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US warns India of ‘serious implications’ if it picks Russian S-400 over American defense promises

I bet India and Turkey are too chicken to go against the Americans on S-400!
I can only say one thing,

Learn from Pakistan's mistakes.
Heavy reliance on any source is dangerous, US even more so.

A US Item will always have strings attached and will always have the looming risk of an Embargo.
What the supa power india will choose?
Let us watch who will Kneel down first ,india or turkey?
You are with us or against us Indian, you can't sit on the fence, else you will be pushed off.

No , no my friend , once you are on US side , you are doomed , we have experienced US friend and trust me it ain't good , your country has made a big mistake by joining hands with america and ignoring Russians , they are favouring us now , and you'll enjoy the perks of US friendship and you'll act by US orders ....
We haven't ignored Russians due to the Americans. We have only diversified our weapons imports and the % of imports from Yankees is relatively low when compared to Russians, Israelis and French. We are well aware of how US will ditch us during times of need if we procure any major weapons systems from them.

They've been pushing so hard to sell us the renamed F-21 aka F-16 but we continued to reject them and the only fighter jet IAF may procure in the foreseeable future is the Rafale. Deal for the S-400 has already been signed, we're procuring frigates & subs (license manufacturing & leasing) even though we have been building all our naval platforms indigenously in out shipyards but we want to maintain strategic balance, recent deal for license production of 750k AK-203 ARs, additional Su-30s & 450 T-90s to name a few.

We've been doing the balancing act for quite a while and I'm confident our diplomats are well versed with it and know when to draw the line

good point but too early to twist arm of India for spares as they have just those effective gunships. anyway I want India to challenge US and go for both deals. It will make ease for us to trade with Iran too. @Zapper
Apaches & Chinooks procured were of limited quantities and our major heavy lift/gunships are still primarily Russian. There is a possibility to procure more Apaches but that's about it, we're focusing on our indigenous platforms like the LCH, LUH, IMRH which for light gunships & light/medium lift choppers and they're already undergoing trails. It is only a matter of time India starts developing a medium/heavy gunship

With the # of systems procured from the US, yankees will have less threatening power in terms of spares because that's not what we'd primarily rely on during war times
The US-India defense ties will be put at risk should New Delhi purchase Russian S-400 air defense systems, a senior American diplomat warned, noting that India should think very carefully about making such strategic choices.

“At a certain point, a strategic choice has to be made about partnerships and a strategic choice about what weapons systems and platforms a country is going to adopt,” Alice Wells, US principal deputy assistant secretary for South and Central Asia, said this week at the hearings on US interests in South Asia and the budget for the fiscal year 2020.

India’s procurement of the S-400s “effectively could limit India’s ability to increase our own interoperability,” she said, explaining that Washington has “serious concerns” about the implications of the $5 billion deal signed with Russia in October on India-US defense ties.

There is no blanket waiver, or a country waiver when it comes to S-400.

Washington wants to capture India’s arms market, the diplomat told House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee for Asia, noting that US is now willing to sell equipment that previous administrations had refused to consider.

Under the Trump administration, we've been very clear that we're ready to help meet India’s defense needs and we are seeking a very different kind of defense partnership building on the 'Major Defense Partner' designation that India has received from Congress,” she said.

Securing new military deals is one of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s top priorities when he heads to India later this month, amid high trade tensions between both countries. Earlier this week, Pompeo said that Lockheed Martin’s F-21 and Boeing’s F/A-18 fighter offerings will be on the table. There had even been speculations that the US could offer the South Asian nation its fifth generation F-35 jets if only New Delhi would scrap its S-400 purchase.

The Trump administration is engaged in a global offensive trying to force countries, most notably India and Turkey, out of their defense deals with Moscow. Both Ankara and New Delhi have repeatedly slammed the American coercive diplomacy, stressing that Washington has no right to dictate its terms to sovereign nations when it comes to matters of national security.

India has very limited choice russia will tolerate anything against them specialy coming from US
The Americans are tying weapons choices with strategic alliances.

Tough choices for being a US ally.

United States ups the ante for India on S-400, says defence ties at risk

India’s acquisition of S-400s “effectively could limit India’s ability to increase our own interoperability”, Alice Wells, head of the state department’s South and Central Asia bureau told lawmakers at a congressional hearing.

The United States first used the interoperability argument in the context of S-400s against Turkey(REUTERS)
Updated: Jun 14, 2019 14:39 IST

By Yashwant Raj, Washington

A senior Trump administration official said on Thursday there were “serious concerns” about India’s planned acquisition of Russian S-400 missile defense systems that could not only leave India vulnerable to sanctions but also “limit” interoperability between US and Indian militaries, a key focus of growing ties between the two countries.

