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Vietnam welcomes China's military development: Vietnamese defense official

its good to know my friend that u believe for a better Asia a healthy sino-indian relationship is too vital,but by openly supporting our our arch rival Pakistan and arming them to the tooth add to this the latest provocations by China,i dont think China is actually justifying the peace scenario,if this continue India is bound to respond in a similar fashion

What is the alternative? Leaving Pakistan at the mercy of India? China doesn't and probably can't arm Pakistan to an extent that it poses a significant threat to India but what it can do it allow Pakistan to protect itself.
What is the alternative? Leaving Pakistan at the mercy of India? China doesn't and probably can't arm Pakistan to an extent that it poses a significant threat to India but what it can do it allow Pakistan to protect itself.

u can do what u like,India is not a stakeholder in ur relation's,my answer was in accordance to one of ur compatriot where he is asking India to stay out of Vietnam for the sake of a better relation,and i have also the same qs,when u cant stay out of Pakistan for a better Sino-Indian relation why do u expect as to b the only stakeholders
u can do what u like,India is not a stakeholder in ur relation's,my answer was in accordance to one of ur compatriot where he is asking India to stay out of Vietnam for the sake of a better relation,and i have also the same qs,when u cant stay out of Pakistan for a better Sino-Indian relation why do u expect as to b the only stakeholders

Oh then I completely agree. India should be free to engage in diplomacy with whatever country it likes.
Here is something to show our American friends in this forum how they are welcomed by Vietnamees.


We all might have little memory on how the Nazi America exterminate millions and millions of innocent Vietnamese, and the Koreans too, millions have perished. They were like insects to them.

But have we forgotten how the younger generation of the Nazi Americans exterminates innocent Iraqi in the recent wikileaks release video "Collateral Murder"? Nothing has changed, Asian descents are insects to them.

Now they come over and want to act like buddies? and criticize Vietnam's human rights records? GTFO!

Nazi America is the biggest and baddest human right violator on this planet!! Need I remind you about water boarding, suspension of habeas corpus and guantanamo bay? What a joke! Pack your bags and go home. Nazi America is not welcome on Asian soil, ever!"
what kind of Alliance?

Anything is possible, really.

Look at Germany, France and England. The contention amongst the three countries date back a couple hundred years. Millions have died during the Hundred Years' War, War of Spanish/Austria Succession, Napoleonic Wars, and finally the two world wars. Look at them today. Are they not in the same European confederation (European Union)? It is not inconceivable that China, Pakistan, and India would have finally worked out the problems in a century or maybe even a few decades.

That probably won't end the cricket rivalry between India and Pakistan though...
its good to know my friend that u believe for a better Asia a healthy sino-indian relationship is too vital,but by openly supporting our our arch rival Pakistan and arming them to the tooth add to this the latest provocations by China,i dont think China is actually justifying the peace scenario,if this continue India is bound to respond in a similar fashion

But what can India do? Many Indians like to replace the role of US for India. Many talk about how South Korea, Japan, Singapore and now Vietnam would request India military assistance. Someone even foolishly talk India about supply missiles to Taiwan. The truth is that these East Asian country are developing stronger relationships with US and in recently case for South Korea and Vietnam, joint military exercise. These country regard US as a balancing power in East Asia. They definitely do not regard India in the same mannger

So in viewof relationship between US and other East Asian democracies such as South Korea and Japan, India is closer to the role of Japan and South Korea, which would require US security cooperation than the role of US, which can provide security to other countries in Asia.
USA yes
India no

India needs US protection. How can it protect others if it cannot protect itself. Don't be a fool and request US protection.

and your defence knowledge has led you to this conclusion..India does not need anyone's protection....the times, u see, have changed. Wake up and smell the coffee:wave:
Nonsense...:lol: It is YOU who made that implication. A false logic. Indochina, like China, were under European colonialism, so are you going to make the same logic? This is one sorry attempt among others at rehabilitating communism.

