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US warns India of ‘serious implications’ if it picks Russian S-400 over American defense promises

I will say India, go for S400. USA will ultimately kill you, today or tomorrow. No country, besides Israel, was closer to USA than Pakistan, but see, now we are like two britches of a thug. And Russia, though more primitive in her approach towards friends, is no different.

Better buy whatever you like, but make your neighbours your best friends, as European do.
USA is a fool if it thinks we have not learnt from the mistakes that Pakistan made while being friends with USA. India is not Pakistan... Hope US understands this sooner.
In defence of India here.

India can buy whatever the F it wants.
india needs to comply with it's masters demands
The Indains are dumb to think they are 'sanctions free'. Just because Trump is ambiguous on this issue, it doesn't mean you are sanctions free. Iran is enemy numero uno now.
s400 is a done deal. Modi will never back down from it, no matter what. It was a big election issue and modi will not give a full toss to opposition parties

India just counter sanctioned US. We are not pakistan , who could not do shit when US helicopter killed their soldiers in Salala. S400 is coming to Jammu and Kashmir forward posts, just wait and watch

Wow another indian fruit cake..... seems like india has a factory ....

1) I agree India is not Pakistan:
India just clobbers behind the scenes like it did in 1962 where it begged the americans to send the USAF to save it's sorry brown hairy arse against the chinese. More recently india did a lot begging behind the scenes to open the Pakistani airspace. After 5 months of blow jobing behind the scenes it worked. Like wise i can site 100s of incidents where india back downs behind the scenes, it acts tough but in reality it is just big fat pussy.

But will admit you are persistent.

2) Salala : You do realise we shut the entire land and sea route for 8 months?... They had resort to alternative via Russia and stan countries costing them untold billions and not mention their offensive operations were restricted due to supply issue?

3) S400 coming to J&K?... So like your much vaunted Su-30 and S300 didnt seem to make any impact on PAF operation. PAF assaulted you in broad day light in total disregard and non respect of the IAF. IAF refused to come out of their dens and challenge PAF despite highly aggressive and provocative patrolling all across the international border. You could not even shoot done one PAF plane. Weapons are as effective as men who operate them and india has questionsble quality as to the men who operate them. In end india just back down and even the willy nilly hindu janta forgot about 44 soldiers who had their pants blown as the reason for the incident in the first place.

4) Just wait and watch?... i believe it was your homo minister ..sorry home minister who stated just wait when asked about the surgical strike videos 1.0.... we are still waiting
Pakistani Logic : 28 soldiers dead= " Sorry from Obama" . Pakistan knew it cant take any military action against US , as daddy would have stopped aid.No wonder you are silent about Chinese trafficking Pakistani women,money is powerful than self respect for u. As far as Pulwama is considered, our 44 martyrs were killed in a suicide attack, not a head on fight.Dont worry we have killed enough of the jaish yahoos when we f***d them in Balakot. Anyways, I heard 8 pakistani policemen got their pants blown in Dera Ismail khan a few days ago. Another ISI failure?
Nice experience fuc*ing trees in Jabba eh?
Ahan, tell me more, want to learn from your highness.
You meant jabba top.My bad. Anyways,Ispr fanboys will find it difficult to swallow the balakot airstrikes. I dont blame u, Pakistani army has a long history of fooling public. I would not be suprised if ghafooraa tweets tomorrow that india had caught 93000 trees in 71.
@Major Sam Reason for negative rating. Bitter truth?
If you think you can insult PA or its personnel without any retribution then you are highly mistaken. Re- read your comment edit it and i will take back the rating and next time be careful. You are on Pakistani forum not on BR.
The Indains are dumb to think they are 'sanctions free'. Just because Trump is ambiguous on this issue, it doesn't mean you are sanctions free. Iran is enemy numero uno now.

indians just live in a lala land..
If India gets the S400 what will happen to the F21 that was made for the Indian Airforce??
To understand America, you have to understand Trump.

The Indians are clueless, and are pushing their luck and America is running out of patience.

1. India is not negotiating at all with the American's regarding import tariffs.
2. USA will not have India take benefits from both Russia & America. (i.e. S400)

What the US wanted, was for India to buy military goods from the USA like they do from Russia. Well that ain't happening. Neither is India letting up Tariff's for American products. So there is no progress in TRADE. -10 points.

Then you have the strategic value of a nation, which in this case, Americans have no use. They have no plans to engage China on a military front, Afghanistan is too far away and so is Iran. The Indians won't allow the Americans to operate from India against Iran anyway as they're buying oil.

Ofcourse, this is just my opinion and obeservation, feel free to correct me at will.
No no india should buy s400 .. Americans are just bluffing... Support ur friend russia. Don't trust USA they are not good partners USA only uses friends for its own benefit.. Russia is a long term partner of india. Take russian stuff..

Americans have no leverage on india. If india buys american weapons then they give america a tool to make india its dependency a client state.
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