India’s acquisition of S-400s “effectively could limit India’s ability to increase our own interoperability”, Alice Wells, head of the state department’s South and Central Asia bureau told lawmakers at a congressional hearing.

The threat to defense interoperability is a new and developing argument Americans are deploying to ratchet up the ante for India by saying it could be risking growing defense ties marked by the signing last year of the Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA) that allows the sharing of classified defense intelligence and is considered a foundational military pact, the sale and offers of sale of hi-tech defense equipment and platforms to India and joint exercises.

“At (a) certain point a strategic choice has to be made about partnerships and a strategic choice about what weapons systems and platforms a country is going to adopt,” Wells said.

The United States first used the interoperability argument in the context of S-400s against Turkey, a NATO ally. It is in danger of losing the alliance’s next-generation F-35 fighter jets that it had contracted to buy, and already paid for, over its plans to buy the Russian missile defense systems despite American warnings and threats, because, US department of defense officials said earlier this week, the two platforms are “incompatible”. Americans, actually, fear that their cutting-edge, superior technologies could be compromised working in the same environment as Russian equipment.

Interoperability was Wells’s first line of argument on the issue of S-400s on India’s shopping list in response to a question from a lawmaker who wanted to know India’s reasons for pursuing the deal. And it overtook the threat of sanctions US officials had held out as the lead deterrent under a US law aimed at punishing Russia for the 2016 election meddling, the Countering American Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA).

It was not an empty threat at the time and now after a Chinese military procurement agency was sanctioned for buying the same Russian defense systems.

Wells did deploy the sanctions threat at the hearing, but later. “There is no blanket waiver or country waiver when it comes to an S-400,” she said, adding, “we have serious concerns about a possible S-400 purchase and we are continuing our conversation on what the United States or others … how they could assist India.”

The United States has offered India its top-of-the-line Terminal high Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) and Patriot-3 missiles defense systems instead, as obliquely acknowledged by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in a speech Wednesday to preview his upcoming first visit to India.

Pompeo mentioned the months-old offer of the two American missile defense system without mentioning S-400s. India has yet to respond and has seemed determined to go ahead with the Russian system, a deal that was formalized during President Vladimir Putin’s visit to New Delhi last October.

The United States is not about to give up though and it has conveyed it multiple times to Indians. But Indian interlocutors and officials, who have sought to overplay India’s clout in a miscalculated bid to brazen it out, either ignored the warnings or misread them. And not for the first time in recent times. Despite their pushy optimism, India did not get a second round of waiver from US sanctions on Iranian crude exports (India was one of their biggest buyers) and found itself kicked off a list of 120 countries whose products could enter the US duty free under the Generalized System of Preferences programme.

India has a lot of things going in their favour, they have deep pockets and the US has the best defense products to offer. India should abandon all Russian Jets and go for F-16 Block 70/80; 200 of those Jets would be game over for all Indian adversaries........maybe even Chinese, until the J-20/J-31 systems are mature enough to trump the stealth version of F-16 being offered to India.
India has a lot of things going in their favour, they have deep pockets and the US has the best defense products to offer. India should abandon all Russian Jets and go for F-16 Block 70/80; 200 of those Jets would be game over for all Indian adversaries........maybe even Chinese, until the J-20/J-31 systems are mature enough to trump the stealth version of F-16 being offered to India.

Do you think that THAAD rivals S-400?

Why aren't the Indians aqcuiring the US system despite multiple offers? The Americans have even dangled the F-35 carrot.
Do you think that THAAD rivals S-400?

Why aren't the Indians aqcuiring the US system despite multiple offers? The Americans have even dangled the F-35 carrot.
indian def ministry is highly politicized congress wants russia modi wants america.
Do you think that THAAD rivals S-400?

Why aren't the Indians aqcuiring the US system despite multiple offers? The Americans have even dangled the F-35 carrot.

In my opinion, Pakistan has a zero chance of acquiring any US made defense system, but there could have been a window of opportunity with the Russian S-400. India knows this very well, they are more interested to not allow Pakistan having any ABMD than buying one themselves. In addition, all US defense products come with some strings attached to them.
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As expected hahaha usa started its game
The US mantra will be the famous" you are either with us or against us".
The days of Indian fence sitting are over.
They will have to make a choice and Pakistan will be the beneficiary either way.
If the Trump decides to pursue this to it's logical conclusion then it's check mate for India.
4 more years, 4 more years...
The US mantra will be the famous" you are either with us or against us".
The days of Indian fence sitting are over.
They will have to make a choice and Pakistan will be the beneficiary either way.
If the Trump decides to pursue this to it's logical conclusion then it's check mate for India.
4 more years, 4 more years...

I suppose the Indians are trying to postpone the inevitable.

It would not be farfetched to claim that the Indians are caught between a rock and a hard place.
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