So you agree that communism has no impact on Vietnam "human capital" but European democracy had impact on it by invading and devastating Vietnam repeatedly?
What is the alternative? Leaving Pakistan at the mercy of India? China doesn't and probably can't arm Pakistan to an extent that it poses a significant threat to India but what it can do it allow Pakistan to protect itself.

who is attacking pakistan?india is self created threat by pk.it has no cure.
So you agree that communism has no impact on Vietnam "human capital" but European democracy had impact on it by invading and devastating Vietnam repeatedly?
Nonsense...:lol:...Even more lame attempts at rehabilitating communism. Give it up. You may fool the other younger Chinese members here but not those who actually suffered under it.
and your defence knowledge has led you to this conclusion..India does not need anyone's protection....the times, u see, have changed. Wake up and smell the coffee:wave:

I understand that many Indians in here regard India as already a superpower and that other countries need to work with India to get protection. All I'm saying is that no countries regard India this way. Can you think of a country that requested Indian protection? On the other hand, without US/Russian/European technology and assistance, Indian defense capability would be no different from Somalian defence capability.
Nonsense...:lol:...Even more lame attempts at rehabilitating communism. Give it up. You may fool the other younger Chinese members here but not those who actually suffered under it.

The fact is both democratic France and democratic USA devastated Vietnam: guillotine of France French atrocities in Vietnam Travels with Tim and Lisa, Agent Orange by USA Agent Orange, Operation Ranch Hand : Vietnam War Herbicides speak volume of it. And only a heartless people like you would LOL at the dead bodies and deformed figures of your own people...

You are the biggest nonsense! :tdown:
This is the voice from a Vietnamese people:

- About the topic: it's not hard or it is very simple to understand the tactic in those political talk. Vietnam is doing what it needs to protect its own interest.

- To those Chinese friends out there:

+ Vietnam is smaller than China, yes. China has bigger army than Vietnam, yes. But can China win the war if they invade Vietnam, need to be reconsidered!

Because you think in a very simple way, bigger army -> victory. When invading a country, you need to think about the post-war effect. France invaded Vietnam, occupied it, but still lost the war.

One more thing, I know that many of you does not familiar with Vietnamese History, but I have this to say:

- War between Vietnam and China has been for THOUSANDs of years already. Vietnam was occupied for the 1st thousand year, then Vietnam claimed its own independence. China had been invading Vietnam for another thousand year, but still UNSUCCESSFUL. In one thousand of year in history, it just keeps like this:
-China invaded Viet and captured Viet -> Viet rebel -> fail -> rebels again -> Victory -> China retreated -> Plan to invade again.

So war between China and Viet is not the new thing, it happened for thousand years already. So we are not surprised if China invade us again.

Vietnam won the war against France, USA, China not in short time, but in long time. It means that Viet people keeps fighting until the last man standing. Yup, China can win the war in 1 year, but can it keep fighting for the next 30 years? Unless China is going to kill all people in Vietnam.

Why does Chinese people still think about invading Vietnam? Because those history is not taught in Chinese School.

In 1979, China invaded Vietnam north border one more time to "teach" Vietnamese a lesson because Vietnam beat the PolPot, who got aids from Chinese, in Cambodia. After months of fighting, and losing thousand of troops, China claimed "victory" and then retreat????

In the conclusion, I want to say this:
+ there is wrong in the way that new young Chinese think. They think that their country is big enough, army is strong enough. So they can do whatever they want, "smaller countries" should obey them in any mean. "Smaller countries" has no power compared to current Chinese supreme power.

I know that the top dogs in Chinese Government are smart enough to consider the issue carefully. They understand that "small countries" still has the power and strength which is not easy to beat down. Not like those new young Chinese, who has little or even none knowledge about history of war.
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Why does Chinese people still think about invading Vietnam? Because those history is not taught in Chinese School.

Thank you for your opinion from a real Vietnamese perspective, it is appreciated. :cheers:

Regarding the above quote, I do not want China to invade Vietnam.

I don't want China to invade anybody. Why would we throw away our strong Economic growth just for a pointless war?

The best thing for China to do... is to continue on the path of Economic growth.
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