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Russia has denied media reports that it is close to selling Su-35S fighters to China

I don't mind,indeed welcome,having a few squadrons of SU-35s for political and (balance of)trade considerations,plus the fact that the PLAAF has huge fleets of J-7s and J-8s waiting for replacement。

And we can always learn a thing or two from Su-35 technological wise。

I agree. The rate of upgrading to modern assets in the PLAAF is very slow, some have attributed to the slow production of J-10s & J-11s. It's a prudent idea to acquire a few squadrons of SU-35. You can never have too many Flankers, they are awesome!
I don't mind,indeed welcome,having a few squadrons of SU-35s for political and (balance of)trade considerations,plus the fact that the PLAAF has huge fleets of J-7s and J-8s waiting for replacement。

And we can always learn a thing or two from Su-35 technological wise。
If we really want Su-35s, we sign a deal a long time ago. Strategically short-term, yes it is good to have Su-35s but long term, the money spend on Su-35s and its maintenance cost are much better spend on inducing more J10s and J-20s. With those two, we have complete control over parts and relevant technology. Beside a deal for Su-35 does not mean we will have it in immediatel future. Russia still need Su-35s for their AF first. It will take at least 3-5 years for Russia to build and send, and then our pilot will have to spend time training and mastering the technology. By the time we master Su-35, J-20 is ready for service. It is just not smart decision to have Su-35s and J-20s. The expense is too much when we are focusing more on the immediate future with modernizing our navy . We never look at thing in short-term. Always long-term.

PS, J-20 is beautiful. Two pic from sinodefense.



Btw, the fact that we didn't get Su-35s show that our PLAAF are confident J-20 is on schedule.
The Su-35 purchase really makes no sense. It is simply an outdated aircraft that won't even deliver for years.

Russia should just join China on the J-31 development for a medium stealth fighter to replace the Mig-29s. The J-31 is sized ideally for aircraft carriers and can fulfill different roles from the PAK FA. Also, the J-31 has a pretty decent export potential. Both Russia and China can benefit commercially by combining technology on this one.
Chinese like to buy 1 SU-33 from Ukraine and clone the hell out if it and call it their own lol this is their nature. They will hack, clone and do whatever it takes which is one thing I like about the Chinese haha funny bunch.

First they wanted Russia to sell them just a few lol it is the engine and the radar system on the SU-35 they are seeking but the Russians know the last time they did that they cloned the SU-27 lol so now it will be a water tight agreement which the Chinese are not keen on signing.

It would be really nice when people actually know what they are talking about. China has no use for the Su-35 since it is mass-producing the respective J-16 and J-15.

BTW, the Su-27 was never cloned; only the airframe was. The initial Su-27SKs were produced under license.

You have the brain the size of a pea first go read about what that prototype had and why the Chinese were keen to get their hands on it when Russia refused to sell them the SU33.

A little research would save you embarrassment. Sukhoi tried to sell Su-33s after the PLAN had already started testing the J-15; it was the PLAN that chose not to purchase the Su-33, not the other way around.
Chinese like to buy 1 SU-33 from Ukraine and clone the hell out if it and call it their own lol this is their nature. They will hack, clone and do whatever it takes which is one thing I like about the Chinese haha funny bunch.

First they wanted Russia to sell them just a few lol it is the engine and the radar system on the SU-35 they are seeking but the Russians know the last time they did that they cloned the SU-27 lol so now it will be a water tight agreement which the Chinese are not keen on signing.

At least they can clone. What can you do? Negotiate the hell out of 126 fighters. You cant build your planes, you cant buy your planes. You can only make noise and jump around.
China should just buy the engine technology...
Our engine development is fine and on schedule. Just need time to test and wait for maturity. Beside you don't understand our thinking. We have all the money in the world to buy but we choose the hard way. Self-reliant is a very important national goal. We will achieve it at all cost no matter how long, how hard it takes.
Our engine development is fine and on schedule. Just need time to test and wait for maturity. Beside you don't understand our thinking. We have all the money in the world to buy but we choose the hard way. Self-reliant is a very important national goal. We will achieve it at all cost no matter how long, how hard it takes.

The only question about J-20 is whether the WS-15 engine will be ready when the
plane goes into service in the latter part of the decade.

With the WS-15, the J-20 would beat all fighters bar the F-22 in aerial combat.
What is the quote of Su-35 ?

100 million each one ?

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