? so i don't think Americans agreeing with you, Hmm, watch your a@s, objecting your master might end up a deportation for you next.:lol:

Actually the executioner started a pizza store in the U.S. and I don't think he ever got deported. However his business was hampered numerous times when his identity was discovered. Quite frankly I don't think he deserved being ostracized since the vietcong that he executed killed his family and it was blood vengeance.

Just had to beat good old Gambit to the reply :smitten:.
Actually the executioner started a pizza store in the U.S. and I don't think he ever got deported. However his business was hampered numerous times when his identity was discovered. Quite frankly I don't think he deserved being ostracized since the vietcong that he executed killed his family and it was blood vengeance.

Just had to beat good old Gambit to the reply :smitten:.

how the mighty fallen. a former top dog general that get to shoot people in the head for fun, now sells fast food for a living.

makes the plantation slave owner gambit think about how what he lost in his top 1% elite life in vietnam. maybe he misses his maids driving him around in an armored car.
I do not know the situation in Vietnam, however, the Chinese revolution, some cry, some laugh, laugh of all is the land of farmers and some real patriots concerned about China's future, cry, who do you think? Feudalism, imperialism and the agent.
how the mighty fallen. a former top dog general that get to shoot people in the head for fun, now sells fast food for a living.

makes the plantation slave owner gambit think about how what he lost in his top 1% elite life in vietnam. maybe he misses his maids driving him around in an armored car.
How the mighty have fallen indeed. Once China boasted of being a communist powerhouse. Now China is begging to learn from US.
How the mighty have fallen indeed. Once China boasted of being a communist powerhouse. Now China is begging to learn from US.

Other way round buddy. :lol:

The global Credit Crunch showed just how strong the Chinese "state capitalist" system is, and you have the Economist raving about the "Beijing consensus".
So anything protesting U.S. atrocities during the Vietnam War is considered "pop writing" and anything glossing over the said atrocity is considered "expert opinion"?

Is it me or does this sound like double standards?
When you violently seize control and make a radical departure from the current course, you own the journey. But the analogy stop here because unlike a ship, a country has natural resources that those ousted from power cannot take with them. France took nothing from Indochina after conceding that colonialism is dead. But the human capital is something that can be destroyed or removed from the country. Communism either destroys or discourage creativity, the most vital element of that human capital. So many educated Viets were either killed in post war communist inspired revenge or fled the country. Then comes the incompetent management of the country's natural resources that set the country back at least two decades. So when what the US did during the war is used to gloss over the true cause of Viet Nam's backwardness -- communism -- then yes, it is 'pop writing'.
When you violently seize control and make a radical departure from the current course, you own the journey. But the analogy stop here because unlike a ship, a country has natural resources that those ousted from power cannot take with them. France took nothing from Indochina after conceding that colonialism is dead. But the human capital is something that can be destroyed or removed from the country. Communism either destroys or discourage creativity, the most vital element of that human capital. So many educated Viets were either killed in post war communist inspired revenge or fled the country. Then comes the incompetent management of the country's natural resources that set the country back at least two decades. So when what the US did during the war is used to gloss over the true cause of Viet Nam's backwardness -- communism -- then yes, it is 'pop writing'.

This event has never been the perfect thing, people have chosen, as KMT set of all highly educated, but what do they do? Revolution is that the people can not stand, some crying, some laughing, but the situation in China, many Chinese people studying in the United States unwilling to return to KMT "Republic of China", but they are willing to return to The People's Republic of China, these people including engineers, Nuclear energy research, space research and so on.
In fact, the revolution is a tragedy, from a purely humanitarian. However, he is a necessary action in human history, can not escape.
You mean the United States again to borrow some money from China?
When there is trade that benefits all parties, there is nothing wrong with economic interdependence. China needed a large CONSUMER market. But that is not enough because Africa also qualified. China needed a sophisticated society because that sophisticated society enjoys high priced and high valued items and manufacturing them would give China the quickest path to economic prosperity. So there is nothing wrong with both countries' dependence on each other. The issue here is the concession of a monumental failure in ideology that led to that interdependence. China got suckered by Lenin and Marx. Epic fail.
When there is trade that benefits all parties, there is nothing wrong with economic interdependence. China needed a large CONSUMER market. But that is not enough because Africa also qualified. China needed a sophisticated society because that sophisticated society enjoys high priced and high valued items and manufacturing them would give China the quickest path to economic prosperity. So there is nothing wrong with both countries' dependence on each other. The issue here is the concession of a monumental failure in ideology that led to that interdependence. China got suckered by Lenin and Marx. Epic fail.

Last time I said, China is different from India and Brazil now, even if the siege in the West 's hostility, Why do you think? China's success is not coming out from the air, look at the issue needs deeper.
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